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Everything posted by moosens

  1. nyuk nyuk nyuk...... Just rip it apart and start taking pictures already!!!
  2. It's almost in Canada.It'll take you a good 6 1/2 hours from the ME/NH line at least.I think it's actually more like 8 hours. Yes,my turbo wagon has also suffered due to Miles' bailing out.But,he's who he is so I guess none of us lost money betting he'd show up.I had some hope but when I saw he'd moved westward,well,I blew out the candle in the window. Milt,sorry to hear about all those cars going to the grave.I hope things get better for you.I'd love to be there helping out but this year is a tough one to downeast.Norma called when she was passing through,but we were both working and she talked to my mother inlaw.Too bad,would have been nice to see her again. Maybe I can run out there with Luc,but I'm not sure.If you give up on it I'll surely through you something for some parts. Hmmm,maybe I can bring up some of the cedar cuts,etc. too.Smoke coming out of my ears....we'll talk soon.I'll pick up the phone and call,like in the good old days. Ahhh,life.I guess I shouldn't complain about being busy. What's that slogan? "Maine,the way life should be".
  3. Thanks Connie!! I know I recently saw a throw out bearing alone on eBay.Should be one at one of the local stores.
  4. I'm going to make a bumper sticker....."No Fat Cases!" My '78 just turned 87k tonight! Just an old baby.
  5. OKee doh kee... We will defintiely meet at the Red Lion Diner at the intersection of rts. 70 and 206 Saturday morning around 9AM. We might bail out on the Friday night camping,just because of the traffic.We'll see. Either way,count on me being there.
  6. 24th will work for me. Sending Tom down would be ideal!! If the weather is nice,hmmm,maybe I can but him lunch for helping me shift some stuff over to another small unit I rented right near the one with all the stuff.....hmmmm.....lemme know if he's willing.Thanks!
  7. Ian,they may have also had an automatic bell housing and were telling you that you may need to swap your manual shift bell housing over.Sound possible?Either way,Subaru3 is right,you'll be ok with this task.And,there's plenty of help here.Welcome! Oh,and Todd,thin and fat are passe,politically incorrect Ducatis of the 60's were refered to as "Narrow case and Wide case".I've got two narrows of Ducs and two narrows of Subaru. Please consider keeping it fairly stock.You can drop in several engines with modifications,but you'll have an easy time if you stick with the EA71.It's the work horse engine of the early Subarus.A lot of people feel the EA71 was the best engine Subaru ever had for good reason. The price from Rising Sun isn't so bad. CCR might be able to help you.They have a great reputation and you'll even see the owner right here on the board once in a while. http://www.ccrengines.com/ Good luck! *
  8. Nothing I can get my hands on that's definitely EA81.Sorry Dave. That was funny!!! Nice looking top of the car you guys had there too.Sorry I didn't have that extra milisecond to say hi.
  9. Close enough that I'll certainly be there. Any weekend you say is fine. But THIS weekend we invade the Pine Barrens!!!RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Connie,if you can get a flywheel for resurfacing I can load the engine crane into my car and we can all attack Bucky.Or find out if there's a shop that'll resurface the flywheel on Saturday,we can have it out by 10-11 AM. We can take the engine out and do everything on your list....you cook. Are you serious about laying down the cash for all those parts at once?Don't forget,I get a discount on parts from the dealer.I'll help you out if you need the good stuff.There's always Advanced,etc. for the belts,clutch,etc...At Bucky's age,maybe that's not such a bad idea,but I know how you feel about the car....
  10. That sounds like it could be right!! Auburn sounds correct.I probably thought K because of all the Nazi names around your neck of the woods....Klaus,Krauser,Kris Kringle....like that.There was no "Naftzinger" in Hogan's Heroes was there? General Burghalter says find my 70's Subarus or you will be pulling axles on zee Russian Front!!! ...and I talked to the guy in his 40's for sure. OK,I'll be waiting for a drool list.
  11. I'll be there,sweety...just doing a quick warm up and having some fishing time/nature time with Luc. So,we're calling it Saturday the 27th,that's THIS saturday. We'll be camping overnight Friday.Maybe Saturday too,but I won't stay long on Sunday if we do. Red Lion Diner at the intersection of Rts. 70 and 206!!! Meet for breakfast,say around 9-9:30 as usual???
  12. Thanks again Dave! Hey,I need one small favor.Uhh,don't know why you've been holding out on me,but the specialty Subaru guy says that there's a junkyard nearby that has a lot of 70's Subarus!!!! The same guy has a couple of Subarus parked across from the specialty shop guy.If you make it to this yard,please call me with details.I can't remember the town he said it was in but I'm pretty sure it started with a K. Andrew should remember or you can just ask the specialty guy. Pottsville is a cool little town.I guess you have to throw rocks at cars or something for kicks,but it's not as bad as some towns I've seen.University,brewery....young girls and beer,add the old Subarus...what the heck else you need???
  13. Yup,there's been some doozies!!! Next northeast meet will be at the Pine Barrens in southern New Jersey,and the guys up north are getting together in September. Welcome. You've got a good area up there for older Subarus.From Chase Parkway to the small specialty shops like F & S and Paul's you've got a good little area to work out of. We had a nice little meet in Danbury just a couple of months back.
