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Soob Flyer

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Everything posted by Soob Flyer

  1. Im not sure what you mean by that? If the car is stopped, the speed sensor would not be giving a pulse. Why would something tell an engine to die?
  2. Problem is Im not a hundred percent sure on that info. I am led to believe so far that the engine came out of a car in Japan and the ecu from a 2001 forester from the usa. If I see it I will recognise it.
  3. Did you see something in there somewhere? I dont seem to be having much luck! I bet i have found the pinout for every one ever built except for the one i have!Just my luck Grrrrrrr!
  4. Sounds like the fins on the water pump have eroded away.
  5. Ya its kind of like having a really big motorcycle in the garage! This backwards cooling system thing really screwed with my head for a while when i was setting it up, but when you look at the whole picture it does start to make sense! It is also important to install the thermostat in such a way that the heater return hits it side ways.
  6. OK, Does any body know where I can go to get this info? Thanks.
  7. I never thought that the old ones might be different. But it sounds like they still use the same principal. I am only familiar with the newer ones. I dont drive a soob car or any other car for that matter. I drive a 4x4 Dodge hemi sport and my soob is the power plant in this! http://www.americanautogyro.com/ .
  8. Kstretch, Go out and look at your car before you type! If your theory was right why would the thermostat hose go to the bottom of the rad? Run your car and put your hand on the hose next to the thermostat. You will find it never gets hot. The hose on the top of the engine will get hot because THAT is the outlet, NOT the bottom one where the thermostat is! The INLET to the water pump IS JUST ABOVE THE THERMOSTAT! Check it out! Camelwagon, Your heater core is just passing enough water to make the hose hot but not enough to make the thermostat work right. Go out and bypass the core. Might take you 10 minutes! It wont cost you a dime. What have you got to lose?
  9. Here is something that is very unusual about the subaru engine. The cold water comes in to the engine past the thermostat which is exactly the opposite to any other vehicle out there. Now before anybody yells B.S. and says how can the thermostat open in cold water, what you have to take a close look at is your heater curcuit. You will notice the return from the heater core is piped in to where it hits the thermostat squarely on its element which makes it open and let cold water into the engine while mixing it with the hot from the heater so as not to shock the engine. You may have noticed that port there where it comes in when you changed the thermostat. So your real problem here is your heater core is plugged and is not letting enough flow go through to hit and open your thermostat. That is why it has already been suggested to try a by pass loop on your heater to confirm that it will cure the overheating problem. I can see a new heater core in your future!
  10. Nobody has a pinout for a 2001 forester ecu?
  11. Hello folks, I have just joined this forum and was wondering if any of you folks could lead me to some info on the wiring hook up to the ecu or what colour of wire does what. The engine is a 2.5L 2001 OR 2002 from I believe a Forester. My Questioning is in the area of the rev limiter. What wire tells the ecu that the engine has a load on it so it can raise the rev limit? I know that when you push the gas pedal to the floor in a normal car in park or neutral the rev limiter wont let the engine rev very high but when in gear you can go right up to the red line. Could there be an in gear input or perhaps a speedo pulse that the ecu looks for? And if so on what wire plug input or colour? I also have a buddy using a 2.2 who has a high speed miss and I am wondering if this is his problem as well! Both of these engines are being used in an aircraft application and I dont live within 300 miles of a subaru dealership Thanks in advance!
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