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Everything posted by moosens

  1. Please join us at our off roading meets in the Pine Barrens,NJ. Also,let us know if you guys have an off roading (light duty is fine) spot and maybe we can make the trip north. Be sure to check the Meet 'n Greet Forum and I hope to see you guys start your own meet,hopefully somewhere with a little off roading or even joining in a TSD Rally would be cool. Pine Barrens is fun.Sandy trails for the most part but we make it exciting,or can,with speed.There's some water fun and a spot or two you can test something lifted should you have a high roller.No real rock crawling.It's fairly flat down in southern Jersey.One look from the tower we went up and I thought we were in Kansas.....FLAT.Could see Philly in the distance and I guess Atlantic City...anyhow,just wetting your whistle,stop down if you can. There's definitely momentum building on the east coast.Less snobs,more people leaving oil spots. It's not that there's no Subaru,that's for sure.It's just that now people are starting to see the value of keeping the older ones going longer instead of just turning them over like when everybody was raking in the money.Looking like those days are sidetracked for a lot of us here.That's when you really get to be involved.We've got a great group in the PA/NJ/NY/New England area and we've helped each other bigtime and pretty much always had fun doing it. Cheers!
  2. Smeels a little fumy,so I tend to think it's dumping way too much gas in the mix.I'll need to go over the carb/choke sometime soon. This is NOT normal condensation,but thanks.I've had lots of cars over the last two decades and when the car smokes after just shutting it off for five minutes it's not condensation. I detect the slight smell of the new gas we have here.We'll see,but any ideas are appreciated,thanks.
  3. I've got loads of mannies from '71-84 but no time to help most folks in most situations so please,only in desperation.Almost EVERY ONE of my manuals is buried in storage right now,too.....so there.
  4. What I've seen is that people from the northeast will look in for info but not get involved.Feel used? That's what the difference is between us and the west coast.People here don't romance old Subarus because they have to be realistic.I've said this for nearly 30 years,Subarus are the Bic lighters of cars.Use them and toss them away.There's always another one coming.That's the theory I live by untill one comes along that's worth holding onto,like my '78 wagon,and the latest '82 GLF. Good luck roping New Yorkers.
  5. I'd sell it and buy more Subarus. It's just that I personally just went to a car show here and saw tons of muscle cars,etc..and I'm sure most everybody has seen the usual drive in car shows all summer long.I know I grew up with muscle cars in the family,really could appreciate them back then.But I appreciate them a little less now that the prices have become what they have and the gas issue. I think it's completely amazing that you saw a 360 anything there at that show.360 truck,now there's one to get!
  6. Looks like it'd be coolant but there's no smell of it.The coolant in the car is probably old,but it is still fairly green in color.Do you think that old coolant possibly sitting for years is so diluted that it'll smell more like water steam?Because that's what it sort of smells like. Not blue smoke,no oil burning smell at all. Intake manifold gasket????Maybe a slight crack between the water passage and the fuel mix duct?? This is Connie's (Bucky92) former 1982 1800 GLF.
  7. This one: http://www.carsatcarlisle.com/schedule/fall/index.asp I hear James Dean might be reincarnated for this one. But seriously folks,I'm sure there's going to be some wicked cool old cars there....but doubt there'll be an old school Subie. Jon,mark your calender,bud!May....third weekend....you own old Subarus....one excellent gathering,trust me.A whole heap of us balked this year but most of those are committing to this year's show and we've gained some vintage Subathusiasts,something like 10-fold,here in the NorthEast so our representaion and variety of models should be greatly expanded. Scott goes nuts out to make the show special for the gang and despite that it's a really good time. ...just kidding Scotty.
  8. Maybe I didn't see something but from what I think I see it looks like I'll need an inverted Torx,or spline,socket for this adjustment. I'll be "going in" sometime later this week for a pan drop,screen change,clean out,band adjust,etc.... Help this blind man see,please. Thanks
  9. Why would there be old Subarus there this weekend? The real Import/Kit Show is the third weekend in May,every year. We'll be there then,pretty much count on it this coming May.
  10. No sweat,thanks for the thought.I'm probably going to whip out the plastic money and get something decent since this car might end up as my personal winter car.Connie,I'll get the underwash carwash often,trust me. Next meet at Connie's she's going to serve squab!
  11. You're very welcome! Thanks for cooking.Man,I really wanted to head back just to eat again. Better get those pics of my backside now since the way cost of living in CT is taking it away by the day.
  12. WHOA!!! That person disappeared and I really need to get some parts and info from that person....please. I'll have to check but Ed Parsil tried to get me Kappy's info but at that time the infamous Kappy was nowhere to be found.Much like to make contact.....please.
  13. Geez,that camera likes my backside. Did you nail that throttle to try to get the lifters to fill up yet? Let is warm up and then peg it.Those lifters should be very quiet now. Damn those parts retards for not having the right throw out bearing....let us pray together...."oh great throw out bearing,please don't fail Connie's little Bucky". Sorry I couldn't hang all the way through.Didn't catch any fish at all,but I got the time in and we got to the water,all that really needed to be done.Good to see Dave and Melis got there. I fell asleep before the end of my sister inlaw's killer radio show (4th Saturday of the month 6-10PM on 89.5 FM WPKN.org(internet*) and now on 88.7 in the Hamptons as WPKM)."Captol Radio"!!
