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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/15/19 in all areas

  1. Hey guys! Got the pin in and the bearing and everything back together. Guess what? Bearing is fixed! The Loyale is ready to roll again. Really appreciate the help and if you see a gray Loyale around Portland with silver hood and liftgate, that's me! Thanks! kmpdx
    2 points
  2. The wiring diagram has the info you want. On top of the bell housing are 2 big connectors a 12 pin and a 16 pin. You want the 16 pin connector B11. Connector B11 has a brown wire from the tranny into Pin 11 and a White wire with a black stripe coming out that goes to TCU Connector B55 Pin 3. Check the diagram to see what the connectors look like. The AWD solenoid is the Duty C solenoid.
    2 points
  3. You are going to have a hell of a time getting those to hold air. Shouldn't be hard to find another set to work on.
    1 point
  4. Pardon the dumb question but since we only have the internet, how much fluid did you use to bleed? They can take a lot of fluid, like 64 ounces, to get all the air out when the system is significantly exposed to air. That still doesn’t explain the original loss of pedal which sounds like rear rust. The rust can be layered and sort of soak and deep rather than spray and drip. And it can be on top of the gas tank, all this can make initial leaks hard to find.
    1 point
  5. Disconnect battery, now you can work in peace. There should be a small button on the lower left trim panel down by your knee. If not look under the panel and it may be taped up. Hold in while you start car. Get key fob from Ebay and go to cars101.com to the section on programming remote, O.
    1 point
  6. Have a look in post called " Subaru Brumby not priming" it has a simple guide and photos for your temp gauge. Thread started by Mike
    1 point
  7. All Subaru cotter pin/roll pins are the same Like Lego remember? Cheers Bennie
    1 point
  8. Google search pulled up an oem site. Plugged in vehicle info and the correct part popped up. Since they are still available, I went ahead and ordered a few to have myself. It's the smallest things that are hard to find for these gems.
    1 point
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