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Everything posted by edrach

  1. If the receipt is recent, I would guess the PO got a bad reman. My vote is for replacing that side (just a guess).
  2. I've re-compressed a number of tensioners with a large bench vise. It takes less than 10 minutes if you pause about 30 seconds between each tightening. Line up the holes for the "grenade pin" that will hold the tensioner together. I tighten about 1/8th turn each time; you'll get a feel for it if you go too fast. Also, make sure that the "grenade pin" that you use to hold the tensioner together comes out in the correct direction when mounted (look to see how you want to insert the pin BEFORE you remove the tensioner). I use a "L" hex wrench or heavy coat hanger wire for the grenade pin. Edit: All my tensioners were for pre-97 EJ's; I don't know if this applies to the newer version.
  3. Sorry, too dark last night to get a good look at both Brats; just noted the difference in the instrument cluster.
  4. Yes, it can be done without removing the engine. However, I'd consider replacing the water pump at the same time (do you really think it will last another 100k miles; labor to replace it is practically the same). Also, any idlers that don't sound perfect will need replacement. And, lastly, unless you can re-compress the belt tensioner yourself, you'll need a new one of those. Also, OEM only on the belt, water pump, and tensioner. Quality non-OEM idlers can be found. Also you don't need a jack. But removing the radiator (and what comes with this) will make it much easier. Lastly, is your car a '97 or later model? If so, it's an interference engine; if you do it wrong, it's an expensive fix. A non-interference engine will just require a "do-over" without any internal damage.
  5. The dash assembly is the same, but the instrument cluster for the DL did not have a tach or oil pressure guage (or temp guage if I remember correctly). Just idiot lights for temp and oil.
  6. The definitive test for DOJ failure is if the vibration does away when you let off on the gas pedal. If the vibration stays on trailing throttle it's not the DOJ. Sometimes the vibration is so slight another person not used to your car would not notice it; sometimes it can be so bad you think the transmission is about to fall out of the car. In either case, if the vibration ceases on trailing throttle it's a pretty definite indication of a bad DOJ.
  7. EJ22 is good, but EJ18 is more available, more reliable, and cheaper. Not much difference in HP. Which Brat are you upgrading? Gen1 or Gen2?
  8. Certainly does look like fun. Brings back memories of the Icekhana series put on by Taconic Autosports Club back in the "day." I'm not sure if they're still doing it but it was usually a 6 week series every Sunday on a course set up on a frozen lake. Not head to head racing but more like an autocross event. I wasn't very good, but I had a great time.
  9. I'd find a good reason to spend some time "south of the border" have them mounted and not mention it unless asked. I remember a few years ago, taking a "getaway weekend" with my wife in Abbotsford and picking up a set of four Hakkis and having them mounted on my car before returning to the U.S. At the time, the Hakkis were not available here and the Canadian dollar was lower than it is now. So that difference paid for the motel and dinners and sight-seeing.
  10. The higher output alternators usually charge to a slightly higher voltage and 2000 rpm. I wouldn't be concerned with 14.3V (I think the max should be around 14.5) and 13.5 to 13.8 is pretty typical. But for sure the 15V and continuing increase with rpm is a sign the internal regulator is not working. Take it back and get another. As to the headlights not working, check the bulbs again; 16V or more will fry the filament pretty quickly. As a matter of fact, having both low beams burn out together is a pretty common indication of a faulty regulator in the alternator.
  11. So does the fan start to run when starting to overheat at idle? If not, it's either a fan or switch problem. Which model do you have? This would help in suggesting a trouble-shooting sequence.
  12. I was disappointed when Subaru went to the smaller filter size; erroneously I thought that larger was better although I had no data to support that fact. Talking to a number of people whose opinion I respect in regards to engines and their longevity, I came to the conclusion that if Fuji Heavy Industries uses the smaller filter on their larger, more sporty engines (i.e. EJ25, WRX, STi), then the smaller OEM filter is just fine on my '97 model L Impreza. Since I change my oil and filter at a 3000 mile or less interval (let's not get into a discussion on that ) I don't see any point in spending more money, time, and effort into speculative "improvements" regarding oil filters without any hard data to support that.