  14. Tools: 10mm,12mm,14mm sockets and box/open end 8mm if you want to take the alternator all the way out-disconnect battery first off!! Punch or screwdriver or equiv. for stopping the flywheel and stopping the fan clutch. Good to have some large Channel locks for the cam pulleys. Breaker bar w/22mm socket,good to have a large pipe over the bar for leverage. THe gang will fill in the details,I'm a little tired. Good luck.
  15. Nope,wasn't there,just my tip on making a new hole for your punch to stop the flywheel. Anyhow,the belts are behind the black plastic covers on the front of your engine.Soak those bolts,and there's two nuts on the driver's side lower end,thoroughly,even overnight if possible.When the time comes be sure to loosen them carefully so you don't crack the weldnuts out of the plastic.. I'll go over the tools as we move along. You'll be smart to disconect the battery-usually 10mm. Remove the radiator(12mm),first the fan cover,also the electric fan,lift canister out of the way...remove fan clutch assy. from crank pulley(10mm and a long screwdriver to wedge into the studs to hold the fan from turning while you undo the nuts.Turbos have a variation on this,but same deal.....remove alternator,lift the A/C compressor(12 and 14mm) out of the way and place it up near the driver's side strut tower....easier to work now. You'll probably have the large A/C comp. and sliding tensioner.Take note of the sliding stud with the long hex head female.That's a pain in the nuts to get back with all the stuff in the way,so be sure to keep them together and put them back before you get to far after the belts are in and covers on.Be sure that tensioner pulley spins nice and free.Same for the tensioners and idler pulleys in the timing train. When you get all the outer covers loose you can drop a punch or screwdriver,etc. into a hole on the flywheel to stop the flywheel from turning,then you can crack that crank pully nut off.The flywheel cover is located on top of the tranny bellhousing.Normally has a rubber cover,which falls off a lot on careless people's cars. Sidenote:It's a really good idea to spend the xtra money and change the cam seals and O rings,oil pump if over 75k or at least the oil pump seals,water pump if old or at least the gasket and O ring on the metal tube.Also good to consider the front main seal. So,you stopped the flywheel and you've broken free the crank pulley with your big pipe over your breaker bar,good man,now you're off to the races... As stated,at this time **I'd** be changing the cam seals and O rings,etc.etc... and NOW it's time for timing belts... Set the driver's side belt on after you've found the three lines on the flywheel and set the f/w to the middle of the three marks(looking down from the top of the f/w hole there's a sort of arrow that protrudes from the bellhousing). Once that is set you can now set the cam pulley to the upright position using the small notches on the plastic covers.The holes in the pulley should line up vertically even after you release any tension with the tensioner pulley.THere's a bit of a trick to this that I'd need to show you.For one thing,you set the tensioner pulley all the way in and lock it down,that's procedure,but then there's a way of handling the belt that I do so it won't move from the marks.I just can't describe it right now,but you'll get a feel for it. Once you are confident that the cam sits at 12 o'clock and the flywheel still shows you sitting in the center of those marks then you can go onto the passenger side. Now you rotate the flywheel one rotation,going right back to the center of the three marks again.Your driver's side cam pulley should now be pointing at 6 o'clock. Passenger side cam: Same deal,lock the tensioner so it does not affect the belt as you place it on.Place belt on with cam at twelve o'clock.You're basically done,just need to button up. Some folks insist that you need a tool to get the cams where you need them.Sure they're not always easy,but you can do it with some thinking and tools.You can also set up the cams to 6 o'clock then rotate,etc...just as long as the outcome has the cams at 180 degrees apart. This was a rough description about a procedure I haven't done in awhile.Please forgive me if I neglected some details,but you should be flying in no time with what I gave you,and what the other folks will fill in. We all had our first time.Most of us here are NOT mechanics but we haven't paid for one lately either. Go get 'em!!!
  16. I wrote this up once,at least.Maybe it's in the USRM?
  17. Well,I need to get to this guy who has three 1974's on his property.Hopefully he's still alive.I'm not sure how soon I can get there,but I'll try just after the green disappears and before the white stuff comes down.
  18. Thanks everybody!! I made it around just fine. Andrew had some troubles in the turbo wagon but the guy in Scranton took care of him.Thanks to that guy....sorry,I forgot your name bud. Hey Pottsville,you got it goin' on baby!!!! Never seen so many old Subarus in one little town.
  19. Just got back from a good 90 minute++ session of trail driving.Did some fishing,spotted two large bucks. The main trails right now have ripples that'll drive you crazy if you have a headache.Fortunately,I didn't,and I managed to drive in the softer sides and center ridge.The center was high and fin shaped,most radical!! I avoided the thick areas since it was just me and my son. Gotta say,it's a great place to be.Today,the weather was perfect. See you next week or so??
  20. Grill,still in my car,in a box,ready to go. I just had a short trip.I'll get it going this week. Nice score!
  21. Thanks DAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Andrew and I are on our way.Should make Pottsville around 1-2PM
  22. Thanks Matt and everybody.Hershey is old news to me.That's why we're going back.Great place for the kids.Much less "yo,bling" attutude and the free little chocolates...oh boy!
  23. Aye young laddy,but I need to sail the ship to port less the third sheet to the wind me boy.Arrrrrgh.I just don't want to reach my destination too late.I'll already be distracted by Harry's or Faust,etc... But THANKS for thinking of that.Certainly in the future on a Harry's run!!...which maybe you could join in.
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