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Everything posted by moosens

  1. Oh , ok , sorry. I thought he got a grey market one , but it's been a while and he's not a person I really give a rat's tail to remember anything about.
  2. Silicon spray - won't stick , doesn't hurt the rubber.
  3. hahaha ,same here. It was like just sweatshirt weather. Jacket had me sweating. 'sup Matt !
  4. I thought "NASA" Scott in VA had one. Our rocket scientist ...The guy with the SubaruBrat dot com website who spent thousands of dollars on his Brat only to have/let it rust out disgracefully.
  5. I've been wondering about certain people and objects underwater too .... like the Snow Shark ..... yackitty yak ..... don't hijack How about some pride in YOUR ride ? Share a story along the lines of mine ....Cheers !
  6. Thanks for posting that , Pat. Hope all is well and Happy New Year. Whip out the dremel for the EA81 if intimidated. Otherwise just get to work and follow my post and you'll have happy, warm toes in short order. Cheers!
  7. Someone recently posted a pic of the label which tells you to depress the clutch when shifting to 4WD. I think it was out friend from Honduras - Loyale 2.7Turbo. And let's not forget the first 4speed hi/lo where you yanked the lever towards you - downward. 1981 BRAT Many of us wish it was RWD when in 2WD .... but no aaron , these cars are all dedicated FWD Cheers!
  8. Man , this is the Historic Forum , right? We're talking about rare parts and our friend in Honduras searched and found an answer thanks to archivals. Danny W , a.k.a. "drivesubies" is the seller.
  9. Go Connie !!! Might get my FWD out today , we'll see. Hey you know , you gotta see your neighbors sometime ..... snow events give you that rare opportunity. :-p
  10. You got it !!!!!!!!!! Thanks for your putting it so perfectly into words. ...and I'm just a lucky guy because this car had an original owner that had must have had the car repo'd or somehow had to give it up early. It was re-sold "as is" at only 2 years old by a stinkin' Chevy dealer in Westport CT , then went through another owner I'm not sure who , but then was sitting in a garage where two tradesmen found it and made the offer ... then it went from the first guy to the other guy - 1st a carpenter - 2nd a painter who lives around the corner from me..... I'd seen it one day while driving my wife home from the train station and pulled over in this not so great neighborhood , left her in the car while I went to all the businesses on the 4 corners -laundramat , package (liquor) store , and whatever other little "bodega" , asking away but finally found the guy in the fish market. He was very cool and took my number and info for "THAT DAY". Turns out he's also Italian and also a member of my the same yacht club my friend is a member of ....and he lives around the corner!! How I never saw it parked there I'll never know but once I made the connection I'd see it all the time. Every once in awhile I'd run into him and ask "Franco , you're gonna call me when you go to sell it , right? To which he'd reply "Yes , I'ma gonna call you , butta I ah needah to use eet for a leetlte more-ah" ...."ahhh si , si ,e grazie ,Franco! Ciao !!" There's another small chapter in between that is related bu I'll make it short here for American attention spans .... He finally called me like 2 days after I'd talked my wife into my getting a 32K 1976 DL automatic 1600 sedan , which now resides in a dealership in Sweden!! Luckily she said , "aww go ahead , I know you love that car." And the love is as stong as ever today. Gotta fly ...thanks for the appreciation!! And Jon (backwoodsy), you gotta use these these things , you know that. I can still find them out west if need be. Cheers! and Rinse thoroughly !!
  11. It's been right here since 1978 , properly undercoated by Zeibart.
  12. NOT the Shark: The Snow Shark at rest .... Pardon the sucky pics ....
  13. Pics (mine) aren't so great , sorry but here you go... I'll try to get better shots but just too much going on right now. BTW , that is a really nice donut shot and of course you guys have me beat on scenery. Just plain old city living here. That's Long Island Sound in the background. Better shot of the water .... You can see LawnGuyLand beyond the big ship moored in the Sound. Still a good amount of Italians here in my 'hood .... Ciao!
  14. Not bad from our perspective here in the East.
  15. I'll get pics up later ... its close to 2 feet in most spots down here on the shore.
  16. you call that snow??? It's about 2 feet deep here right now .... camera will come out later. I'm too tired from having to dig my way IN to my parking space.
  17. oh its happening .... but gad dangit I left the tow strap in the other wagon.....:-p Well , I went to help the boss with the shovel that I did manage to bring. Bobcat from the snow removal contractor got him actually out of the bank and back into the track where he was able to finally be cut loose and drive back into the parking lot. Meanwhile , the SNOW SHARK , PICTURED HERE IN SUNNIER TIMES ...drove like nobody's business , all around and back to safety. It's a total white out situation here. Snow , wind , wicked flippin crazy!!! One of the best storms ever as far as I'm concerned. We're not allowed to have cameras here although I did have the iPod , but didn't whip it out. Perhaps I'll do some shooting on the way out of work and post later. I'm staying here and making money. Certainly going to be declared a State of Emergency today. Highways closed ,etc..... It's really bad out - or good if you've got balls and 4WD. :-p:brow: I'm so giddy right now I've got to stop and come back later. Cheers from the SNOW SHARK !!!!!!! :cool:
  18. Kiss my frikkin rear bumper you Hummer drivin' muthuh !!!! Wait untill you guys see the news of this latest storm up here. Then realize that my '78 4WD wagon just bit and tore its way through the .....wait I've gotta go tow my boss back into the parking lot ... oh this is frikkin GREAT ! be right back......
  19. Good common sense info , thanks Mark. I've been looking for an RD to play around with and might be taking one in really soon if I can leave enough space in storage. I've owned 2strokes before but never had any seizure issues. (Puch and Bridgestone) ...just thought of something .. the Puch was the "twingle" and B'stone had chrome bore cylinders so that's probably why they never seemed too tight.
  20. OK so the Factory manuals are B/S ??? Just telling folks what SOA and Fuji HI tell their customers. I've got solid state if anyone needs one.
  21. Manuals tell us to replace V/R and Alt. at the same time. FYI
  22. zac , sent a Private Message. I don't usually use this profile message box , but no biggie.



  23. Loyale - that's just a shield found in most cold weather Subarus from '79 - '84 + here in the States. I actually have NEW from the 70's "Cold Weather Kit" which has that shield in it among other items so carbs/intake perform better when the tempature goes to freezing. Probably very rare down your way. Was that a car from a cold weather region? Also used to keep water off the disty all around. Rares options ? hmmm ..... wood steering wheel from the early 70's?
  24. That boxy cover thing that sits over the SPFI throttle body. Duct goes to the air cleaner/filter box with the MAF along the way. Not that its a huge matter of importance here and now but cleaning that MAF doesn't hurt. Check those sensors and their connections.
  25. Check all vacuum hoses and the fit of the plenum , and for cracks in the plenum.
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