All together and test drove today.
Weird howl from trans input shaft when in nuetral idling. Expected that. after short drive and idling it actually subsided quite a bit. I think if I don't hammer on 1st or 2nd gears for a few long cruises it might break in. I will change the Gear oil after about 50~100 miles, if it makes it that far, lol.
Suspension actually performed really well. After driving a tad, the spirngs settled, and ride height is about 1-1/2" below "topped out". A bit high, but actually rode really nice, didn't feel like it was lifting under accel. I didn't notice anything that seemed like CV cup interference.
Here's a shot sitting almost level.
IMG_0198 by Dans Subaru, on Flickr
And a sexy 14"+ ground clearance in the center. Slight lean to one side because of slope of my driveway and the dip it's straddling.
IMG_0201 by Dans Subaru, on Flickr
Close up of the Arm
IMG_0199 by Dans Subaru, on Flickr