Personally, I have one that got to 200K+. It had also been badly overheated, and after I resealed it, it burned oil like mad. Like a quart per 10 gallons of gas bad. I figure the oil rings got cooked. Never had a sign of rod / bearing problems. I ran it on waste oil from other cars alternated with whatever cheap oil I came across for a good few years before the head cracked, a while after it passed 200K. I have a few that are over 150K by a good bit, with no signs of problems with that sort of thing. Here, rust has killed the bodies before I could get much over 200K. But I have read about more than a few that made it into the 300 -400K range without major rebuilding. The engines I have now, I figure are my lifetime supply. My work changed to mostly work from home a couple years ago, so my driving miles have dropped by half, and with it split between 2 cars, the miles don't rack up as fast as they did for me 10 or more years ago.