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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/19 in all areas

  1. YAY! She started right up! Crankity-crankity, then running with a clickity-clackity and then the boy turned her off. In a panic, he asked, "What's that?" I told him it's just the upper end, and the engine needed to pump oil up there. So we started her, with the EXACT same results, from the engine and from the boy! I told him to start her up, and stop turning her off! He did, and 3 seconds later, she's purring. With a HUGE fuel leak! Seems, I buggered up an o-ring on the #2 injector.... Off to get o-rings tomorrow... But this validates the link counting! Thanks all for your input. Mike
    3 points
  2. I was going to say new fuel pump required, same line as naru2 is on with the fuel pressure. Cheers Bennie
    1 point
  3. I would start by checking fuel pressure after the power loss and stalling begins.
    1 point
  4. And just as an anecdote. Here's how my '01 VDC came to me: 20190602_191605 by Numbchux, on Flickr Front ujoint broke at fairly low speed (20-30mph, according to the PO). Ripped the heat shield off, beat up the exhaust pretty bad, and mangled the rear oxygen sensor. I can absolutely see how with more speed, or just different luck, that shaft would have been kicked up into the shift cable and body-side linkage.
    1 point
  5. Thats not a bad idea... better than my cheap etcha sketch idea lol
    1 point
  6. A friend at work who is big on old Datsuns found this and passed it along to me. It might not be ideal for those of us in the states, but at least they exist! https://www.facebook.com/1019828981401739/posts/subaru-brumby-brat-owners-will-be-pleased-to-know-that-we-have-brand-new-tailgat/2562631333788155/
    1 point
  7. Sick looking hatch! I’d have one if they were available over here. Same for the L series RXII coupe! Cheers Bennie
    1 point
  8. Ok thanks for the input it is much apprecitated. The car seemed to run fine for the 20 seconds I ran it to get it into its spot for engine removal. And the timing belt did have most of it's tension on it when I took it off, So I think it will be ok. I will time it crank it over by hand a coiple times and if she seems ok I will put it in the car and do a comp test with the motor. I will reports back in a few days. Working on another projeect for a friend that is more urgent. Again thanks for everyones input.
    1 point
  9. If the choke isn't adjusted correctly, and working correctly, this is what you get. Be careful if you decide to do much inside the carb, they are complicated and picky.
    1 point
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