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Everything posted by sforsyth

  1. Hi Thanks for the comment - there's no vibration yet, but the self centring action is weak, aftter the one CV was done. The alignment went out when it was replaced. The dealer hasn't been able to get the steering wheel to point straight ahead again, so I wouldn't be surprised if he couldn't do the alignment either... Sandy
  2. Hi Can I switch the left and right front CV's on a 94 Loyale? The right side is new and I want to keep the left side going until the end of the year by reversing the CV's direction of travel to stop the clicking. Sandy
  3. Hi I've just changed a front driveshaft on my Loyale to get rid of the clicking CV. Wouldn't you know it, the dealer replaced the wrong side... Said that the boot on the r/f side was torn so he assumed the CV was on that shaft. He didn't bother road testing and won't refund as "with the boot broken it was going to have to be done eventually anyway"... So I'm feeling broke and the click's still there. The clicking started about 2 months ago and is only noticeable in very sharp corners, so the CV shouldn't be totally wrecked yet. I can't tell whether its the inner or outer CV. Can I turn the l/f driveshaft 180 degs so the CVs are running the other way round? Would this help? I don't know whether the driveshafts are the same length. If they are would it make more sense to switch l side driveshaft to r side? Sandy
  4. What about lubrication inside the gearbox/transfer box? Sandy
  5. Hi I need to tow my 4WD, Manual Loyale wagon about 1000km on a dolly - Motor Vehicle Branch here threatened licensing issues for weight if I attach a flat bed trailer to the back of the Uhaul truck... So it looks as though I need to disconnect the rear drive. Is it better to do the halfshafts on each side of the diff, or the driveshaft itself? Just how difficult is this? What "special tools" do I need for it? And is there an easy way to tie the driveshaft/s in place so I don't leave them behind Regards Sandy
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