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Everything posted by Durania

  1. If this is so about head gasket failure. What makes the STi 2.5 any better?
  2. Seeing that dual-range lever makes me nostalgic and warm inside. Ill go stare at the one in my brat to pass the time this Christmas season.
  3. I ended up driving all day to the various wal-marts and autozones today looking for them. Last place I went to had them and made me very estatic. My dash lights up like a christmas tree now.
  4. My brat's heater control doesn't have the bulbs in them so I am forced to guess when driving at night. I just took the thing out and saw that there is two empty electrical outlets there. Cross-referenced with my chiltons manual and confirmed that bulbs should infact go there. What bulb goes there? I.E.: name, or part number or wattage or something. Thanks, Kyle.
  5. Whatever you do, be careful. To quote Christmas Vacation:"I don't want to spend the holidays dead!"
  6. I wasn't aware there was such a thing as a "muffler bearing". Does this fall into the same category as "synthetic turn signal fluid"?
  7. Does the fact that on my insurance card is says that the brat is classified as a "sport wagon"?
  8. 100% Correct. A couple days ago, someone who couldn't add too well figured up the combined weight of some bearings there were suppose to go out. Instead they figured up wrong and came to be 1500~ over! Ended up costing the company $10,000 extra. We cover cost of shipping on most things.
  9. The growling sound to me sounds like you dont have a good connnection on your positive terminal. Check for corrosion first. Then have a friend get in the car if the corrosion thing doesn't work and try to start it by wiggling the positive around and hope that you get a good connection.
  10. Id like to have a hoodie exactly like yours.
  11. Congrats. Aren't you glad you didn't sell it a few months ago?
  12. I bet santa would drive that instead of that other busted down go kart. I know I would.
  13. The one on my hatchback is my third turn signal when turning left, it swings wide open.
  14. Your telling me every gas station is full service? Do they assume that people are so stupid they cant stick a nozzle in the hole in their car? Thats how we all got here.
  15. I found this out the hardway once. I had rotated my tires the previous day and didnt do the whole re-torque thing after putting them back on. Took a twenty mile drive and had to pull over at one point cause the wheels were shaking so bad. If I would have drove for another 5 miles I am convinced that they would have fallen off.
  16. I guess keep a lug wrench with ya and when you get something done that involves taking the wheels off after the G.E.D recipients get done with their thing, tighten them yourself in the parking lot. Then go raise hell.
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