G’day Scoby4wd,
As you’ve said, under the defrost vents are three bolts. Under the dashboard left and right are two bolts on the lower A pillar.
Remove the centre console.
Remove any panels from above foot area. On either side of the heater box is some moulded ducting. Remove this, it clips in top and bottom. Can be a tight fit in there.
Again, either side of the heater box are the cables for vent and temps. There is also one for the outside air vent high up under the dashboard. Disconnect these.
Disconnect the main wiring plugs near the fuse panel. You might need to drop the fuse panel to access them properly. There will be other fiddly wiring clips to undo here and there. Take note of these for reassembly. I believe there is one wiring plug that goes to a relay or some box on the firewall. Keep an eye out for this sucker.
Remove the steering wheel and drop the steering column - or remove the whole steering column (leaving the steering wheel in place).
Pull the speedo cable from the back of the instrument cluster.
Hold the dashboard and jiggle it gentle to loosen it’s sitting position. Feel for any resistance as this could indicate a missed mounting bolt/nut.
Carefully lift the dashboard avoiding the windscreen (can easily crack the windscreen). Again check for any resistance while removing, it’s usually easiest to go out the passenger door, but really it doesn’t matter and will be more about what has better shed access (if indoors).
It’s easier to do if you’ve got the windscreen removed! Those bolts under the demister vents are vertical and are a PITA to get at with the windscreen in place. Still doable though.
The replacement dashboard should drop straight in place of the old one. Install is the reverse of removal, or close enough to it.
Pull the cracked one first! Learn, clean the firewall etc. Then pull the good dashboard out. Now is a good time to add AC if you don’t have it but have access to a full kit.
I think that’s about it. It’s been a few months since I did this last so I may have missed some finer details.