You go on ahead and ask a machinist. They will also LOL at you.
You're really going to sleeve an engine for which you can no longer buy an oil pump?
Talk about a stupid waste of money.
WE DO sleeve EJ's for performance reasons. The cost to INSTALL and machine for the sleeves (not the cost of the sleeves or the block itself) is about $3,000
We are already seeing this on 2011's and 2012's. 10 years is about the useful life of a plastic radiator - especially with the new OAT blue coolant. Seems to be causing softening of the plastics. We just saw a lower tank failure on a 2014 a few months ago. We are now telling people 6-8 years is time for replacement.
Also we are now mandating all plastic cam sprockets be replaced if we touch them. All are now 10 years old and we have had a few just come apart. One flew apart and bent 8 valves in a 2010 Forester about 11 months after a head gasket replacement. The plastic sheared off of the steel sprocket it was molded around. No appearance of cracks or damage on the remaining "ring" of the sprocket. Had a 25D sprocket explode a few years ago also - found all the pieces and nothing missing or chipped.
Welcome to plastic.
Im not talking about small 4wheelers here. Im talking about the large side by sides that are larger and heavier than Brats. They have a huge selection of 14in custom rims and DOT aproved tires.
Im not talking about smashing them together and running them as is. Im looking to see how much of a problem it would be to have them properly clearanced. I will check it out and post what i find. Just curious and in no way recommended something sketchy or dangerous. I don't think an idea can be wrong, just the application of the idea. Stay tuned, it may not lead to anything, but i will look into it.
The Body Restoration was Finished, I Washed Clean the Carpets and the Seats,
also the Door Panels; then I put it back together.
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