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Everything posted by moosens

  1. Do you have the old stlye ignition or an upgrade to electronic? If you have the old style you may need an alternator,or at least the diode inside it.Or the Voltage regulator might be shot.THere's not much involved in these cars.With a little time you could have the whole system checked. Check the fuses.Pull them out and physically try to pull them apart.Skip found the fuse I had looked at on my '78 and thought was fine.A tester revealed that there was something wrong and when he yanked on it the fuse just came apart. The only fusible link on these is next to the battery.It's a two wire link,they're parallel in the same connectors. Good luck.A few of us have Factory Serv. Manuals if you need further assistance.
  2. FSM shows a single black wire from the disty to the Negative (-) side of the coil. I've got to run so I'll post back later.
  3. I've been meaning to get to that...i printed the drawing,know the part,but just haven't gone that extra step yet.Sure,stop by as soon as you can and bring one of those mud puppy creations with you.I'll get arrested but man it'll be fun. First Subaru Church of the Resurection going to hell!!!!Save Our Souls....!!!! WagonsOnly and I will be up there later if anyone wants to stop by. 230 Woodmont Rd.-unit 41-C Exit 40 off I-95 in MILFord CT
  4. Stage II 4WD wagons from '77-79 w/quad lights.Fun,functional,nice lines-very Euro-chic.
  5. Is this Subazoo-Scott?. If not,there's another Scott up in VT-last known to be near Tunbridge....he's set up for welding,fab,etc. somewhat and has a $200 Brat too...click on Members and contact him....if you're not him.
  6. I'll have to check the FSM for you.Those show up on eBay for like $5 plus shipping sometimes.I might even have an extra.I know I have the complete set for '74 so you're hooked,just give me some time,like might even have the info later. Otherwise remind me,as usual. Right Skip? LOL
  7. I'll do what I can for you.Remind me please as there's a LOT going on here right now. I have at least one 1400 at my workshop complete so I'll be able to get the shots for you.Just need time. What wires are you concerned about?
  8. a professor i know has over 1,500,000 on his e81 wagon-only the second engine too.
  9. Some of the info here has actually made me laugh so enjoy all your ranting,I know I am. Anyone who lived here in the 70's and early 80's knows the deal.Now,it's not the same with the choices the yuppies have these days.SUV's,4WD Audis,Merdedes,Porshe,etc.,etc. Numbers,show some numbers.East coast people who drive Subarus are a little different than the west coast folks.It's a disposable tool here.There's less east coast people on this board but I doubt there's less Subaru owners here. SOA is in New Jersey isn't it? So,what is the point of this post thread anyways?
  10. Thanks guys.I'll keep this post active and call/email.This week I'm not concentrating on the workshop but I will need to very very soon. Andrew.call me later today if you can.You mean your mom's car that shouldn't be on the road because the headgasket is so blown and you needed another engine-ahem-for free-ahem-from me-ahem....?OK balls equally busted....time to move on.Call me.
  11. Mike,Great job on the pictures.A really nice album there that I wish I could have taken.
  12. Rather than wizz back n' forth 'n get all messy.Sales numbers-I wanna see some sales numbers please.From 1968 through 2003 if possible. I'm going to bet the east is at least very close if not beyond the west in sales. People just don't keep cars as long here.Except one guy flying down PA I-78 at 90mph in a 1978 wagon.
  13. Thanks guys.Unfortunately I'll probably have to build my workshop. Hopefully some cool older house comes our way with an huge garage,etc.
