I've got the carter weber 1bbl on mine- all of the feedback mechanisms jammed up and stopped working, so I broke off the 'altitude adjuster' which is the round plastic thing on the top right of the carb which actuates the top flapper. I just unplugged everything else from it. Bend the pieces in there in such a way that it does not "lock" itself in position, and attach an aftermarket choke cable to the thing that used to be hooked to the temperature/thermo spring inside the plastic housing (the gold looking part, not the silver one that gives you high idle). (I broke my housing to get it out- just make sure you don't get plastic pieces in the carb).
I used a throttle lock kit from a 4x4 store, but you could probably get a choke cable from a tractor store or something too. Now I have a manual choke, which pulls on the altitude adjuster flapper of the carb. I even put a little throttle sping on it to pull it to the full open position, so when I pull on the cable, it closes it. It is a major hack, but the car idles great, starts in the cooler weather, and the mixture can be adjusted at will. I've found that it pings if the flapper is 100% open, so I run it just a tad closed.
I realize that this is super redneck, but the weber carb kit is not without its problems- like the coolant leak problems, the clearance issues, etc etc. Also, the weber is $400, plus we would need to change the intake manufold to use it.