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Everything posted by moosens

  1. Are any of you up for a small meet at my place in Milford,CT....again? I'll be setting out heaps of stuff I need to get rid of-some for sale-a lot FREE! I need to do this fairly soon,like at least before mid November.I won't have the workshop much longer.
  2. Once it's 25 years old it wouldn't need any inspections at all here.Worth $3500 for sure.Nice job Jerry!!!!
  3. Dave,and a couple others,I need to even up with you guys.thanks for your patience.I'll be writing checks.....untill I die.....but seriously,I'll be taking care of you,shawn,and edrach this coming week.Thanks again! You know,I don't normally listen to Howard Stern but today I heard a few minutes and Johnny was scheduled to call in today to let the audience know he was soon departing......all this and thinking about those three being gone....very very very weird.I just wish I had a Marshall stack to crank the piss out of with my Mosrite. I hear there's some sort of Johnny statue to be unvailed soon as well.I've got a great idea for a sculpture that I hope to make a scaled down version of very soon while it's fresh in my skull. I think this could be the Red Sux's year after all....Johnny was a huge Yankee fan,another reason to love the guy.I think his passing might lift the curse.Then we can maybe not hear so much whining. Man,some of his friends that were at his side when he kicked,,,,Rob Zombie?He'd freakin' make him die sooner.And Talia Shire????But Johnny wanted to go west and hang with the popular/Hollywood crowd.I guess he got what he wanted. There were essentially two truely revolutionary bands in rock 'n roll.The Beatles and the Ramones.Pay attention kids,you just learned something your mother and father never learned-most of you that is. Gotta sleep.Thanks again for the big welcome back. Cheers! 1 more thing.......go Johnny oh way oh,misfits joyride zone R.A.M.O.N.E.S ,R.A.M.O.N.E.S. RAMONES!!!!!!
  4. Way bitchin! Kind of old Subaru blue...kind of Pontiac....kind of Boss mustang.....certainly acceptable given the period of the vehicle.
  5. Kick starter....bitchin!!!! Just curious,have you made out a last will and testament? Rubber side down Bud,good luck.
  6. Yikes!!!!!!! Damn near fell out of my chair. Onward Christian soldier....onward!!!!
  7. That's a little outrageous in my opinion.....sounds like a scam. I want a tailgate wagon too but no way will I cough up 4grand for one. Hoax.Stay away.Listen to wise old Ed.
  8. Thanks Joe.Are you up for a Pine Barrens run in your Brat?I'm hoping on another trip before December.
  9. Pat,I'll have that window in a couple weeks for sure.I don't think I have one right now though.
  10. Pat,I don't think I have that Gen I Brat window.I know where one is sitting in Maine and the guy is holding it for me.I need another week or so to be able to get a weekend run up there.If you can hang tight the window is yours free and I'll cover shipping.Thanks again for all your help with the '73
  11. In no particular order...... Damn,Johnny's dead too.... Ted,I sent you diaphram for the shifter the other day. Bard-the C drive is full and dopey me,I delelted some system stuff....it'll all work out with local help...I think,but thanks and if I do need help I'll surely let you know. Ed-thanks,yes she contacted me before my computer went south....I can probably help her a little.....and maybe really make her day if I score this particular 48k Gen I Brat in Maine.It has rust but has my blue dashboard that I need,which will allow me to release the near perfect black dash I have sitting around. Thanks for all the nice comments.Gotta fly...see you all soon.
  12. Russ,can you post a pic so us gen I abd Gen II owners can distinguish,if there's any difference?
  13. LOL!!!! HeyJim,give me a call later if you can.I'll be out at the hell hole from around 8:30-11:30 I have an original California Go-Ped...love it except I chuncked the rear doing curb jumps,and pushing it through my personal road corse(course).Need wheels!!!!!help!!I wonder if maybe I should convert so I can use up some old Subaru parts.yuk yuk.....
  14. Pat,I'm still scratching up the dough to get the '73 back here.Thanks for your patience. Jerry,i sent you the d/r 4spd shifter boot/console,enjoy! Paul BTW,I think my brother put that same early d/r tranny into my '78 Brat back in '83 or so.
  15. Hey ho,let's go.......testing one two three four!!!!!!!testing..... using a Mac from wagonsOnly......many thanks Elwood!!!! Sent out the shifter boots.....to Subynut in AZ and the D/R top shifter boot to Jerry...... Sorry for my absence.Look for more later. Ciao! Paul
  16. THis weekend....Saturday.....I'm going down Friday night with my son.
  17. Man,I call the RX the buy of the month.....in MAY!!! Ahh,the east coast..... Bump! Who's in for a Pine Barrens run besides me and my son?I'll probably take the '84 "USMB calender car".
  18. Parts????Anyone willing to snag a few things? Sehag is looking for a dashboard,*_so am I_*if it's blue and not cracked.Willing to cover time and shipping. Also interested in axles,and probably a few little items too.
  19. At this point I'm going down Friday night and camping.Not sure where just yet but hopefully right there on the Barrens. Geez,I'm starting to miss EJ and Dennis.... Anyone who expects to go on Satuday please email me and I'll give you my phone number.Please do the same if you have a cell phone.
  20. Hi guys,welcome back Ed. No need to stockpile,as I stated,just keep those specific parts I mentioned,and others in mind when you see a car that offers them.Perhaps you're only there for one part and you see these others....it's a definite resale item if I mentioned it. I was going to post the exact same example Ed gave of certain items like the headlights not being worth the effort in the longrun. One thing to keep in mind though.This vintage Subaru or older Subaru for economic reasons thing is catching on here on the east coast.I'll bet those headlights will be able to sell for $30 once again,but infrequently since it'll be rust zoners paying the higher ticket.Don't toss them out just yet.
  21. OooooOoooo Ooooooo,,,,have to run out right now...ooooo oooo talk to you later.
  22. Ahhh,well that's cool.We need to import a whole boatload of them from place like Ed's. Cool Mary,hope to meet you guys sometime.One member here typically has a dunes permit for the Cape."ByTheSea"-a.k.a. Brad-big wheeled Loyale wagon,that's him,on the Cape during season,Belchertown when school is in. Talk to you soon. Paul
  23. Cool! Mary,where in Mass. are you guys?I've got a '78 4WD wagon.There's only a few of us left in New England with these 70's cars....but you knew that.
  24. Oh,I don't expect anyone to go buying up these in hopes of resale.Just keep it in mind so if you see a car that has the parts I mentioned please let us know.I'd gladly send you the dough for any of those as needed. Right now I need the EA82Turbo exhaust from rear of the downpipe.Emissions will be back here soon so I need to be ready. Anyone trying to keep an EA82 D/R in the rust zone is going to need that linkage.We'll also be hunting the fuel pumps,etc. as they are way too expensive from the dealer and the store equivalents generally aren't much cheaper. Gas piping,brake lines too.I know most of you probably wouldn't want to mess around but since the yards drain the tanks it shouldn't be to hard. For us,the rust just encrusts the brake and gas lines-when cars aren't attended to properly-and nothing sucks worse than not being able to stop while your car is on fire from gas dripping on the broken exhaust...... Anyone parting a car leisurely in their yard would be kind to save these for us folks in need.
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