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Everything posted by bheinen74

  1. The license plate is cool. kinda wish my state could allow that.
  2. " Also, a quick PSA for those of you thinking about buying a new STI and deleting the wing: Subaru highly recommends you also change the trunk springs, because minus the weight of the wing, the trunk will smash in the rear window." something tells me there is going to be a lot of smashed rear windows........
  3. this is for a ej22. Original poster did nt state his model or year... http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://beergarage.com/imgs/Suby/Clutch/08.jpg&imgrefurl=http://beergarage.com/SubySeparator.aspx&usg=__r8dKWrfWCKsbkEqhw7enyKVehEk=&h=614&w=819&sz=84&hl=en&start=7&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=H0p38zhtp3z2qM:&tbnh=108&tbnw=144&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsubaru%2Boil%2Bseparator%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Den%26tbs%3Disch:1 several versions of this one.
  4. http://www.driveperformance.subaru.com/version4_1/atticpart2.asp cool thing
  5. disagree... ej22t The stock con rods, although forged, are thinner than your typical aftermarket forged rods, however, like the pistons, these rods have been known to withstand up to 350 crank hp. The EJ22T’s crankshaft is forged and heat treated steel and weighs only 20 lbs. Total length is only 13.5 inches. The short stroke design gives about .750 inch of crank pin vs. main journal overlap, making it very stiff. Oiling is reasonably well thought out. The crank fillets are rolled for low stress and fatigue resistance. Journal diameters are 2.36 mains and 2.05 on the rods. The crank is fully counterweighted, contributing to the overall smoothness of engine operation.
  6. forged crank rod and pistons, capable of 30psi boost levels all day on the stock setup.......with engine management and bigger turbo, high flow injectors. Best engine Subaru ever made..1991 was the only year with the oil filter cooler machined into the block, 92-94 did not have that. All had piston oil squirters to help cool.... http://www.angelfire.com/md3/91turbolegacy/background.html
  7. I think almost all 92+legacies/SVX'x got clearcoat, I know for the pearl colors (white, Whinestone, AGP, etc...that they required clearcoats.... I prefer the maintenance of a hard paint without clearcoat, but meh.
  8. http://bbs.legacycentral.org/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=732&start=0 you can find a diagram showing connectors there if you search for it..
  9. oil separator plate is the wierd shaped one. also, you have wrist pin access cover with small oring.
  10. diagnostic check connectors plugged in when they are not supposed to be, or you have a code stored in the ECU, those are pretty typical. state your year and model. If you have an older BRAT, maybe it was hard wired in that way. if you have Legacy and newer, than yeah, diagnostic d check connectors not supposed to be plugged in
  11. When Subaru endeavored for higher displacement for more power, they changed how the blocks were cast, and changed how the heads and passages were. Also, the chosen headgaskets at the time turned out to not suit the new block/heads for a long term period. Hg's leaks were quite common. Subaru redesigned a more durable Headgasket about 4 or so iterations in the years to follow, each time making it better. If you go to a discount parts store, you may get the 2nd, or 3rd design, or worse the original old stock of crappy gaskets which still has problems. the gaskets you buy from Subaru today will be the ones most of us regard as being the fix, IT IS VERY IMPORTANT you buy them at the Dealer.
  12. reading the review of the above ""had to return item because it was too long for my use. item has very little sideways flexibility for installation but would be good once installed for absorbing vibrations." " take into account this may be rigid almost like a regular solid pipe.
  13. a 99 ej25 on its original headgaskets is doomed at some point for the hg failiing. Nearly all (95%) of the early ej25 had leaky headgasekts during the first 100-140k If you find yourself with one, and install new Subaru from the dealer updated Hedgaskets, torque everything and follow procedure, it will last another 100-150k. It would be of great benefit while doing the headgaskets, to get a NEW radiator, new water pump, pulleys and idlers, and T belt, and a full reseal. When all that is done, you will have a more reliable engine than what was in the car when it was bought new. You seem like you did some research and others will chime in and help further.
  14. this event is on coming Saturday April 10. Meet at Waveland cafe in Booneville around 8:15 for the breakfast and signup. map and info to Waveland Cafe : http://maps.google.com/maps/place?client=safari&rls=en&oe=UTF-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=waveland+cafe+booneville+IA&fb=1&gl=us&hq=waveland+cafe&hnear=booneville+IA&cid=13123986277401973921 its exit 117 off 80 west of DM then south.... The rally will be high probability of Warren County and its finest level B roads. Driver meeting will be about 9am, and hand out of the map with turn by turn directions, exchange cell numbers with those who are able to pull ya out, etc. Did it rain in the S Des Moines area today? It rained here... nice and muddy
  15. Subaru is building cars for looks only these days, not functionality, so yes, you are right, those wheels will not work in winter potholed roads, etc, too wide to handle snow and ice. I wish Subaru would think function over looks, but nope. "Also, the sedan STI features two mufflers (still has four pipes) as opposed to the wagon's one giant muffler (and four pipes). Subaru claims that while this has no bearing on horsepower or torque, it makes the car sound, "Meaner and louder."" come on Subaru, why are you doing what GM and Pontiac failed at.
  16. http://action.publicbroadcasting.net/cartalk/posts/list/878410.page
  17. My understanding of how clear coat works, is it needs to bond to not fully cured out color coat. Meaning, for clear coat to stick, it needs sprayed on recently, not yet dried, paint. or it will flake off like a bad sunburn.
  18. SubieMech85 has a EA81 in his 87 wagon........it was his daily driver for a while
  19. info on the park http://www.iowadnr.gov/parks/state_park_list/springbrook.html they have modern showers there too so we dont have to mess up your pad Ben.
  20. this springbrook state park has a shooting range i guess, and even a lagooon to play in (stink)....but pretty sure its against the rules to shoot towards the wildlife.. Maybe each of us can bring a bbq item, like someone bring chicken, someone BRAT patties, someone hotdogs, etc. and a bag of charcoal, and if someone already has non-buggy firewood, and could bring that... I need to convince my brother to come to this too.
  21. the turbo 4eat tranny version, holds 12 quarts total.....just an fyi. whereas the others hold 8qt.
  22. some places charge about 900 for spark plug replacements on a certain GM van..........true......
  23. wow i am wrong i forgot how long it been since i removed a brat axle. party on.
  24. the rear axles are what hold the hubs/ rotors on...... you still need stubs in there, unless you dont mind rear wheels falling off...
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