  14. Yes,it's true.I know I didn't discuss this with anyone at Carlisle but it's TIME. TIME to clean out for real-once and for all-and get down to just what I can really afford to store in our next home or storage. We did this last year and a week later things kind of changed so we decided to stay.I went all last year month-to-month(no lease),and this year I opted for no lease as well.Now the rent is even higher so the incentive is there to get out with some skin left on my bones. I'm certainly not relying on members to take everything I'll offer.Some stuff will be tossed,there's no stopping that.I'm sure a lot of you feel the same way.It's just a shame to toss so much stuff and I'd just like to see who can match up items to their needs/wants. Most of my stock is EA71,EA81,and EA82 era. Read carefully-I DO NOT have any:Turbo items,SVX parts,Justy parts,Legacy and newer parts to offer. Any suggestions on a date?I need to do this ASAP.Looking to possibly be out by the end of June. I WILL cook this time.You're on my turf so I have to feed you.It's an Italian thing.Wassamatta you?I'll do burgers 'n dogs ' venison. Yes,I really could use the help.Yes it sucks but it's for the best.House-important.Workshop-must take second place.
  15. Just wanted brag.The car ran so well on the way home from Carlisle!Total trip mileage for my '78 was like around 600 miles or so.My wife followed me-or often tried to. My wife says "stop getting away from me(cell phone conversation)...I'm doing 80 and you're losing me.You're going to get a ticket....you know your luck with the cops."How does Clint say it? "nag,nag,nag". 25+ year old car. 1600 cc engine. Blasting by Volvo 850's! Kiss my formerly plated tailpiece you yuppie you stinkin' Volvo Bozo!!!!!
  16. Yup,I deserve that. Forget the venison and they forget you too.LOL!!!! Great weekend.Really great mix of folks and Subarus. Let's see: a 360 van!!!! a '78 4WD wagon !!!!!! a lifted,this that and the other thing-Brat!!! a clean stock Brat lifted EA81 wagon lifted EA82 wagon-or two? SVX's a Baja one bitchin rally car-STi?? or was that ??? Forester XT XT6 and then some... Skip rules!!!! See,now aren't you glad you all went?We showed those Saab losers!!What a pathetic group they are.99% of the group had cars that have no technical or historic value.A waste of grass if you ask me. Thanks everybody!!!!!!
  17. Rock 'n Roll brother Charlie.Sure was a great weekend.
  18. I'm bringing a box with my camping cooking stuff.I do need some Coleman type fuel.I have some clean up stuff too,some paper plates-not a lot,and some plastic forks,etc,wax cups....that sort of stuff.But it's for my little family so I hope someone has some plates 'n stuff too. Cranked out like a muthuh tonight,all week actually,but tonight with WagonsOnly-Andrew.Car is looking and riding very well.Don't expect a restored '78,just a really good daily driver that's 25+ years old.I tossed some silver fenders on from a '79 just because they were better,but they aren't perfect either.Anyways,you get what you get. I'll try to check in before I leave Bridgeport around 3PM. See you Saturday AM unless somebody calls me or gives me directions to meet up Friday night-provided I'm up for it.
  19. I thought I replied.....I'll check but Monday will be a better day.Very busy right now.
  20. 4 dozen hamburger and 3 dozen dogs. I'm going to likely chump out on the lasagne and just bring some venison sausage,and whatever other venison I have. I'll try to make up for the lasagne by whipping something tasty up. I'll be eating with you guys Saturday all day.We'll say good bye to you all Saturday night as Sunday we hit Hershey Park and split from there. Since we'll be there early Saturday I'll make breakfast.We'll buy the eggs there.Probably do some homefries too.Coffee----there's a concession stand there but to have a machine pumping out the java would be ideal. BTW-Hershey is actually quite a deal compared to Sesame Place which is rip off major league.Haven't hit Dorsey yet but between Sesame and Hershey you can't pay me to go back to Sesame.Just my parental opinion.Besides,Sesame is another hour plus from Carlisle than Hershey. Gettin' psyched!!!!!!!
  21. Mike,it's not ricer at all,really.I shouldn't make you think there won't be any but for sure they don't rule this show. You'll be amongst Porche,BMW,Mercedes,Peugeot,Volvo,and lots of English and Italian car owners,etc. See you there.Just so you know,if you have time etc.,Dutch Wonderland in Lancaster is great for a 3 year old.And only 20-30 minutes away or so. Aloha
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