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Everything posted by Dickensheets

  1. let's be careful here, the correct terminology is "hold my beer and watch this!" Sorry about your car. My next call would be to CCR engine builders. rd
  2. The exact same thing happened to me a few months ago. Except I had my son (2) with me fussing the whole time. I stopped before I spun too much and shoveled a path for all 4 tires and tamped it down with said shovel. Luckily I thought to bring a shovel! Anyway I also aired down while it was stuck to increase the footprint. It worked. The key is to not spin after you think you are stuck!!! rd
  3. Correct me if I am wrong, but multi viscosity oil thickens as it warms. It's called anti-newtonian charateristics because it defies the laws of the natural world. In other words 10w-40 is ten when cold for easy starting and 40 when warm for better cushioning. rd
  4. Here's an update: After 50 miles of testing (read reckless driving) I've not gotten one screech slide or squeal out of them!! The stick is incredible and the ride is smoother than the old X Ones. That's even running with 40psi which I do in most conditions. I think the bolts holding the seat to the floor are now the weak link in my Roo.
  5. Yes the ratio is less (60v.70) but by going up two sizes in width over stock the wall height is almost unchanged. Keep in mind I have only 20 miles on these things but I am stoked so far on the handling and smoothness. And the rim is protected from curbs now where before they were flush with the sidewall almost. Happy thus far.
  6. Falken ZE329 225 - 60 - 15 on my 97 Outback. They are quiet and grippy!!! No more offramp squeal. These replaced old Michelin X ONEs. I got them at NTB for $74 a piece. They are rated for 50,000 miles. I specifically wanted a softer/wider tire than OEM type stuff. After some weather and maybe some beach runs I will report back.
  7. Hydroplane speed = 9 x sq. root of the tire pres. If pres. differs among tires, hydroplaning will not occur uniformly. rd
  8. If you find yourself at a stoplight now and then put the shifter in nuetral. Unloads the tranny. Helps cooling of the ATF. rd
  9. I think you're fine. That size trailer is ok as long as you use some common sense down the interstate. Easy acceleration moderate cruise speeds (55-60mph) downshift to 3rd on hills and slow down, AC off easy decelleration (brake friendly) rd
  10. I've got them on my 97 OBW. I bought the car used at 77k. I now have 112k and the tread looks fine. I have no way of knowing how many miles are on them. Good so far. For me, I will go more aggressive on the tread upon replacement for the occasional offroading. rd
  11. Listen to your old man. Seriously, the wires cured similiar stumbling for me. For what it's worth. rd
  12. Waterpump? try racing the engine while looking under the car - any drips?
  13. Well I tried but I suck with computers, so give me your email and I'll send the photo of the tools.
  14. This worked well for me the last few times. Hose is to start the plug as to not crossthread, and the anti seize goop is just insurance. rd sorry I thought the pic was bigger. I'll try to resize it.
  15. It is tight. But very doable. Remove washer tank and air intake pieces for improved access. Do a search for specifics on the tools. Actually give me a few hours and I'll post a pic of my tool setup. rd
  16. Small plastic housing at lower end of lower radiator hose. 2 small bolts. rd
  17. There are also some products sold in a pres. can that plug into the fuel system with the car's fuel pump unplugged. This way you don't remove the injector. rd
  18. pay cover charge, they don't lend tools, pay on way out, they look in your toolbox sometimes on way out. rd
  19. Do yourself a favor and change it. Drain into gallon milk jug to determine how much to put back in, drive around block. Repeat 3x. rd
  20. Replace the plug wires. Worked for me with similiar symptoms.
  21. Find the flexplate access hole on the rear of engine. Remove dust cap, insert large screwdriver. This locks engine from rotating. Remove all bolts with old belt in place. This holds everything still. No expensive tool required. rd
  22. I would say if it runs smooth and drives well then yes. Get a quote for the exhaust repair just so you know. rd
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