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Everything posted by moosens

  1. Rock 'n Roll brother Charlie.Sure was a great weekend.
  2. I'm bringing a box with my camping cooking stuff.I do need some Coleman type fuel.I have some clean up stuff too,some paper plates-not a lot,and some plastic forks,etc,wax cups....that sort of stuff.But it's for my little family so I hope someone has some plates 'n stuff too. Cranked out like a muthuh tonight,all week actually,but tonight with WagonsOnly-Andrew.Car is looking and riding very well.Don't expect a restored '78,just a really good daily driver that's 25+ years old.I tossed some silver fenders on from a '79 just because they were better,but they aren't perfect either.Anyways,you get what you get. I'll try to check in before I leave Bridgeport around 3PM. See you Saturday AM unless somebody calls me or gives me directions to meet up Friday night-provided I'm up for it.
  3. I thought I replied.....I'll check but Monday will be a better day.Very busy right now.
  4. 4 dozen hamburger and 3 dozen dogs. I'm going to likely chump out on the lasagne and just bring some venison sausage,and whatever other venison I have. I'll try to make up for the lasagne by whipping something tasty up. I'll be eating with you guys Saturday all day.We'll say good bye to you all Saturday night as Sunday we hit Hershey Park and split from there. Since we'll be there early Saturday I'll make breakfast.We'll buy the eggs there.Probably do some homefries too.Coffee----there's a concession stand there but to have a machine pumping out the java would be ideal. BTW-Hershey is actually quite a deal compared to Sesame Place which is rip off major league.Haven't hit Dorsey yet but between Sesame and Hershey you can't pay me to go back to Sesame.Just my parental opinion.Besides,Sesame is another hour plus from Carlisle than Hershey. Gettin' psyched!!!!!!!
  5. Mike,it's not ricer at all,really.I shouldn't make you think there won't be any but for sure they don't rule this show. You'll be amongst Porche,BMW,Mercedes,Peugeot,Volvo,and lots of English and Italian car owners,etc. See you there.Just so you know,if you have time etc.,Dutch Wonderland in Lancaster is great for a 3 year old.And only 20-30 minutes away or so. Aloha
  6. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! dude,way to go!!!!!
  7. Thanks Eric,can't wait to shake your hand some day. She's still cool with me,even after the fire.If she wants it-the car that is-she can have it for same price. I'm getting very serious here.I'm going to off either my old Ducati,or one of my vintage guitars to cover transport. Cheers!
  8. Just got my set from the dealer and the 11's were all gapped at .041 just the way I like it,right in the middle.They give me a discount so I don't go cheap.Works out the same. YES always double check. ><
  9. Yes Todd,I got it. Yeah,who's wagon is that?I'd rather have that but the 4door would work for say $100 or less.
  10. Up here the rust is killing these mounting plates(in the flooring) Subaru used.If you're in the rust zone-I forgot to look-then use something that'll last and coat it with tar or something.
  11. Things are way up in the air right now.We might just take one car but I'm not really sure.Thanks for the offers guys.
  12. That's fine and understandable.If you would talk to me like an adult maybe we can even patch things up.I see you've settled down,or appear to have. Nothing in your emails said anything about not being able to email,etc. whether in a desert or your backyard.You didn't stay there when the racing was over did you? Otherwise,the car is for sale again but I am now working on raising the cash for transport.So,all this said and .....done?....if anyone is interested let me know ASAP as I won't be concentrating on this as a seller.I will now begin the fundraising for transport so interupt me soon please if you truely desire this car. Jamie,good luck.See above post about "no animosity...."
  13. Could get sleeper of the year award with an EA81T stuffed in there.......
  14. OMG I hit 7000..............sorry,had to freak for a second.
  15. Yup,we need a price here.Thanks for offering. Both sexes please-EA81 and EA82
  16. Well,I guess that backs up the flake issue even though I never said that.I only meant you're apparently too busy for an email.Even through your busy schedule Austin stated that you are at a computer emailing people...so even though you had a busy schedule you could surely have closed the deal. I don't care when you pick it up,just wanted confimation since you never replied to my inquiry about payment.You instead came back with some left field rant about Ken. Ken has nothing to do with this other than I just wanted him paid instead of you paying me,or Pat.I guess that flabbergasted you for some reason and you never quite replied as was needed.It was a rant and nothing more.I got no useful info out of that email and it was the last for quite a while. Thanks for the very nice comments about me.That shows the board a lot....about you.
  17. No joke....wayyyy too busy but I will do an all nighter and crank out the necessary work to get there and back safely.Restoration in the future. Jesse,we're leaving Friday afternoon.If anyone can link up with us that'd be comforting.Otherwise it's AAA Plus plan to the rescue.
  18. Just emailed again but after Austin informing her and all the previous emails and PM's I believe my stick is being yanked. This car should have been paid for already.End of story.
  19. We're looking into checking out of the hotel on Sunday and leaving for home after a good day at Hershey. I'll need to park the car somewhere on Sunday as I head into the park with the family from morning untill 5PM or so. If I need to I'll just leave it at the hotel and drive back for it.I'm trying to save the time from Hershey to Harrisburg/Carlisle only to head back east. Thanks for any help.
  20. FPCU?...oh that thing.Yeah,you must have left it in the car.I told you to make sure you grab it before you head home. Actually,I haven't parted any EA81's recently.We did an EA82 Touring wagon instead. Send a picture of it,or description and I probably have one on my shelf already. .....oh,nevermind....I'll look for that baby and who knows,maybe even get back to you.Remind me if I take too long.Much to do,much to do....
  21. I'd take either of those Black Forest rides.Nothing wrong with those in my opinion. I did have to park your '83 on the street so it's up for picking.At least the police won't be able to drag it away.Best thing to do is raise the cash right away and pay the "protection" fee,the Italian way. Anyone with free time soon and wanting to join in please contact me.THere's a 3door D/R 5spd,and an EA81 4WD wagon yet to go.Maybe another too.
  22. Oh,THANKS a million to Andrew and Louis who came down and kicked !! Nice Beetle Andrew,and I sure would like to see that 318i of Louis' with a friend of mine.Louis,if I'll let you know Monday if the guy is interested.He'd be an idiot not to be,in my opinion. OK touring wagon down(the parts car,not my "truck").Only a few more to go.
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