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Everything posted by Durania

  1. Brian, you just provided me a meens to kill a whole day off from school with those pictures. Thanks! -Kyle
  2. On a side note. I been considering going to the auto zone and have them give me and XT6 alternator and give them the one off my hatchback and upgrading that way. Told my dad it would be a good Christmas present, is there a threat of me burning up my wiring harness with that much more amps?
  3. Im in the middle of trying to trace down where it's leaking on mine as well. My hatch did the same thing.
  4. Yes, I changed the flow several times on the core. It rained tonight so I really got to use the heat and its quite a bit hotter so that made me feel better about the whole thing. Daeron your lucky, wish we didn't have to rely on a heater up here but we get some awfully cold winters, especially in the mornings. I figured I would take a good step by flushing this thing instead of driving around with no heat like my 88 Bronco II was when I learned someone removed the heater core in it :eek:. Thanks for all your help on this matter guys.
  5. Just got done flushing the old girl. Seems like the heater is hotter than before, didnt see too much nasty stuff as I expected though. We will see how it does when it gets a little cooler here.
  6. Picture of the week. Take me for a ride?
  7. Yes Yes I have heard the whooshing sound for about 6 months now. Thanks for the advice.
  8. Sorry, I am talking about the big Yakima rack on the hood.
  9. In TN that would get you a big ticket, does WA have a different law?
  10. Which heater hose does which on the EA81? In my searches I read that the EA82 was something different. Gonna try and change my oil in a few days and will pick up a new radiator cap while im at it. Will just a standard garden hose do the trick or do I need to bum a nozzle off someone? Should I start will sticking it on the upper hose first and directing the lower one to the ground and then alternate?
  11. It seems that sometimes it will blow hot air and other times it will blow cool air. Both heat and vents, would a good heater core flushing be in order?
  12. Thanks, I will see if it does it again in the morning and if it does I will give it a good look over after school in the morning. Kinda makes you mad, dang thing worked fine two days ago.
  13. I get great heat out of the floor board heater and good out of the defroster, could one of the slides be stuck or something?
  14. It used to blow hot air out of the dash vents in this position.
  15. On my way back from school just now I tried to turn on some heat so it would come out the top vents, slide was in the "Circ A/C-Max" position and all I could get was a mostly cool breeze. Two days ago it would burn you out of there and now all of a sudden it just quit. What the heck gives?
  16. Cant believe you have snow already, its currently 76 degrees here right now. Leaves arent even changing, they are going straight from green to dead.
  17. You will notice in your search from this author that it says in red next to his sn "Disregard everything posted by this user". You shouldnt even read the stuff he has said.
  18. I love the front symbol and that fuel door. That will look sweet.
  19. I called and talked to Shannon this morning. He said his computer decided to hate it's USB ports and is now without internet unless he goes to his parent's house. I asked if he was having some withdrawals from the board and he said he was. He also said he was having the luxury of working on wiring for a Camaro today so I wished him good luck with that.
  20. Im surprised to see that he his hated in many different areas of the internet community. From the looks of it, he failed 9th grade Physical Science.
  21. Ive done the same thing the first day I got my hatchback. I got in a hurry and got excited and put the battery in backwards.
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