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Everything posted by Camelwagon

  1. Also, where is the number on the carb located? THanks.
  2. Hm ok thanks. What kinda car and year do you have? Thanks.
  3. So how do you find the carburator number for an 85 EA82? There are to different posibilities for that one too at the stores. Thanks..
  4. Come on, pleaase someone helppppppp. Thanks.
  5. Where is the thermostat on an 85 GL ea82? Is it on the upper hose right in the housing where it meets the engine? Thanks.
  6. No one knows where the carb ID number is on a Hitachi??
  7. Anyone know the carb ID number for an 85 GL 4x4 EA82 Hitachi? I need to rebuild it. Thanks.
  8. Caboobaroo, whats the carb number for an 85 GL 4wd ea82? I need to rebuild it. Thanks.
  9. So does it still work though without the light? How can you tell if its still working? Thanks.
  10. Wow, more complicated than I thought, i didnt know there were so many parts under there. My Suby is dual range also. Can you post a pic of the spring and maybe where its located? How do I get it off and put on? Thanks.
  11. So the temp sensor on top of the thermostat housing? Two pins as in two wires coming out from the top of it or what? I'll check. Also if I do get a new thermostat, how hot should it open up at?? Thanks.
  12. Ok my stick shift goes all over the place, sometimes I'm not sure what gear I'm in. It doesnt have any resistance like most sticks do, mine doesnt have that spring or whatever it has, any ideas? I can move it in neutral from left to right and it just sits there, it doesnt bounce back to the center and its very loose. Is there a piece missing or something to adjust? Thanks lots.
  13. On an 85 GL, when I put it in 4x4 low, is there supposed to be a light on the dash that lights up? The 4x4 high green light lights up but no Low light. Thanks.
  14. Hehe.. Ya thats what I have, high HC and low CO.
  15. Ya I see that. Seems like it overheats only sometimes... crazy. Thanks.
  16. I'll let ya know and maybe take a pic this weekend... I'm off to canoeing and camping yaaa baby!! Have a good weekend and thanks for your help 1985...
  17. Actually high HC does mean lean mixture, I've read that a few times on this forum and the emissions testing place gave me a print out of possible causes and that was one of them.
  18. At idle. High HC. I had it checked by an emissions dude yesterday and he said i am not getting enough fuel in the carb, he turned the mixture screw either way and still very high HC's. Said i have a miss too.
  19. Dang it seems like I'm taking over this forum with so many problems... ughggh. Anyways my Suby is losing power and kinda almost flooding and missing around the 2-3k rpm range and after that its fine. It happens in 1st thru 3rd gears... I think i have a miss somewhere. I kinda have to pump the gas pedal a few times to make it clear up and go past 3k rpms. And then when it clears up it feels like a turbo kicking in, has lotsa power on up the range. Well "lotsa" is a relative term for the Suby. Any ideas? Thanks.
  20. So its normal? Do you think the temp sensor needs replacing or cleaning the connections? Is it located right on top of the thermostat?
  21. Well i replaced the fuel filter. Maybe the pump isnt doing its job? Hehe ya i could pinch it.. or can I just disconnect the pcv hose for the test?
  22. Ok my Suby is overheating when I'm driving and have my heater on for some reason. This is very weird cuz usually an engine SHOULDN'T overheat when the heater is being used...?.? What is up? Thermostat?
  23. Well I just failed emissions yesterday again for high (700) HC at idle and low CO. Seems like my carb needs rebuilt, had it checked by an emissions guy and he says i'm not getting enough fuel in there somehow, its running lean either way I turn the mixture screw. Not sure if he's right or wat but he showed me on his emissions computer, he turned the screw from all the way left to all the way right and the HC's were really high either way. And NOTHING works man, i tried a couple bottles of HEET plus denatured alcohol and that "Guaranteed to Pass" crap AND Seafoam and nothing helped, still failed emissions. He also squeezed the PCV hose and the HC's went down pretty low so I'm not sure wats up with that... And he says i have a miss but says that probably not whats causing the HC's. Hmmm.
  24. Hm well I turned the screw the right way and still failed emissions. I had my car checked by an emissions guy and he says i'm not getting enough fuel in the carburator somehow, its running lean either way I turn the mixture screw. He showed me on his emissions computer, he turned the screw from all the way left to all the way right and the HC's were really high both ways. He also squeezed the PCV hose and the HC's went down pretty low so I'm not sure wats up with that... And he says i have a miss but says that probably not whats causing the HC's.
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