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Everything posted by Skorzen

  1. Wow that is nuts. I have driven the Merrit parkway quite a few times and it doesn't really surprise that this could have happened there though, people fly through there.
  2. When I went through their catalog I specified a 97 OBS so I think either they sent me the wrong pads, their system is giving them the wrong number or the manufacturer screwed up somewhere.
  3. I just got replacement rotors from tire rack for $36 a piece (Brembo). I thought I would mention that the rotors which were installed previous to my getting the car did not have the 8mm holes :-\:mad:. The replacements that I got do though so that should make things a little easier next time. Also a little rant about tire rack, I ordered the satisfied ceramic pads that they had listed for my OBS, but they didn't fit. A little agrivating to find out in the middle of a brake job...
  4. My car isn't sitting evenly so that is why I was looking for springs. Another quick question on struts, I was looking at KYB GR2's and they have two versions, one for cars with ABS and one for cars without. It seems like the bracket for the ABS system is just bolted in place and I can't see the need for a different strut. I wonder about this because I only see one at Subarugenuineparts.com, and also no one has the ABS version in stock. Can someone confirm or deny that I need the ABS version for a car with ABS?
  5. I did search and wasn't able to find anything, actually the search engine would tell me there were no results for terms I knew full well there were (searching for KYB found no results, maybe not enough letters). Thanks for the link, I was actually looking for that specific thread from some others that I did find.
  6. I am about to do the struts on my 97 OBS and I would like to change the springs at the same time but don't want to dish out any more cash then I have to. I have seen a bunch of WRX takoff's do any of you know if these will fit the OBS? Any other springs that would fit? Thanks
  7. I just noticed yesterday that after sitting overnight when I start my car (97 OBS EJ 22 5 Speed 78K mi) the engin revs higher than normal for a cold engine, and the settles down to where it would normally be. this morning it went to 2.5K and then settled down rather than the normal 1.5 or so that I normally see when I start it cold. So I am wondering if anyone has any idea why it's doing this? It bothers me that this just started, but it also seems somewhat minor, but I would like to know why it's doing this just in case it's not minor. Oh and another note: timing belt, cam and crank seals, oil pump reseal and water pump were all down about 3000 miles ago. Thanks -Will
  8. I have ordered from http://www.subarugenuineparts.com/ and had a good expirience with them. Prompt service and promt shipping. Plus Jamie who handles the sales there is a member here.
  9. yeah if you have that number handy that would be great. I am going to try to call some places tomarrow.
  10. Well I just arrived at school just outside of Valley Forge, and I do believe that my suspisions of at least one bad wheel bearing are being confirmed. If anyone knows of a reputable shop in the area it would be much appreciated.
  11. I put the Falken Ziex 512s on my 97 OBS about 7K ago, and so far no complaints. The only issue is they may be a little loud, but I don't really have anything to compare them too on this car(need new tires when I got it). I thought I would mention that I was able to get sears to match the Discount tire price on these so I go them for about $50 each rather than the $70 sears was asking...
  12. I recently got Falken Ziex 512s put I my car, I am liking them so far. I got them for $49 each at sears with a price match from discount tire(the sears regular price was close to $70 :-\ ) Total with balancing ect was about $250
  13. will do thanks for the info. I have not seen a CEL, so that was also one of the reasons why I was waiting on the Knock sensor.
  14. I have been expieriencing the 2000-2500 rpm hesitation issue with my 97 OBS. I have recently replaced the air filter and spark plugs. I noticed the hesitationafter an oil change, but after thinking back I think it may have been occuring before that. I tried resetting the ECU, this worked, but the issue returned after about 20 min of driving. I am thinking that replacing the knock sensor would be the next logical step, but I am looking for input from other people on this. the other thing that I had been thinking was that it could be the "air pocket" in the oil filter, but it's been about 500 mi since the oil change so I would think that would be gone by now with the ECU reset. So what do you think?
  15. I just got a 97 outback sport for $5000 with 56K mi on it, I think I got a really good deal though. No real rust, a couple very small chips in the paint that could start rust though, I am planning on comering those before problems start.
  16. I get lots of hot air, and some cold air, the "gasping" sound(Darth Vader's resperator is actually close) seems like it is when the compressor kicks in or shuts off if that helps.
  17. I recently bought a 97 outback sport and I have noticed when the AC is running that there is a intermitent sound that sounds like breathing or a gasp. It seems to be comming from the passenger side dash area, that is at least where it sounds like it is comming from. The AC works, but is not as cold as I would think it should be, I am wondering if I need to get the system charged, or is there something else that is causing this issue? Thanks for any insight any of youmay have. -Will
  18. I had exactly the same issue after changing the air filter, and as the previous two post suggest it is most likely the hose that connected to the air intake. I would bet money that this is the issue.
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