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Viewing Topic: 86 GL slipping into 4hi
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Viewing Topic: EA82 engine noise video
Viewing Topic: Who has the most Gen Ii Brats?
Viewing Topic: Breaking rusted damaged frozen bolts free - advice
Viewing Topic: 93 legacy 22T swap to 92 loyale about get started
Viewing Topic: Bigger Maf Sensor
Viewing Topic: front wheel bearing replacement
Viewing Topic: Subaru EA82 to EA82T
Viewing Topic: Narrowing a starting problem
Viewing Topic: motors and engines
Viewing Topic: EJ22 Headgaskets quality questions
Viewing Forum: 1990 to Present Legacy, Impreza, Outback, Forester, Baja, WRX&WrxSTI, SVX
Viewing Topic: P0183 Fuel temperature sensor A circuit high input
Viewing Topic: all wheel steering
Viewing Topic: valve cover still leaking after replacement
Viewing Topic: EA82 timing belt cover difference on # 1 & 3's side
Viewing Topic: just bought a 1996 legacy with issues.
Viewing Topic: Subaru Parade,World Record !
Viewing Topic: I cant believe I am even saying this...but...
Viewing Topic: ECM problems
Viewing Topic: '96 legacy, sketchy or not?
Viewing Topic: R.R.'s whot chya up to this weekend?
Viewing Topic: cabin air filter.
Viewing Topic: My leaktastic EJ22
Viewing Topic: Frigid weather--rough ride?