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Everything posted by moosens

  1. I've always wanted to do what you're doing , Earl , but man can't you find a more of a beater example to do that to?
  2. Those are fairly rare 2 port 1400 heads. (E63) There's lots more heads floating around for 1400 and 1600's than there are cars to put them on.
  3. When you replace those fenders you'll notice that Subaru used a foam-rubber strip under the fender that soaked up water and caused the rust on the tops near the hood. All parts I see in need are certainly availilble thru one of us or even some you might get lucky with at an old dealer being out west. But if you go there and they don't even know what you have - there's always us. Depending on how serious of a restoration you want it to be you can get new fenders , etc. from me or probably "drivesubies" too. He had a huge amount of new old stock.
  4. Kind of thought so but had to ask. I work overnights so when I manage a few minutes on the company computer I get to see you guys from the other hemisphere. Sleep time is in a few minutes. Worst part about the overnight gig is trying to sleep when its so nice outside.
  5. Looks like your dad had 'em all .... like us. I'll do my best but can never promise I'll be able to swing it.
  6. Pardon my ignorance and lack of simple search but laminated as in Glass or Polycarb. ? , etc?
  7. Steve , good to see you back here. Cheers! Paul
  8. I've got a '78 4WD wagon , but currently no Brat. 7PM Wed. I migth have a baseball game to go to. But We'll see.
  9. Oh no no no no no .... old ....potential ??? How about old PROVEN ???? So where is that thread located? I just want to make sure you guys make it the same place - sans cops. http://maps.google.com/maps?rlz=1T4ADSA_enUS349US349&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=planet+fitness+wolcott+st.+Waterbury&fb=1&gl=us&hq=planet+fitness&hnear=0x89e7c0dd3a7f8381:0x89b9b5a4c9c4c7e9,Wolcott+St,+Waterbury,+CT&cid=0,0,14250404298329916666&ei=x6_jTfuoM4LY0QHl7uyVBw&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CBcQnwIwAA That's the place , right?
  10. Had a good time! See you all next time. Looking to make a run down soon , especially if I buy that lifted Loyale in DE.
  11. Could not find that thread. Your link got me to sign up though. I looked around the Events forum and looked over everything quickly .... but I'll catch up with you guys soon.
  12. You can do that. All wagon and sedan and HT and BRAT are the same. I've got one - possibly the last I'll sell - new windshield gasket that we had freshly produced just a few years ago. Send a PM if you're interested. Coupe windshields are a little different in the upper corners. -FYI to all.
  13. Have steering columns here complete or just cover. Also have a brown dash with some cracks but nothing like yours. That dash has the tach in it from a GF. I've got a ton of stuff from that GF which was a 56k old lady car. Most everything matches up to your car. And I've got that early Coupe grill too. Somewhere between my place and ctsuba's I also have that heater unit.I know I have a good shifter base with nice boot. All sorts of plastic including decent remote covers for the inner door handles and window cranks. Time , I don't have much of lately , as usual. But I'll get to storage over this long weekend and get stuff set aside.
  14. Nothing compared to the one still sitting up here at ctsuba's place. Sitting is a loose term. More like in a state of constant movement earthward. Sorry Charlie.
  15. Thanks Matt. Very informative. Economy is such that Biff and Muffy had to save the Carlisle funds for new linens for the yacht. Click click .....
  16. Here you go: http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=90063 http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=100587 http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=92751
  17. Or a jerk motion. :lol: Go kid , go!! Is your dad part of the F & S gang? Where did he work? We're old school CT Subaru people too. Nevermind the nay sayers and check out the work done by board member "ettev" - a.k.a. Mike in PA. You're on the same track. Don't loose momentum. "ctsuba" - Charlie - has lots of parts too. He's in Salem CT or thereabouts.
  18. Aw man , I could have taken the driver's side regulator out of a car that just went to the crusher last Saturday .... :-\ I did take the passenger side but somehow neglected to get the D/S ..... but I'd bet my home that I have one in storage though. moosens at yahoo dot com - works wonders! You can pay by check or money order or if you really want to get hip - and charged for it - join Paypal. Actually avoiding Paypal is preferred. Contact me and we'll get a list going and work things out. Generally hard to find anything through dealers or vendors other than brake and tune-up parts. Talk to you soon, Paul
  19. Don't give so much info .... That bad , eh? I'm guessing you didn't win this years prize which was ?????
  20. First I had pick up in there , then changed to pan .... whatever he decides he's still not exactly bound and gagged here. My point is make the decision and get it going and live with it. What really matters here? Apparently its the high slung pan as the low slung would be most un-Califormia like. Would be a lot worse here with our roads and occassional raised storm drain covers. (manhole is such a freaky term )
  21. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggghhhhhhh! Not the Haynes !!! :-\ You can find factory service manuals - infact if you'd like the one specific to your vehicle I have at least one to sell for $20 plus shipping - so probably less that $30 total ad you'll have what the dealer trained knucklebusters have to use. I agree with buying the whole gasket / seal kit as they're all over and cheap enough. Consider the age of the car. You're better off replacing as many seals and gaskets as you can now. Likely causes of leaks - front main seal , oil pump seals , oil pan. Headgaskets after those. Several of us here have some NOS parts and tons of good used. I'm trying to keep you from overspending and at the same time you can help some of us by buying the extras we've acquired. Right now under my bed awaiting sales are Factory Service Manuals from the 70's ...example # 1
  22. Soon , very soon. I'm hoping to get down there in the next week or two. Mostly we're going for other reasons beyond bashing the tar out of a car. We're going to give the car some exercise and avoid trouble - but you can go as hog wild as you choose to, just have a plan and equipment for your or your car's extraction. For the new and unknowing , we generally meet at the ranger station in Atsion NJ on Rt. 206 - over across from the station in the large grassy area surrounding the gravel parking area. The riding is 99% over sandy trails that are hard packed enough to support a Front Wheel Drive car andwe've even seen old RWD cars go thru too. So its nothing to be worried about if you don't act like an idiot. Smart to have such items as a tow strap , lunch , water , etc.. Think ahead and plan accordingly. Recent rain means it'll be soggy - too dry it'll be a lot of dust in the face of whoever is not in the lead position ..... need to fix a flat over sand? Then you'll need a good base for your jack - 2 x 12 about 24" long works great or thick plywood ..... Can't stress this enough: we personally will not be going all out but will be enthusiastically moving through the forest. Our mission is to p/u some wheels I won on eBay for $1.04 i Wilmington DE , hunting reptiles and such , camp one night , and have some fun on the trails. Cheers!
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