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Everything posted by lekmedm

  1. You know, just a few days ago before I replaced the radio everything was working fine. At one point out of curiosity I tried pushing in the antenna to hide it so I could, for example, take the car to a car wash. It wasn't too happy going in, and I didn't want to force it, so I pulled it back out. It moved in and out less than one inch. I guess I noticed the next day that I couldn't get any radio stations on the factory radio. I thought something might have happened with the radio, but I'm getting the feeling that something's up with the antenna. Anyone have any ideas, or am I just going to have to take that antenna apart?
  2. If anyone has experience fixing the radio lights, the light on my display that shows the station is out. Is there a fix? I've actually replaced the radio, but wouldn't mind fixing that light and selling the whole unit which is the tape/CD double DIN radio.
  3. Wise words... Is draining through the drain plug the best way to go? I know on a lot of trucks which usually don't have drain plugs, you have to take the diff cover off the pumpkin to drain the fluid. Since I bought this car used with over 136k miles on it, would it be a good idea to take the cover off to visually inspect that diff, or should I not worry about it and just drain and fill? The car seems to run fine with no noise from the rear diff. BTW, for front and rear diffs and transmission draining, are any special tools needed, or will standard sockets do fine?
  4. I've just replaced the factory radio with a nice Kenwood and ran into a problem. It's not pulling in any radio stations. The CD/mp3 business works fine, but I don't know why the radio doesn't. The antenna is plugged in the back for sure. Any ideas? Is this a known problem? I have the angled antenna (not power) over the driver's door on a 1998 Legacy Outback. TIA
  5. The parking brake on my 1998 Legacy Outback doesn't work. How do I troubleshoot this? If anybody has pictures to go with their explanation, that would help a lot. Thanks.
  6. Dexron III... Right... I actually knew that... Thanks to everyone for their advise. I'm only interested in a drain-and-fill, and not a full system flush. I've done this before on other cars, so I'm not a complete newb. I was just looking for some specific info on the Subie. I know there's a fill plug, do I was wondering if I had to use that, or I can fill through the dip stick hole.
  7. Thank you to all who contributed to this thread. I just fixed my climate control lights yesterday with Radio Shack bulbs, and everything works great now!
  8. To start, might I suggest creating a new section on the board that covers FAQs such as How-to's and recommended fluids/parts. I've been reading through a whole bunch of posts just trying to piece together the info I need to do the servicing for my car. This would save Subie noobies like me from potentially annoying the more experienced members here with such basic questions. Anyway, on with the show... I have a 1998 Legacy Outback 2.5L ATX. I would like to service all the fluids. So, I gather that the proper ATX fluid is Mercon III. After I drain the old fluid, how do I refill it? I understand there's a fill plug, but how do I actually get the fresh fluid in there? Is there enough room to tilt a bottle (I doubt it) or do I need a pump of some sort? The same question is for the gear oil. I understand it takes 75W-90, but how do I get it in there? Thanks everyone.
  9. I've tried searching for this without any luck. The auto trans shifter light is out in my 1998 Legacy Outback. What kind of bulb is in there? Can I get one from an autoparts store or Radio Shack, or does it have to be OEM? Also, how do I get in there to replace the bulb? Thanks. lekmedm
  10. I hate to hijack this thread, but I have a similar question, but different equipment. I have a 1998 Legacy Outback 2.5L Auto 136200mi. Is there a tranny filter...? ...internal, external, both? I just got the car and would like to put in new fluid. All advice is appreciated.
  11. I've just purchased a 1998 Legacy Outback 2.5L Auto. A whole bunch of lights inside the car don't work, so I was wondering if they are related and a know problem, or if I just have a lot of work to do. The following do not light: 1. The HVAC panel 2. Under the tranny shifter so you can see the P-N-D-2-1 3. The cabin light (checked the bulb - it looks ok) 4. This may not be related, but on the radio most lights for the controls light fine, but the little screens that show the radio station or track numbers don't light. I think this is some kind of Premier stereo system with both cassette and CD player in a double DIN format and the extra tweeters on the doors. All the lights to the gagues on the dash work fine. Anyone? TIA.
  12. Boy, do I love the internet and forums like this one!!! My lights were on, and, since I'm a new Subaru owner, I had no idea why. This was the first post I read, and BINGO! ...problem solved. By the way, what purpose is that switch supposed to serve? Thanks everyone. lekmedm
  13. Hi everyone! I just wanted to jump in to greet you all. I'm new to this forum, but not new to automotive forums in general. I just purchased a 1998 Legacy Outback Limited with 136,000mi on it. I've always heard great things about Subarus, so I'm hoping with a little TLC, this one will last a while. I'm picking it up at the end of the week. Can anyone give me a heads-up on what I should watch out for with this car (and I don't mean for deer on the road or something like that ). TIA!
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