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Everything posted by Dickensheets

  1. I just did all this 6 months ago. I didn't use special tools. I have a few recommendations though: 1) loosen crank bolt and cam bolts with the old belt in place and a small pry bar in the bell housing viewing port. 2) For retorquing same, I used a pair of 16" slip joint pliers to hold the cam pulleys stationary (2 man job for me). They have small angular surfaces upon which to grab without damaging the teeth. 3) Take 5 min and remove the radiator - you'll be glad for the extra elbow room. 4) I too used a large clamp to squish the tensioner - slowly! 5) Buy a subaru belt - it has timing marks on it, makes life a little easier.
  2. Try not to use the offbrand gas. Try some "namebrand" (Chevron, Shell) and report back. If you are doing Lombard street every morning on the way to work you will get poor mileage. All those hills and city stop and go will definitely kill it.
  3. Okay, I see the hoist, duh. Will these motors mount up to an engine stand? I notice you are using a pallet. rd
  4. How long to get the engine out and how did you lift it? Also any pitfalls or gotchas putting it back in? rd
  5. I would do it for sure. Go to summitracing.com and they have a wide variety of fluid coolers. Heat is the biggest enemy of the automatic transmission. It is said that if the fluid ever reaches 270 degrees F, the unit is toasted. A temp guage might be a good idea since you will be towing. If the nipples on the rad are not labeled in/out and noone else has this info, then pull one off and start the motor briefly - you will have your answer. rd
  6. Thanks dudes!! I opted for the triple drain with a drive around the block between each. I now have good color and shifting!! rd
  7. 97 obw 4eat. Dexron something or other??? I'm going to Wal Mart in the morning. rd
  8. Go back and buy that car. If a leaking $2 oil seal is the worst problem you can find let me know where it is and I'll buy it. rd
  9. I want to change tranny fluid on the 4eat, are the two types compatible? Currently have dino,want to use syn this time around. rd
  10. Did a search on 4eat shuddering straight ahead on takeoff. Found a few threads on this. Someone mentioned using an anti-shudder additive to de-varnish the internals. Anyone else tried this? btw - 97 obw 4eat, 108,000 miles. rd
  11. Even if it doesn't bolt up, you fab some brackets from some scrap metal and wala! A lot of radiators will drop in this way. rd
  12. Looking for a source of supply for those of you running with these. Also, is it just more surface area which makes them better, and do they mount in front of the radiator like on big trucks? rd
  13. Can you explain what you guys are getting at? I thought LSD was the bomb.com offroad.
  14. The next question is how do I get one to transplant into my 97obw? I'm guessing it would plug and play, right?
  15. Wow cool! Thanks I feel better now. I was going by what's on Sube's official website. They should make this a selling point. Thanks guys.
  16. Why is the Forrester the only model offered with the viscous LSD in the rear? I think it would be a nice option for the Outback and the Baja as well. rd
  17. Is there anything metallic hanging from your mirror...... Like a huge underwire bra leftover from prom or something?
  18. Cool, maybe i'll try it. I did my own version of your experiment with 50/50 mix of 10w-30 and 5w-40. It was an improvement. I've heard others have good results with diesel grade oil.
  19. I knew that was coming.. the sand you see is the only place I felt comfortable stopping for a pic, the sand was more powdery off the path and I did avoid the much of it because I couldn't risk getting my family stuck. On a side note I've had the same car on the beach near Galveston in the powdery stuff. The main difference was the presence of numerous 4x4s there to rescue me if need be - which was not needed. rd
  20. Yeah it's north of Houston about 30 miles on the San Jacinto River. HWY 242 can be seen in the backdrop of the 2nd pic. I like to take my dogs there to run and get dirty.
  21. I was aired down to about 25psi and it motored through with no problems. I'll get more action photos next time.
  22. this is one of those horrible engines. Except this one has 110,000 miles with no probs. I learned digital photos today!!!!!!!!!!
  23. I would check ebay to see what they are going for. Then lowball the dude. rd
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