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Everything posted by moosens

  1. Yeah , lots of us older folks here have the appropriate drills , easy outs , and heli-coils or my favorite Time-serts ready for action. Good luck on those. You'll b ok. I hope your windshield goes in well. Down to two gaskets left from original order and they are spoken for.
  2. yeah I think I need glasses - sorry Mr. Brat , but not so sorry to Mick. Lol Have a great time !!!
  3. I'd like to help , as I know I have a freshly removed '79 4WD wagon main harness and related whips and tails. But from this view it seems something ain't right. Picture could really help. And of course you're going to see Todd so there's a wealth of info and parts for you. Good luck!
  4. Gee Mick , I think its a lot shorter distance to the Carlisle gig in PA for you. All these years ...... :cool: :-p
  5. My 78 4wd wagon is 155/80 R13 I thought Brats were the same or 165's
  6. Should also be on stamped metal tag on the drivers door. Let us know what you find for Tires , please. Thanks!
  7. We have them here in CT if you don't get what you need. moosens at yahoo dot com for me and mention ff-1 in the subject. I know I have a set with the chrome retainer , and "ctsuba" has some in his stash too. Are you interested in NOS for a restoration or just a good used set?
  8. like those ? Or smaller ? ff-1 would be smaller. These are early 70's - non ff-1 http://www.ebay.com/itm/1970s-Vintage-NOS-Subaru-Tail-Light-Lenses-71-72-GL-oem-/380330100026?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item588d70c53a&vxp=mtr
  9. We're ok for now but it would be good to get all in here. I know at least one or two guys wrote that they'd be backing out. Thanks Earl ! Also looking to have right around 48 of the 50 taken so do the math or I will soon then we'll see if we can get anyone else on board. Cheers !
  10. Seems like an ff-1 sedan tail liht but that's my guess only. I've sniffed the pages of those parts manuals like you don't know and that's my guess. My FPM's are at storage , sorry.
  11. Gasket is in my daily driver on the passenger seat so I'll have it out to you ASAP.
  12. How much money do you honestly expect to pay for a hot cam , head works , etc.?
  13. Yeah sometimes a second guy for rocking and dipping one mount in then settling the high side in with some finess. Outstanding!! You can not finish my unfinished projects anytime !!!
  14. Ahh , thanks very much. Was JUST thinking about this situation. That check is now copied onto my bank statement in a manner which I'd need a microscope to view it. :-p I've got the envelope here and will mate your info up and get ready for action. Thanks again ! Demon Brat - 2 - ****PAID - over , I owe you - catch up on the slider Thanks! Blind Sight - 3 - *****PAID 81 Brat - 1 * ****PAID sube 101 - 2 Yaron - 3 - ****PAID 2+1 , thanks guys! We'll get you cheap shipping too. Elad , you're next. Elad - 2 **** Israeli guys - can I send to one location and you split them up? kiwi subie - 2 - Paid for one the sucker king - 1 - ****PAID ratbrat -1 Leeroy - 2 * ****PAID - needs shipping Subaru3 -1 ****PAID Caboobaroo - 1 bendecker - 3 - PAID *** 78Brat - 2 - ****PAID talldude - 1 * ****PAID king Earl of Pooparoo - 3 - ****PAID lil'red wagon - 2 - ****PAID Knopper - 2 - ***OverPAID Sub78 - 1 Singularity21 - 1 ****PAID jagg - 1 - ****PAID Beast I Drive - 3 - ***PAID Subieguy - 1 Jonv23 - 1 - ***PAID Tailgatewagon -2 - ****PAID adema2626 - 1 - ****PAID applewoodfurniture - ? - PAID - by check "Risk"
  15. You're a little impatient. Wipers are out there. Even plenty on eBay. Sit home and let it come to you for the same price and save gas. New Canaan show was pretty dang good again. Tough for those rich folks not to have good cars and stuff. But , we needed another Subaru there !! Brats are like cheesecake. My wagon got plenty of good look overs and a few compliments too.
  16. You don't use an oven to bend plexi. Use a heater coil and practice with a scrap piece beforehand so you don't over cook it. If you keep it over the coil too long it'll bubble and burn. Feel the flex , make it happen and that's it. I used to do this as a fabricator and you can do it easily.
  17. Mudpie flippin carburetors !!!! Car ran better down to the shw on Sunday. I tweaked the disty to the right a touch , and did yet another adjustment of the clutch cable. Good enough ! Talk to you soon.
  18. You mean like a 1940 Ford or something? "Cadet" visor ?
  19. Can you post their part number ? You entered your info as a '79 ? I think our '77 Stage II and '78 4WD trannies use a slightly different tranny mount. I'll have to find my parts manual and check.
  20. Yup , was good to see the Subafreak , and to have him wrench and whatnot for me was a nice deal too. Back is sore. Minimal parts out for the rest of the world , but Jesse should be smiling. "Rust" got a nice item too , thanks Jesse for the delivery. Jesse - I'm going to get all new mounts all around to start with. Going to take the whole deal out again and put my old tranny back in with fresh seals. I'll have to talk to you about that since I saw how well you did your own tranny work. The World - Storage is going to have to be a pick - post - and ship deal , one item or so at a time. Its summer , getting too hot for me. And my back isn't getting any younger.
  21. http://www.caffeineandcarburetors.com/ Listen to the sounds when you open the page. Hope to see sombody there with another Subaru !!! I'll have the '78 wagon there with my family. Ciao !
  22. Hey !!!!! Cafiene and Carburetors down in New Canaan this Sunday. Go there !!!!! Go early , and meet me with my '78 ! Don't try to enter the main line up with the big toys - unless they direct you to - but instead drive up to first flagger and pull into a lot on either side of the road. I will probably be on the left parked in the front parking line if at all possible. Down Rt. 7 or 8 , to Merrit Pkwy. south to Rt. 123 exit (39?) , take left off exit go up to the light and take a left. Follow to Cherry St. take left , go straight , by that time you'll already have been following along with vintage cars. Meet is right next to train station. Zumbach's coffee place.
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