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Everything posted by moosens

  1. It's up to the poster to notify a moderator if changes are needed. So far I think one person in all this time has contacted me to make a change. This thread is nice and trim,or it was. It's kept that way for ease of printing. So please understand if you see one of us clean up and toss posts like this one out. Questions are fine but let's try to keep this post trim and ask questions to the moderators of this forum through PM's. Thanks very much for your understanding. If you see you can help people out then I'd get to sending PM's and/or emails if I were you.
  2. We are. Will try to get a list of good weekends and bad weekends to work from.
  3. PM sent. My friend Charlie says these seats are outstanding. I'll get plenty of pics later this week.
  4. Would you like to buy some of those exact seats in really nice condition? Came from this car: Should be going back there later this week. I can verify condition and get pics. Another low mileage car.
  5. You mean 3.9 ?? There weren't many "5's" around these parts at all. Funny to see that old style tranny come out of that car. With only 30-some-odd K on the tranny I'm going to use this one to see how easy or not it is for myself. Luckily I have Charlie who,like "maudsland" lived the whole deal with swapping 1100/1300/1400/1600 stuff around. I don't see too much difficulty but I have been warned by Charlie that it is NOT drop in and go by any means.
  6. We just crushed a GLF-5 which up here was a rather rare car. It was a 1980 with a 1600,top starter fivespeed. Sure is one small tranny/diff. and we kept all the linkage to try to fit it up to my '74 DL 4door. Most people think once 1980 came here in the USA that only the Brat continued with the 1600,external voltage regulator,and top center starter. We didn't get a lot of the 1600's after 1980 up here. At that time most everyone wanted the bigger engine. Does anyone have a 1980,81,or 82 FPM handy? I'd like to know if that tranny is like the FE fivespeed of '78 and '79. Several cars in the early 80's are designated as "FE" or fuel efficient through the early 80's but do not carry the FE badge. I packed most of my FPM's away,so thanks for any help.
  7. there's your "cut 'n paste" dual carb GSR set-up !!! Go get 'em!
  8. I start on the bodywork this weekend!! Should be done by the time we are sucked through the Black Hole. Yes,I'm joking. But there'll be one back in the stable sooner or later. nice brats!
  9. Called him this morning,no answer,still waiting on a reply. What about just looping it so the circuit is closed all the time? I hate electrical stuff but this year I'm throwing myself into some electrical projects to better edjumicates me.
  10. That's right. You will also have a tricky time with the linkage and fit in the tranny tunnel as I've been told from a guy who's done it several times. I might be doing it to. As for 1400's there's supposedly some that Bryan Thompson came across but never relayed any real info on. He kind of left it so we need to go through him which doesn't help any of us since he apparently no longer uses the email address once attatched to this board and does not reply to PM's. Or he's just being a weenis to me personally. Lucky me,I just found the number from a guy...long story short,I just scored a crate 1400 from good ol' Bryan T's neighborhood. I'd had the guys number for years and finally found it when I got this '74 that just got here. Let me know if you dump your 1400,please. I have the copper shims and factory headgaskets,etc. I will not be giving any up,sorry. I'm lucky to have what I do. Also have new heads so I'm hungry to get a 1400 rebuilt. Ignore all the talk. If you set your 1400 up properly and keep it from overheating it'll be just fine. Also,I'm onto another lot of old dealer stock.I've already had my hands in this lot and am totally sure there's s heap of those copper shims for these engines. The guy has to get back to me so hopefully pretty soon I'll be wrapping that up and have better news for you should you choose to try to keep it going. If you could find a 1300 you might be doing even better. I'm looking for at least one really good one. We have one here that needs a rebuild. More reliable,best economically.
  11. You'll probably have it figured out by the time I get an answer. I can't remember,but its easy enough. My buddy Charlie or my brother will know. That feature was also on the '73 and maybe '72 as well in the 1400 Coupe.
  12. What happened to the pajama paint job? They didn't come through for the advertising or what?
  13. Remember Mr.T telling us there was a place near him with at least a couple other crate engines? Can't seem to get a hold of Mr.T so if you know any info on these please let me know. Would like to know if they are still available and price. Really on the hunt for anything 1300. New or used.
  14. OK,pretty soon I'll be right there with you. .....just got into town on Saturday night Skip,I'm sorry about the photo size. She should clean up real nice. Will run but isn't drawing up from the tank so I need to drop it,drain it,treat it,and go from there. Ran pretty good,no smoke,no real bad noises,with some gas down the carb. I'll try to get a hold of whatever '74 stuff my buddy Charlie has,if any is left. Weird year,spare tire down under. Please check my new list on needs and I'll be working on stuff for you too. Cheers, Paul
  15. :-p gad dammit,boy I love ya !!!!!!!!!!!!! Well,just offering since I lived through probably the crappier two years in 2005 and 2006 and now things are a whole lot better. It's good not to be so damned tight in the wallet,not that I'm getting fat rich,but damn,I aint even thinking about gas money and if it's worth the drive,etc..... To me,it's a pretty cool weekend. We've had the redneck crowd from Charlie Chongo,then last years redneck crowd....much too civilized for Charlie's group,I'm sure.Lived through "SubaruBrat Scott's Bush Campaign and even got to see him shrug and admitt the Chimp is doing one hell of a job .....of ruining the USA's reputaion and moral through and through. THAT was fun,seeing him somewhat humiliated the year after the Chimp for Pres. campaign. So,you see,there's always some sort of pleasure to be derived from the whole Carlisle experience. Still can't believe Ben didn't have Home Depot threaded rod to hand out,but oh well. As for the real winter stuff. Sure do hope to hit the Ice Racing,but can't 100% confirm yet. At least I have new tires on the '78 whereas I just couldn't embarass myself with the 12 year old tires that were on it. Also hope to hit the Barrens before Spring just to do it and for the infusion of a roadtrip/cool day exercising a 4WD vehicle. BTW if we do make it soon it'll be my '78 wagon or maybe the '79 if its registered by then. Black ice bump.
