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Everything posted by moosens

  1. Chiller Theater scary!!!!!! that blue in the shiny grill ornament.......like a twinkle of life from a zombie's eye.Mossy bumper,Creature from the Black Lagoon.:-p
  2. Been some inquiries lately. Can we get an account of what we know of in stocks of dealers,shop owners,enthusiasts??????????? Gotta belive the numbers will fall short of demand. Personally,I see myself needing/wanting badly a second windshield for my '73 GL Coupe.And a newly produced piece for the '78 4WD Wagon would be nice.I'd accept a good used w/s for the '73 as long as it was taken from a '72-77 Stage I Coupe body recently or stored upright.I sure don't want to find a bad fit from flattening or stressing.Feel the same way about your car? Think we should look into new production of front windshield glass? I couldn't expect a Coupe production,but the wagon,sedan,hardtop group shares the same mold!! Oh,doesn't the BRAT use the same one too?My manuals are boxed up.Can't check that.
  3. Cool,way to go Connie! Entrant #1 !! Money stinks right now,but I'm picking up work this week,by April I'll be signed up.Sooner if I just get too dang itchy. Hey,maybe we can push Todd to come up with his GF! And Danny in Tennesee too.Quick blast up I-81 and he's there.
  4. Hey,I've got a guy interested.Can we get some more details.I'll send a PM now.
  5. Hey uhh,certainly not wedging Matt out,but why don't we see if we're close to 25 cars first?We have untill the end of April,right?I know I'm most likely going to register at least two,maybe the wife's car too.That's 1/8th almost.Andrew,you've got plenty of cars and cash....could be six right there.For me,it might get my friend Chris to finally go to the show.He can drive my third car. Don't forget,it's a lousy $5 to add a third car.Consider it the tent fee. $15 first car,add $10 for second car,add $5 more for third car. Andrew and Paul- 6 Connie- 1 Matt-2 Dave hocrest-1 Ben-1 backwoodsyboy- 1 nkx Jon- 1 Nick goobaroo- 1 That's 14 fairly definite people and a handful of those who might make it.And it's only January. We could easily get the rest by April.
  6. Well,it's about as flat as wallpaper now. :-\
  7. Most of everything from '72-79,with obviuos exceptions to the bodywork.Otherwise only Coupe dashboards and shifter consoles are different.Coolest seats are the GF's.GF's also had a tachometer.The instrument clusters should swap.Not sure it a coupe dash works in sedan or the other way around or not at all but there is a difference. You really want cars from '74 through '77 stage I,sedans and wagons. Datsuns of the same era share electrics.
  8. We do get together for off roading in southern New Jersey.Other folks have began efforts to meet at other off roading spots too.Check the board come springtime and you'll probably see one for eastern PA and one for central/northern NY.
  9. Come on man,read the whole post,please.Don't be the kid that holds up the whole class.Thanks.Mostly European cars,Kit cars,and Repli-cars.You'll love it. You betchyurass on that one,dude.This is where it's at on the Web for enthusiasm for older Subarus. I'm pretty sure there's a whole mess of people that'll really appreciate a true Subaru head like you being there.
  10. Righteous!!!!!!!! Cool Nick,that car is awsome for the east coast.Should be a field favorite when looked at objectively. Good start so far! I'm thinking we can get back to the crowd we had the first year we used the USMB to get folks together there. Good idea from Matt,maybe start with everyone sending $10 to the "tent kitty".The way I see it we should get real close to that magic $100 mark very quickly and should we need more we can figure the extra change needed and divy it up....or I have some other ideas too.Read on,please. Ladies and Gentlemen,It's not all that hard to go into your local dealer and explain what our group of enthusiasts is doing....and ASK for some give-aways/promotional items from them to bring to Carlisle.Make sure you tell them we are a group of Subaru enthusiasts who drive all years of Subarus.And make sure you tell them its for the Carlisle Import Show.Thousands of people attend this show. If they say no then that's life. In the past my local has given me many items to distribute even for my own personal Subaru gatherings!! So don't be shy,please. Also,if the dealer and you have a very good relationship you may want to suggest that if they give you a minor dollar amount that you'll gladly promote that dealership,and Subaru,at the Show for them.You can offer to hang a sign,pass out pamphlets,etc. If a dealer kicks in even $10 that helps,and you can easily explain where their $10 is going and how much exposure they'll be getting for that piddly sum of coinage. Main thing is if WE ALL do this we're sure to get a good amount of cash and freebies raised. I've got Dan Perkins of Milford CT covered.I have an outstanding relationship with several members of their staff,so don't anyone else bother with them,please.In the past I've "re-gifted" stickers,parts manuals,coasters,keychains,and all sorts of promo stuff from Perkins.
