I'm new to this computer stuff, haven't been working on my own car for a while, I can still turn a wrench, who to go to with questions is the hard part. I recently started tinkering with a few foresters 2000 thru 2005, I did the timing and head gaskets on all 5. I was amazed at my ability to do this alone, the hardest part was torque while the engine was on the rack, that is the only time I really needed help to hold it still. On my 5th one I had designed locks for the wheels. The 1st job leaked, my torque was off, the other 4 are running fine, and I made a profit. I can't get more cars until I finish #1. Year 2000 ej25 the head bolt stripped out. I'll be searching the threads or archives for advise on those inserts and my other issues. I sure hope the simple little questions that come up and get me stuck will be easily answered, thanks for being here !