  16. John,I dare you.............:-p Better bring me some more Flappy's shirts though.:cool:
  17. Current needs for my 1974 4door DL: Any Stage I dash from a non-Coupe that's not cracked. Plastic (metalic sort of finish) trim piece from the rear driver's side pillar. Rear deck -which is basically a molded piece of masonite/cardboard type stuff that sits behind the rear seat and under the rear glass. Interior door handle from the driver's door (must be from a 4door) with linkage to door lock.Complete set with key,etc. would be nice but even just the handle alone would help.
  18. .....and the Texas Vintage Subaru Owners Club was then born on that day......
  19. Son says hell yeah. Wife says "what about global warming"? So what that most likely means is that my son and I will head up and have a blast calling mom sounding like we're underwater......
  20. Congrats,Connie! Have lots of stuff left at Charlies. If you truely intend on keeping this for a long stretch you'd be mighty smart to hit up Charlie's stash. I also have a beautiful trunk rack too incase that one isn't to your liking. Tommy can have some of my mahogany if he doesn't have any handy. Nice fresh wood on those rack slats would make it like new.Couple of cuts and some PL Premium,better than new.
  21. Why now in the middle of winter,are all these vintage Subarus popping up??????
  22. take the sedan engine,remove intake and egr piping from exh. sideports,plug egr holes in carb'd heads with thin stock,no biggie-two 10mm bolts each side-easy-done-drop intake on with fresh gaskets,finish the job and you have an SPFI formerly carb'd engine.Will run fine,ours did.Be smart to maybe save and/or transfer certain harnesses but its a real drop 'n go deal. Have fun! Wagons,yes. just edited....if you haven't done this kind of work before it's easy.Just put your SPFI intake up on the spare tire deck with everythnig still hooked up.A/C and P/S can just be unbolted and moved off to the sides without losing any fluid,freon...let us know if you need more details.
  23. Some of the Ice Racing details can be found here: Tentative 2008 Ice Racing Schedule *Sunday January 6, 2008- - - Cancelled *Sunday January 13, 2008 - - - Caroga Lake, NY *Sunday January 20, 2008 - - - Lake Algonquin, Wells, NY *Sunday January 27, 2008 - - - Caroga Lake, NY *Sunday February 3, 2008 - - - Round Lake, NY *Sunday February 10, 2008 - - - Lake Algonquin, Wells, NY *Sunday February 17, 2008 - - -TBA *Sun. February 23 & 24, 2008 - - - Lake George, NY *Sunday March 2, 2008 - - - TBA *Sunday March 9, 2008 - - - TBA *Additional Saturday Dates May Be Added If Weather Conditions Dictate A Shorter Than Usual Racing Season. Please, always call ahead or check in the Latest News before going to an event. http://www.icerace.com/
  24. Hey there! HAPPY FREAKIN' NEW YEAR !! #1 Pine Barrens Trail run anybody?? We ain't seen the Barrens since a quick dash through in the dark in May coming back from Carlisle with the '78 and '79.....jonesin' bigtime! For those yet unfamiliar with the Pine Barrens of southern New Jersey its mostly sandy trails,nothing too crazy. Some water,take it or leave it. No pressure to be a hero or retard. It'll be a winter run so it should be a little more slick than usual. If interested and want more info just ask. Kick it around and we'll see where we settle as a group. The more nasty it is,the more I'd prefer to have several vehicles and probably a non Subaru or two might come along. February? March? Something before Carlisle,which is the third weekend in May every year. #2 The Ice Carnival and/or Ice Races in upstate NY. I'm sure Mike Kamm will post. This year I should actually be able to make it there with new tires on my '78 4WD wagon. Tires are on! Nothing fancy,but at least I have something acceptable. I'll be in the stock tire class unless I can whip up some bolt spewing black donuts. http://www.icerace.com/ If money is fat enough I will score those incredibly expensive tires I saw in 155/80 13. Wow,just occurred to me that I might have the '74 here by then. We'll see about that one. And,there's a '79 4WD wagon here now too. If things work out it might be registered by then...should be. It has a clogged heater core which might not get unglogged...so no heat for the moment.:-\ #3 Carlisle Kick Around/Warm-up thread. The Carlisle Import/Kit and Repli-Car show in May is a National event. You do NOT have to have a show car,just anything that's roadworthy and Subaru for our group.Or bring your other specialty car and meet up at our tent. This year I should be going down there on Friday. Sure would like to help out more this year. I'll be happy to cover the tent up front if need be. This year has seen a few folks shed their old cars for newer ones. But some of us have added more older cars. Should equal out to a good show with a healthy mix of Subarus from the 60's through the latest models. Will my '78 be restored by then?? Hope we can all make it there in May. Rumor has it that Todd "Subaru3" is going to make Carlisle from Texas with his sweeeeeeeeet '79 GF.
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