  13. This will certainly carry you over to when the local season starts again. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozntieZs8Bg Full screen and full volume!!
  14. I'm no expert, but if Subaru is happy with the smaller filter in their WRX and STi screamers, I'm certainly happy with the smaller flter on my EJ22 Impreza. I change my oil and filter every 2500 miles. Sounds like I should skip changing the filter every other oil change.
  15. Useful link for OEM alternator part numbers in the USRM. http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=104949
  16. If that's the case, adjustment is too tight. Loosen it up a tad.
  17. Glad you got back in one piece. I hate think about getting stuck out there overnight. Friggin cold. Nice you came out and were able to pick up their distress call. I wonder if that was why we saw so many emergency vehicles coming up the road as we were going home. At the time I thought it was a pretty major response for the family that had put it in the ditch on the hairpin turn.
  18. Let me think about that. PAP is hard to get into now during the week (early closing at 5PM) and I value my weekends (especially this month). Also, my success at testing them has disappeared since my "contact" at the autoparts store left.
  19. Nice pics. You had more than I. I can't post them; too much trouble re-size them and I don't have a posting 'site. I like picasweb; first 'site that was intuitive enough for me to look at them without needing directions. One of these days, I'll have to set one up.
  20. Were you talking about the cars spinning donuts in the field; or the Krispy Kreme donuts? There were some of the KK stuff left over. If you missed them, you weren't paying attention.
  21. Many years of alternators are mechanically inter-changeable, but the cable that plugs in may be different (round plug on the older cars, square plug on the newer one). Also, the output is usually higher on the newer cars. Check the alternator part number chart posted in the USRM to see which types were OEM on the vehicle.
  22. Most often, as GD says, they don't fail but are mis-adjusted so they appear not to work. Too loose and they don't hold; too tight and you don't disengage the brake as you let out the clutch. Here's a tip on adjusting it: Tighten the cable until you can just squeeze a dime between two turns of the coil spring. Use the dime like you would a feeler guage. You might have to tweak it just a hair from that, but generally that works just perfectly for me. 2nd tip: Make sure your clutch cable is properly adjusted FIRST. Also make sure you test it on a hill not on a level street.
  23. Those of us who were there (looked like about 40 cars but I didn't actually count them) had a good time. Thin layer of snow on the road on FR70 on the way in; was icey and more treacherous on the way out. We came upon a half-rolled large truck (hard to tell from the underside) at the imfamous hairpin turn. We pulled over to assist just as another car was coming up the hill stopped to assist. JRach and another person held the passenger door open, while the passenger and a 6 year old climbed out; and then a very embarassed driver. Thankfully no one hurt. It's going to be tricky to right the truck and pull him out of the ditch. I was too busy trying to be useful to grab the camera and take some pictures. We saw a number of aid/forest service cars heading up while we continued down. The day was bitter cold as reported and qman had to nail down the canopy to keep it from blowing away. Lots of firewood and the fire was a popular congregating location. Hot dogs were plentiful and thanks to Debbie for all the hard work cooking them. Hot chocolate and hot cider were more welcome than the cold, bottled iced tea I schlepped along. Thanks also to the guy from Vancouver who brought the apple and apple/cherry cobbler; it was delicious. More cars came up to play in the snow than previous years, but the hardy ones among us did get their trees off the mountain. We shared our staging area with some jeeps and other 4WD trucks; but we outnumbered them all. The two jeeps were amazing; I have to give them that.
  24. Impreza is packed and ready to go. I'll be picking up the kid and his gf bright and early in the morning. It will be cold, but we'll survive.
  25. I second that all this will tell you is that it's electrical; no spark could be either bad ignitor or bad coil.
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