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Everything posted by edrach

  1. Ken might be annoyed with you or someone else---probably with good reason if that's the case. But, trust me, there's not a mean bone in his body.
  2. That's what I mean.....and yes, you are in your own class!
  3. For those who are following my learning curve about webers and emissions on my Brat, you might have noticed I'm looking for a way to check mixture on my Brat without paying some emissions shop $$$$$$$$ to sniff while I change idle jets on the weber. Anyway, oddcomp suggested using the existing O2 sensor and making a display/readout to monitor the sensor and have some idea what's happening to the mixture. Anyone here have some idea what the output of the O2 sensor is? I suspect it's resistive; what kind of values could I expect for rich, lean, and in-between. Anyone seen any "homemade" displays that would do what I'm looking for?
  4. Just like rallycross, except there are almost as many classes as contestants!
  5. 2nd update. Came home from work today and checked the idle mixture screw on the Brat. Sure enough, only 3/4 turn indicating too rich. Now to find some jets and find which one is ideal to replace the 45 in there now.
  6. As near as I can tell the only difference between the 2WD and 4WD disk setups on the EA82T is the backing plate and hub. Rotor, caliper, and pads are all the same.
  7. Update. Seems Bow-wow had the right idea, but the primary idle jet is an air bleeder jet. To lean out the mixture I need to go up in size (50, 55, 60, etc.) until I get the right mixture; this is from the tech guy at carbs unlimited. I still wish I had a way to tell if the emissions was better or worse.
  8. Congratulations on a milestone. It's a milestone for us on the USMB also for all the help and assistance you've given us everytime we've asked for it. Your unselfish willingness to help and assist is a fine example to others. Here's to another ten years of success for you.
  9. Not you Junkie, another Brian. Actually, I'm kidding about it being the other Brian. A little offbeat edrach humor that really misses the point.
  10. The last time I bought the GR-2s, I got them from Expressauto Parts. www.expressautoparts.com http://www.expressautoparts.com/PartSearch/getpart.cfm?year=1992&make=SU&model=LOY-4WD-001&category=L&part=Shock%20Absorber
  11. Over the last five years we've had 7 older Subarus in the family. Most of them were "beaters" when we got them. So clutches were a common item. We've never had to replace a clutch a second time other than my '84 Brat. I had installed a used but good clutch in it when Jerry did the 5 speed conversion. 3 years later I installed a rebuilt engine and put a new clutch in it; the old clutch didn't look too bad and I might wind up using it on one of my older cars again.
  12. Rick, I think you're correct in your assesment. A smaller primary idle jet. I spoke to one of the guys at the Lynnwood Bow-Wow shop this evening and he gave me a simplified description of what might be happening. Primarily (no pun intended) the weber does almost everything off the primary idle jet and mixture adjustment up to about 3000 rpm. The secondary idle jet is just there to provide a smooth transition for the secondary barrel when it starts to open up at about 3500 rpm. Air corrector jets do not affect things much as long as enough air is getting into the mixture; the main jets only affect things in the upper rpm range. So that leaves me with the choice of just dropping the primary idle jet one or two sizes from the 45 that's in there now. Now if I only had a sniffer to tell whether it made a difference.
  13. The primary difference for the Prestone extended life orange coolent is that it is low phosphate and less prone to corrode aluminum radiators and/or leave deposits that can clog the tubing. I used the orange Prestone (diluted with DISTILLED water for 5 years on my '86 GL without any problems).
  14. I checked what is in mine and I found 45 and 50 idle jets for the primary and secondary; 170 and 160 for the primary and secondary air correctors. I'm still looking for where to find the main jets.
  15. Maybe because he just closed on his new house last Monday.
  16. I've had good success and quality clutch kits for a good price from karleen at theclutchplace@aol.com; tell her you saw it on the USMB. They ship promptly and they've had the best price on every clutch I've bought in the last 4 years (I always price shop to be sure).
  17. While you're at it check the vacuum advance unit also, altho that shouldn't be a problem at idle unless it's always advanced. Make sure you're firing on all four cylinders--put a timing light pickup on each ignition wire. I've had a car run on only two cylinders at idle and once off idle the other two cylinders would start to fire and the car ran just fine.
  18. Depends on who has money in the bank. Anyway, depending on looks, condition, and luck....$1000 to $1500. Pricey stuff never seems to sell and it winds up on ebay.
  19. My only problem is to get it to pass emissions. HCs at idle are around 600ppm: just passes at cruise. Gas mileage is better than I've ever gotten with the Hitachi. Coming back from WCSS6 with a fully loaded Brat (three sets of wheels and tires and a bunch of tools and parts) and towing a small utility trailer fully loaded with more stuff, I got 27.7 mpg. Nothing to complain about there. GD: Judging from the jet sizes, I suspect I should decrease the idle jet opening one or two sizes and increase the air jet accordingly. Does this make sense?
  20. Caleb, did you ever find out the info on the jetting? I'm having an emissions issue with the new engine (fails bigtime HCs at idle) and wondering if reducing idle jet and increasing idle air would help).
  21. Hi Andrzej!Welcome to the Board. Good luck with your new car. In a way, I'm from Poland. I was born in Wroclaw....except it was still called Breslau then. Small world isn't it? ---Ed---
  22. I've found that vibration during aceleration which goes away instantly when you let off on the gas can be due to a bad DOJ (inner joint on the axle).
  23. Talk about planning ahead. I don't know about memorial day, but labor day weekend might work!
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