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  • Location
    Bridal Veil
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    Long time member but not active for many years now.
  • Biography
    Born in the Midwest in the late 50's, the 5th son in the family. Moved to Oregon in 1984 and became an AKA (above knee amputee ) in 1989 from a motorcycle accident. Married for the first time in 2016 to Joel.
  • Vehicles
    1999 forester, 1997 legacy outback, 1995 impreza,

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  1. Arrived at the Shell Station at 8:15:AM, got a map but no sign of your friends. Couldn't remember exactly where they were staging (Forgot to take those instructions:mad: ). I eventually found the spot but didn't realize it until I got home and re-read the thread. (Only saw quads and bikes there) Tried a couple (easy) trails but turned around when it got to looking to nasty. Did the power line trail and was comitted in a down hill section when it turned rough. Finished it to the end!! Scrapped the front once and the bottom and the trailer hitch numerous times. No noticable damage. Went to a friends and tried out the logging roads on the back of the property.(Looking for fire wood) Not near as challenging but no dust as the roads are veggie covered.
  2. Have you checked with places like Otts Friction Supply? Their local to us. Just a thought!!
  3. #1, Yes #2, Look great but I have never driven it. #3, Yes #4, No drive line or suspension parts will be going to the crusher. Hood, hatch struts & hatch latch=Sold. #5, Hit me with a list. I'll PM you my #, email addy.
  4. Didn't see this soon enough. I have an 84 I'm parting out this month with the struts still on it.
  5. I'm going to eastern Oregon some time after the 4th and have to be back by the 14th. If I make it back in time I'll try and make that run. Sounds like a good outing.
  6. I have one of those that did the same thing. Bought it as a parts car because the trans was making a noise in one gear and the owner was quoted to may $ to fix. A friend drove it home for me. She had 4 forward gears when we started out. 30 miles latter there was only 1, no neutral or reverse. Stuck in like third gear. I never could get it out of gear until I pulled the motor, then it shifted fine for some strange reason. Still have it, threating to tear it down some day out of courisity. Good luck with yours!!
  7. I did a clutch job on a 95 Brighton. Had cherry picker and no hoist so I pulled the engine. Didn't pick it all the way out. Just undid what was necessary to move it forward far enough to get to the clutch set up. Radiator had to come out. Had a second fly wheel already turned and just swapped it out. Used a OEM clutch kit. 6 hours start to finish.
  8. Pearl, 90 Legacy LS 218K+ miles My tranny works decent for it's age, AWD works when it wants to. But it will let me know by the lack of lights (Sun roof open and shift indicator lights) or the presence of them. Lights on, AWD is good to go. Lights off, I'm stuck in FWD like the FWD fuse is in. I have found that a sharp rap to the dash will toggle it. So I have a loose connector I presume but not to interested in taking dash apart to fix at this time. Even though there are two other gremlins in there!! (Tack and heater) So, my question is if I install a manual switch to ingage/disingage the AWD will it bypass my gremlin?
  9. It has several electrical gremlins, one being the AWD. Works when it wants to but most times it can be persuaded to co-operate with the proper massage technique to the dash!! Don't like to take it out by my self as walking out isn't a good option. Going to read up on doing the manual switch and see if that will bypass the gremlins. Then I would be more comfortable wheeling it.
  10. One of these days I will have to join you all and see what an under powered Lego can do with street tires.
  11. I'm no authority on all possible causes but can tell you about my experience with an ej22 timing belt jumping. My first subie, 90 Legacy with 201K miles. Bought as a runner with suspension issues. Fixed the suspension and off I go. 300 miles latter it dies on the highway. I decide the timing belt needs checked (Basics first) and it's off a few teeth. Reset the belt with no success. End up taking it to a shop who gets it running and tells me the t-belt needed reseting and thats it. I show up at the shop with my trailer to pack her home. Take a test drive around the block and all seems fine. Go to load on trailer and she dies. Shop takes her back in and a week later I get a call telling me it's some thing internal, she's toast. I pack her home and promptly tear down the timing set up. It's out of time again. Did some checking and one of the idlers is missing a number of bearings allowing it to make quick moves when it jumps on/off the remaining bearings. Replaced that idler and have put 18K miles on her sence then. Also the shop (Subaru dealer) reimbearsed me 100% of my money.
  12. The one I picked up had a bad trans (reverse & 2nd only) so using it as a driver wasn't an option. Around here $600-1,200 for one driveable is quite common. Good luck with your search.
  13. I believe I have every thing else he needs for an ej swap from a donar car if he just buys an engine. He would still need the ej>ea adapter plate and mod his fly wheel. I also have the rear assembly for a 2wd>4wd conversion. Not complete these days as I sold the hub/drum off one side. Shipping would be costly though. If your serious about this swap, read Numbchux's write-up and compile a list of what you will need. Double check it with him and make me an offer.
  14. Legacy 90-96 models have non-interference 2.2's. I believe 96 was the transition year to interference motors. I payed $375 for mine but I bought the whole car as there are other parts needed besides the motor. IE: ECU & associated wiring harness, MAF & duct work, ignitor. Probably forgot something in that list but gives you an idea to the advantage of buying a running donor instead of peacing it together. From my reading the Impreza will work for the front only. XT6 for the rear.
  15. Did you try putting light upward preasure on the motor before you un-bloted the mounts? Have GD check them when you'll do the clutch cable. He's as sharp as they come, won't lead you astray!!
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