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Everything posted by moosens

  1. One guy stopped by here and posted the vintage ice rally in NY....that looked cool,but the weather was so warm those weeks.....and I'm not sure my drysuit still fits like it used to.
  2. I've attended vintage races at Lime Rock many times since the 80's and never have I seen anything from Subaru racing.Of course,that's road racing. BTW,that bodystyle would have come with either a 1300('72-3),1400('73-75),or early version 1600('76-77 Stage I) to a showroom floor.JSYK
  3. Tap it around the edge with a wood or plastic mallet.Tap it clockwise,or counter-clockwise,then it'll loosen up.
  4. Eastern PA clearly outweighs the western end for Subathusiasts. That's too bad,because it keeps Skip from meeting up with us all too often.But on the good side,we folks from CT and lower NY can all meet easily enough at Pine Barrens,or somewhere in the NJ/northeastern PA area. I've held back from starting a Pine Barrens Run/Meet. Think it's time???Still nice 'n slushy,gooey,wet,wild.....etc.. Beats sucking sand dust when it all goes dry....trust me,from now on if it's dry I'm bringing dust masks of some sort.cough....cough....:-p Eastern PA has places like Pottsville where you still see plenty of 80's Subarus on the road.And there's Harry's and all sorts of great little yards.The last stronghold of older Subarus in the northeast. If you guys have you own get together please let me know.
  5. my thoughts too... Absolutely awsome! Get yourself one of those car bubbles with the little fan....keep it like a museum would.
  6. Club is only to get aenough people united so the Carlisle folks will set up a tent for us.The group normally needs to be at least 25 pre-registered entrants. Lots of rows of cars seperated into groups like Italian(not so many so they lump them together),or by marque like Peugeot,Saab,Volvo,VW....etc. We park directly across from the Italians,so you're in excellent company. Camping,yes.There's camping there or nearby. Gifford Pinchot State Park is excellent,but last time we noticed that they really don't have the place running 100% untill late May,just after we blow through town.Not saying it stinks,but things like tall grass,still many signs of winter,etc.Still cheap and worth the stop. I went with my family two years ago.My 8 year old son will probably be there with me this year.There's plenty to do around the area for both of you.Kids will be bored with anything after an hour or so,but there's lots of interesting cars and some walking to do to see them all and the exhibits.
  7. Congrats!! Your cars body was produced for the American market for model years 1972-1977 Good luck with it!
  8. Different cam,different head,and in '79 a different intake. All cranks and con-rods are the same unless automatic so no,the piston does not travel further.They made a different crank for the auto.,but that does not affect the FE.
  9. I've never needed a puller yet and I've yanked many steering wheels off of Subarus.Give it a shot first.Lots of short tugs instead of trying to force it in one big tug. Sometimes a tiny bit of side to side movement helps as you pull it towards you. Geez,I could swear it was clockwise,but then again I'm a little backwards sometimes. Happy to help.
  10. OK,did you re-read my post after editing?Try that and let me know how you made out. My son is taking over the computer so I'll check back later. If you still have my number you're welcome to call me.I'll be watching Scooby-Doo or something like that. School closings for a little white stuff-phooey!!! Mom and Dad-send daycare!!!!!!!:-p
  11. Trudy,the screws are from the windshield side of the steering wheel.Should be two Philips screws. Correction,I think it's only ONE screw on the driver's side. If you have a 4 spoke wheel you have to hold the wheel and turn the pad clockwise about a half inch or less to disengage the pad.
  12. Wait...I think I have a picture here somewhere...... ok here it is...... :lol:
  13. That sounds like mtsmiths,a.k.a. Smitty,who's also made it east for a Pine Barrens run. Miles,if you head east you'll probably blow away my 19 states worth of people. I know there's at least one more state I'm forgetting.Must.....hit....twenty....states....
  14. Right,I know in the Maritimes it's needed,probably the same out west....you turn a corner and there's a sudden fogbank thick as can be.Good law.But,you'll buy headlights every couple of years.
  15. That's right,it's not about the cars it's about the people.So bring earplugs. Seriously,it's 4 hours from Bridgeport,at reasonable speed.I'm probably leaving Saturday moring around 5-6AM if you guys are up for caravan action. There's an outside chance that we might do the family thing and cabin camp,or tent camp,or cheapy hotel.If that's the case I'll be there Friday night. Sometime in the next couple of months we'll work out who's going and who can caravan down from New England.
  16. Action,suspense,drama....I love it!!!!!! Glad to see you actually have the time,place,and patience to see your way through....and of course the extra choke.
  17. Nah,I had a good group at my workshop a few years back.And we had some good groups at Pine Barrens and Carlisle. Here's the real picture of the northeast people: The autocross course we had: And the party after: :-p Sorry Eric,I'll make it up with some legit East Coast Subathusiast photos.
  18. I say we all offer him $50-300 for it before the auction dies a miserable death. Well,you can dress it up but you can't sell it anywhere.:-p
  19. Elad,Did I send you the grill??? I know I had it boxed and ready to go.Then things got crazy. If I didn't send it then it'll go out in April,after the first warm weekend with no rain.
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