  14. I think I just grew more chest hair looking at those.Very cool! GRRRRRRRRR!!!!!
  15. What,no post of the action yet??? Well,I had a good time helping out.It was a pleasure to help Connie after all she and her boyfriend Tom did for me some months back.Also rewarding to help keep another older Subaru on the road in CT. Go Bucky GO!!!!!
  16. Jesse in RI comes to mind.Borad name-Subafreak Mary,what about you? Scott in Norwich,CT has a gen I too. Trying to keep it in New England.
  17. Hey guys,I'm kind of desperate for some good 13" rubber.If you guys have some old wheels with decent rubber and can either donate them or wait for some funds I'll take care of you before the snow flies. This is for the '82 coupe,2wd automatic. 5 x 13
  18. Wow,easy Mary,my floor just shook..... Next time,and see if you can swing one of the fall meets for off roading of parts-hounding.Or stop down when I finally move. Nice truck Tim has there....the bigger,newer one. Got the last of the dealer parts today.
  19. Wow,this is going to be a great one.Look guys,if we stick together you know the deal,we can all chip in on one car to get someone their engine ot tranny.All for one,one for all..... Thanks Keith and the other guy.Now to set a date.Let me see what life looks like after this weekend.Defenitely before late November...prefereably in the next few weeks....agreed?Not too soon,I'm just not ready and the money is so thin I can't even see it right now. So,maybe start saying third weekend in October?Saturday,of course,but who knows,maybe I can camp or crash somewhere and do Harry's Hazelton on Sunday. I'd like to hit Natzinger's in Auburn and I guess the EZ in New Ringgold for sure on Saturday.Possibly stopping at Faust in Allentown,but the Subies are in a back corner there and there's a new freakin highway going through that is all mud right now,or was a month ago.Looked like a long slow highway project so I doubt it's any much further along. Can I get a report from Natzinger's??,Dave?? And please call from there if you can.That'll help a lot.Thanks!
  20. Enjoy Maine! Lots to do down that end and lots of sights and solitude out the other end..Water temp still swimmable if you don't mind 55 degree water at best. Wish I could join you.Wanna help my brother on a ladder about 35-40 feet up that Saturday?....nah,me neither.Have fun!Lobstah!!!
  21. Dave and Melis,can you drop off the stands on Friday night?That is if you guys are going up to VT Friday. Maybe I'm overdoing it here but I figure if the car is up and the wheels off(hint) we can do the well deserved brake fluid blow out and refill.I'm sure her car is working on the original fluid.Air compressor would be nice,maybe I can get mine out or Tom....nice nozzle to blow out the lines with....I don't know,you tell me. No call on the parts yet.I'm surprised.But I'll drive up tomorrow and I'm sure it'll all be there.We've already got plenty and nothing serious has been missed.As long as while the engine is out you have the main seals,cam seals and O rings,pump seals and such,you're all set with that. Got the hard plates for Lucky today!!
  22. Thanks Connie,I'm so broke it ain't funny right now.Can't wait to sell this place.I'll getcha back,you know that.
  23. ...in flying colors,I might add!!! Not bad for a car almost 25 years old.Lucky's birthdate is something like 10/81....it's an '82 GLF coupe,and it's now officially on the Connecticut roads on a daily basis. That was too easy.But I ain't complainin'. Less than 15 miutes total from pulling into the garage to driving off with a smile. See you at Connie's on Saturday!
  24. Sometime in the next month or two I plan on hitting some eastern PA yards.If you'd like to meet up,we usually have a great time hitting at least 2 yards. This trip I'm mostly interested in a yard in Auburn PA and then maybe hit Harry's in Hazelton if the "pre-game report" declares it worthy,or Ringgold,or whatever you guys suggest. Faust in Allentown is decent too,and there's a Harry's there too. Long day,it starts early,lots of walking...bring food,water,coffee,etc... I'll leave the Bridgeport CT area around 6AM on whatever Saturday we choose.Meet up along the way as you can,if you can or meet at the yards.Always helps having multiple hands.All for one and ONE FOR ALL. ...so uhh,toss out some dates!!! >
  25. Kicking it around.Off roading on sandy trails through tight passes most of the time.Some water,nothing too crazy,usually.We usually meet at the Red Lion Diner at the intersection of Rts. 70 and 206 around 9-9:30AM.Enter the Wharton State Forest at the Atsion ranger station,park outside is we're waiting on someone,then hit the trails. Mick comes to Philly early in October.Maybe we can talk him into coming out early,make a day of it with the midwest legend himself. The last run was a blast! Never mind the ONE lame picture Frank took.We blasted through those trails and snorted tons of sand dust.Must have glass blasted my lungs.Bring some dust protection if it's still dry! If Mick can't make the weekend what dates are best?
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