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Everything posted by moosens

  1. The local yard took out the VLSD on my recomendation.If it works for my Brat I'll see if I can get it.
  2. Any feel of a loss of drive for even a millisecond?Grab the axles at the differential and twist them to check for any play.Also tug on the axle flange in and out,again,up by the diff. No more really great shops in SW CT for Subarus anymore.
  3. Thanks guys but I need to clarify. I want a new panel,not a used one.I've got several used ones but even with no rust they'll still require some topcoat for the minor wear you'd expect from a 20 year old used panel. I'm looking for a price on an NOS fender,aftermarket or SOA issue. This guy at work will cover it.Or I'll cover him,somewhere in the woods. Has anyone bought from Mill Supply? If you guys can come up with the yellow used in 1984 please let me know.I don't have the code handy but I don't recall there being more than one yellow in 1984.It's just like Jimi Hendrix's Stratocaster-mellow yellow we used to call it.
  4. I really want to get my '84 buffed out or at least get a price on the fenders. A guy I work with hit my car many months back and I want to get this evened up once and for all. I need a driver's side fender for an '84 4WD wagon.Mellow yellow if possible.I know a new one comes in primer,but as long as folks are looking I might as well attempt to find somebody's old yeller. If you bought one,ever,please let me know what you paid.Thanks. The guy also tweaked my bumper-causing the plastic cover to pop off.It looks kind of ok but I'll probably swap my spare in.Headlight bezel was also cracked but all of a sudden I've come across about 4 of them at once.Bottom line.....I need a freakin fender,100% fresh.I already have several used fenders,some even king of decent.Nothing 100% though.This car deserves a fresh fender.
  5. I've got a '73 Coupe at Pat's in Moxee that I need to scrape up about $300 more to cover shipping on.Buy some stuff!!!!! What FE?You don't mean the one I already bought from you do you?Now I'm confused....or just toast.Slightly overworked right now.Tonight is my recupe night.Maybe later I'll remember.
  6. Carlisle,PA...they host several car shows at the fair grounds.The Import/Kit Car show is the one we take part in.THis past year was a nice representaion of Subarus in our first year as an organized group....sort of. Always the third weekend in May.Someone correct me if I'm wrong,but I'm pretty sure about that. Bucky needs no mods right now.What you need are just cool appointments that don't cost much.Stay off the hard stuff or you'll have trouble getting off on Loyales much longer. In other words...it goes from N/A to Turbo,to intercoolers,to superchargers,to lift kits,to transaxles....before you know it you've made a monster that eats you up. You and your car are just fine like they are.A little TLC,for the car,and you'll be just as well off.
  7. here here!!! What a change.T-shirt weather to winter coat weather in less than 18 hours. Dang!We should have sent the ladies for nachos and beer......but you have to go to NY for the beer on Sunday.
  8. Chop the roof,louverd hood,side pipes,fuzzy dice,bobble head dog.....but seriously.....just show up!!!That's all you need to do at Carlisle with our crew.No snobs among us and only one,maybe two folks who actually dump way too much money into their rides.Most of us show up in hack daily drivers or our "Sunday car".
  9. Obviously a follower of the Rev. G.L. Fivespeed whoever this character is.Curse on he who taketh away Connies nearly vintage Subie! Sorry Connie.Like Ken said.......or in my own words "they come and they go,the Bic lighters of automobiles. Well,at least I don't have to go to PA just yet.
  10. .......wimmenz! I just wish the day hadn't taken so much out of me.Don't mention the engine crane being blocked in by a half ton of crap,OK??? I'm surprised my back isn't talking bad words to me.As you guys can see by my getting a phone call at 9:30PM for a roof job,I'm so crazy busy right now it's.......crazy. Too bad I couldn't get there earlier but gotta make hay while the sun shines.Thanks to all of you,especially Dave for getting everything done that you could,and then some(brake exploring..)before I got there. Dave really carried the whole thing.I was about 40%,maybe less,with my lack of enthusiasm,energy,and with my finger being a gushing fountain of red stuff.
  11. Called Dave around 10:45 and he reported a smooth ride.His only real problem was having a walkie talkie with LeakingOil on the other end. Nice to see all of you again.Had fun.......got it done. Cheers
  12. Ken,I still don't have a grey fender,sorry.I'll bump up the Brat extras.I'll keep my eyes open for you. My Brat has a white fender on that sides. :-p
  13. I think the lights we have here in the USA are a little different.I'll try working on the list a little at a time.Hope you're not in a hurry too much.
