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  1. Thanks Prezios for the schematic. While it may as well be written in Ancient Egyptian for my use, hopefully someone can pull something from it. So I'm turning the forum back to those Subarubly inclined folk. I'm completely schematically illiterate, so if anyone could pull, from the ScoobyMod instruction manual Prezios indicated, some method of creating a relay + wire for the parking light flash J.Reed, myself, and many others would be EXTREMETLY HAPPY!!! I can't speak for the rest, but I am willing to pay a *decent* amount of cash for this set up. Parts + a little extra for labor. Thanks again to all. Michelle
  2. Hello again, all. Thanks to all those who have taken the time to valiantly attempt an answer to my question. *bows in gratitude* (Unfortunately, I'm still looking...) I've got the question posted on i-club as well, so if there are any updates, I'll let you know so that the same parking light kit can be offered here as well to all who are interested. (Many WRX owners have wanted a similar kit.) Um, hello SMan. Thanks for the welcome. Ahhh, yes, we'll discuss that *other* off-topic matter shortly. (We never really did come to a conclusion, now did we???) Gosh, Howard. I wish I had some advice for you. I guess I'd feel like the blind leading the blind at this point, but I can offer the suggestions that were given to me: 1) check the car manual (if you have the stock system); that should give you honk on/off instructions. 2) Try what ever other frustrated subie owner has tried. Press both the lock and the unlock buttons at the same time until you hear a confirmation honk. (Or something to that effect.) Thanks again, Michelle
  3. Gosh, you know Tiny, I *would* but then that would defeat the whole purpose of *having* keyless entry. :-) (And since this is my first car w/ it, I'm not willing to give it up that easy. ) Michelle
  4. Hi BlueSoob. Thanks for the response!! Yeah, its a bit different in the older models. When I hold the lock/unlock I can get the horn indicator to turn off/on but flashing lights are not an option unless you buy the security upgrade which is $120 and I don't particularly want an alarm, per se. (And $120 seems like a lot to make your lights flash!!) Several people on i-club have sold simple wire+relay kits for this problem but I have received no email response when I contact them. I *might* be willing to buy the upgrade if I could get it used or from a junkyard, but I'm not real sure how realistic that is... Thanks again. Any more suggestions? I'm all ears. Michelle Edit: hey, sorry Nick. You posted the same time I did so I didn't get to incorporate your comments. Yeah. It seems a bit stupid that its all or none with the lock/unlock capabilities...
  5. Hi. I'm new here (obviously :-) ). I've got a question. Okay. I've got a '99 OB and I'd like to know how to make the parking lights flash on unlock/lock w/ keyless entry. I absolutely loathe the horn honking and I'm never quite sure if I've locked the doors or not if it's loud outside (w/o the horn indicator). I've searched for and posted this question on several forums and no one yet has helped me. I DON'T have the security upgrade, but I know that some people have offered their own "upgrade kits" for WRXs. I'd like to know if there is anyone out there who can help me make this upgrade, either by advice, or by relay/wire kit. PLEASE HELP!!! Thanks. Michelle
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