  11. There's a phone number ....did you call it? Haven't seen Elroy around here lately.Good luck
  12. There's no hope for that car other than parts and they probably won't be worth the time to go get for me.But there's Andrew much closer,but very busy right now.
  13. yeah yeah yeah....just don't go running off and hiding again. Shake some hands,meets some of the people you'd prefer to throw things at.:-p Just kidding.Don't be shy this year. Potential field: 360 van -some guy we don't even know who mysteriously leaves his oversized toaster with wheels on Friday night and takes it back late Sunday....but he missed this past year,didn't he? Justy '87 GL Turbo Wagon SVX '83 Sedan Baja Brat Gen II XT6 Impreza Rally Car? Legacy Legacy Legacy Loyale/GL/DL boxes possibly my '78 4WD wagon possibly a '75 coupe possibly a '73 wagon possibly Brat Gen I '82 GLF ???
  14. yes and yes. Those Bozos on the NAUSIAC board..... dorks!!!!!!!!
  15. That's a '75-6 or Stage I '77 4WD wagon.Grill makes me think it's a '76 That blue center grill badge has my eye like a mockingbird's.4WheelDrive emblem looks worth of snagging,whole grill for that matter. The grill works in Stage I Coupes!!! Looks entirely ***************in gets my vote for coolest of the old grills. I'd like that bumper too.Moss can stay with the car. Thanks Mary!
  16. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=004&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=140053784559&rd=1,1
  17. Hi Ray, Yes,I do still have the '73 unrestored.It'll be a while before I can do much with it,but it's here and it's not going anywhere too soon. Andrew is the young guy in E.Windsor right by the auto auction place.He's got some deal with the guy in E.Hampton,Charlie.I was lined up to take the '75 coupe I told you about,but I guess Andrew has a deal worked out now to take it in the future.Andrew also brought back a '74 or 75 coupe from out west,looks great.So now he's got two or three of them.He's gone above and beyond the call of the average enthusiast and in the last year or so has acquired several early 70's Subarus.He also owns some 360 nonsense. Charlie is friends with both of us.Together we three went in on a small lot of old dealer stock from 1968-1979. So we should have a good chunk or parts towards each's restorations.Charlie owns a '71 wagon,and other 70's Subarus. There's a somewhat healthy vintage Subaru population in CT.There's another member here with a '78 4WD wagon,and another CT/RI guy with at least one Gen I Brat. Keep in touch.Keep searching. Honestly,the thing to do is pay the money for a transporter and get a solid one shipped from the west. The 1400's are getting more rare,but I think the thing to do is get a good 1600,later model,like a 79 GF or an FE.Or drop a 1600 into a pre-77.
  18. Are those GF model seats in the Brumby? I also had some in my old '78 waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when in the early 80's. And thanks for the great pictures.
  19. Rock 'n freakin Roll Baby!!!!!!!!!! Nice score!!!! That second gen wheel is for the Leone's.
  20. Yeah Matt,go for it! So far I've got some patches to give out.Should be able to score more dealer give-away crap too. Maybe we'll raffle off the Subaru/Leasing sign I still have to pick up from the barn near Harrisburg. Might be some chicken feathered headlights from the 70's too. Should we make a flyer to hang in dealer's parts/service depts.?I'm going to try to whip up something.
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