  14. I've got the long one.It has three vents in a row.You need to unscrew those from inside the dash,you know.The end ones I should have too,just need to dig for those a little. Keep after me through PM or email and I'll get them all together soon enough.
  15. Thanks guys....'n gal.THis application would be just for the winter while the plow is on.Slow riding,I might even just take the roads to and from work instead of the highway for a couple of exits. The Brat won't be a keeper for me.At least right now I see it as a one season fun toy/money maker.
  16. Looking to see if anyone here has ever used these.They were issued for use with the plows so the blade wouldn't bottom out. I can probably just make some up if needed.Just looking to see who's actually had them and what they look like.I have to imagine that they fit over the round coils inbetween. I can make some calls and find out but I'm hoping someone here can give a reply.
  17. Thanks Matt,but no idea really needed.I own a plow that fits Subarus. But I do need some time with it to figure the mounting and wiring.Shouldn't be too crazy.Two way plow.I'll just need to use blocks in the front coils and I'm looking for bigger wheels too.Trying to avoid needing a lift kit,but that might happen anyways over the winter.Where I work now it's a real cool shop where I can build or have built just about anything out of wood or metal outside of lathework or milling,which I'm also schooled at,and have access to elsewhere.Time,that's what I need access to. I might just weld up some sheetmetal and stiffen it up real good with a sub-frame too.All depends on how much actual play time I get during the winter slow down.My boss says I'll be working at least 40hrs / week but I can always use the shop in off hours for projects.One of the guys that welds is young,the boss' son,so he'll be recruited for the majority of it.
  18. Free load of parts to anybody who drives from Alaska to my place. Matt,I've definitely got the large ones.Do you mean the small one near the driver's window?Or do you mean the longer ones that blow out toward the passenger seat?Or do you mean the little ones kind of on top of the dash for the defrosting?(those are same color as the dash) Either way I should have you covered.Keep on me.I'm making a list and going to make an attempt to get a few people's items out this weekend and the coming week. Send me your address again and I'll just send it out.
  19. Man,I sure hope you get it,Connie. Jes,I don't think I've ever gotten one out.....oh,wait,yes I think I did get the last one out without breaking it.
  20. Mary's Brat MUST Survive!!!!!Let's all talk soon guys.I'm hitting the shower in a few then going out after the kids go down for the night.Call me tonight if you want to after 9PM and up to about 11:30-midnight,or tomorrow anytime but best around 9AM and after 4PM....whoever is calling right now,I can't get to the phone....I'm on the computer.
  21. Northeast people,you get a second chance to get free or dawg gaone cheap parts from the 70's through the Loyale. If you're the least bit interested please reply here and post a date and time that's best for you.Locals are absolutely welcome to arrange weeknight rendezvous. Consider this the Ultimate Subaru Thrift Shop.I really don't want to sift through for order picking these next few weeks.So please don't ask about individual items for shipping.I will let you know if I have an item,should you inquire,but like I said,please consider coming down and browsing around.It's got to be worth the trip if you're driving any older Subaru-pre Impreza/Legacy. There's glass,fenders,hoods,rear differentials,transmissions,engines,axles,trim pieces,dashboards,wheels,driveshafts,exhaust pieces,interior trim,lights,coils,A/C compressors,Alternators,starters.......probably some other items too. Location: 230 Woodmont Rd. Milford,CT 06460 Unit 41-C Easy to reach.You'll need to be shot if you mess up getting here.30-45 seconds from the highway exit (I-95 exit 40 ) in either direction. Don't forget gang,just like a tag sale/yard sale,when it gets near the end,stuff will be tossed out so the freebie factor comes into play bigtime.
  22. Wow,I just saw this post for the first time thanks to your email Mary.What a mess.Call me soon.Yes,I'm busy but I'm usually available later at night.This weekend is work,work,work.But just call and I'll call you back if I don't answer.I'll be in transit from one job to another in the mid morning,that's a good time to talk.Or I'll be on my way back from work#2 around 4-5PM. Sunday is no good untill after 2PM.Then I should be home.....working.
  23. The top pic is a hatch,then the next one down,that's the one i see as a coupe.It's grill was never on a Brat.That grill looks very much like a pre-75 to me.
  24. Good luck.Let me know if I can help in any way.I have almost every removeable piece from a '76 GF coupe,same color as yours,light brown/saddle color interior.
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