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Everything posted by moosens

  1. 4 hour drive for us too.We're staying over Sunday and driving back Monday. Hershey Park on Sunday for the kids. Gee,I wonder if the Volvo crowd is mostly single guys too?:-p
  2. nkx-you should enter it no matter what condition,etc. Look at those stinkin Volvos and Saabs....ptooey!!!! We're shooting for Friday arrival around 8-9PM,settle in and be at Carlisle by 10AM for sure.
  3. Not sure on Wednesday yet.Should be busy from Tuesday through Friday. My place is in Milford,CT just off exit 40 of I-95.Actual address is 230 Woodmont Rd. if you want to do a map search.Super easy.Of anyone gets lost I'll have to shoot them....that easy. Mostly for now I need to get some folks interested-or at least one-and we'll work out a good time.Most likely Saturday is best.
  4. Sawzall that mother!! Don't go nuts with torches if you don't have to. Make it much easier to yank the engine with the rad. support cut out.You'll figure it out,but cut the rad. support near each headlight from top to bottom on a slight angle going towards the center of the car.....you'll see.
  5. Can't remember the compression figure but I think you're right close.Main thing is it should be at least close amongst all cylinders.Can't have one less than 20%(??) of the others....someone else will step in with the exact figures I'm sure. For the swap-well it could go well with the right tools or helper it could go by in a matter of a few hours to most of the day.All depends on you.Not trying to offend you,we've all had our first time and that first time now seems to have taken forever when you look back. Lots of swaps go well when you lift the intake but don't detatch any of the hoses or cables *other than* what goes to the valve covers and the metal pipe at the back of the intake,yank the longblock out,and drop the new one in,then re-set the intake. If you don't like the carb/fuel delivery you have now then swap the whole thing out being carefull to tag the fuel lines and anything that might confuse you.ALWAYS assume you will have to leave the job and not get back untill your memory has faded.Nothing worse than wondering if you screwed up. Disconnect battery remove radiator,fans,alternator,any A/C or P/S **(You can just put the P/S pumpaside aswell as the A/C**There's no reasonto disconnect either.The A/C can sit up on the driver's side shock tower,and the P/S pump off to the passenger side.The intake can sit where the spare tire goes. Now you are looking at plenty of room to work. Disconnect the exhaust from the heads and from the mount near the tranny.It's ok to let it hang but best to prop it slightly so no stress on the joints,etc. Remove the nuts (one on each side-14mm) that secure the motor mounts to the crossmember. If you have an engine crane and want both the engine and tranny out then you can do it in one shot.Keep them together. Otherwise,remove the 4 nuts securing the tranny to the bellhousing on the engine.You also have the pitching stopper which by now you've probably gotten to.It sits up top and is shaped like a dog bone-sort of.... OK,get your buddy or even smarter,get your hoist or crane or lift,whatever,and pick that engine out. Things to consider when you have your next engine sitting in front of you and easy to do work on: Flywheel resurfaced if manual main seals oil pan gasket complete front of engine re-seal(main,cams,oil pump,water pump) new clutch-if manual good motor mounts I'm sure I'm forgetting a few things.The boys will be by to correct me or chip in soon. Good luck,you can do it!!
  6. Hi Louis,you hit the magic post count I see... hahaha Call my cell phone between 8AM and 9PM Thanks! Even if you can't make it untill next weekend that's fine.
  7. http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/usmb/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=12190 Need all the help I can get but even just one guy (or girl ) would be a great help. Lots of stuff to be donated.Some cash involved for the right victim,I mean helper.
  8. Looking for a helper.Will buy lunch and send you home with some sort of parts,goodies,etc. Basic moving and some inventory. Need to start in Milford,CT as close to 9AM as possible but if you can't get there untill a little later I sure won't bitch.I do need to get out of there around 2:30 unless I canmake some arrangements with the kids.Then I could stay untill 5PM or so. I am definitely doing this on Monday.The rest of the week is up in the air as I may be working Tuesday through Friday.All up in the air.Crazy conditions but that's where it's at these days. Also looking for some help in the coming weeks and weekends even if for just a few hours.It would help me out TREMENDOUSLY! Two guys together can do the work or 3 individually with minimal effort.Trying to do it all by myself takes way more time. Other projects to chose from: engine swaps tranny swaps heater core swap Anyone willing to help with these will indeed be paid some cash as long as you can swing some wrenches and be "the man".I'd never expect a free repair or even a cheap barter.Like most blue collar people I'm a good tipper when I get good service. Man,if I can get a couple of swaps done on a weekend I'll be loving life!! REALLY need the help these days! Thanks for any consideration. Cheers!
  9. Wondering if we want to round up kids at a campground or what?Cheapy motel,whatever works. Hershey Park on Sunday is the plan for us.Looking at a late arrival Friday.Saturday is car day for dad probablly all day.The family might split early Sat. as the kids attention span for chrome and vinyl fades. Saturday night could treat all the kids to a romp session of some sort. Camping cabins and regular cabins are also available nearby.Nice easy set up and weather beater.:cool: My son is 6 and daughter 2 1/2 going on 8
  10. Corky,I'll gladly send the stripe kits I've gotten. Please keep in mind that some of us have pending deals with Billy.I just re-sent him several of the emails I had going between us.It's nice that this could become a "family affair" but I feel in fairness that the people who comitted to certain items should get them first and the spills to be gathered therafter.It's not like this wasn't kicked around long enough.As I recall a few folks even got their merchandise already.Also at least one guy has completed his end of the deal and is waiting for his goods. I don't put my heart and soul into Turbos,mods,lifts,etc,etc...I do vintage,that's my gig.This was one of the rare opportunities to get in on some NOS. Done with my plea.
  11. Todd,if you make it there I'll drive or fly down with my son.Don't know how I'll get away with it if I don't take at least one kid with me. Ahh,parenthood! :-p Ya know,my wife really wants to get away soon.Maybe we can do something in the next month or so.If you want to make it sooner I can probably use method "A" above.
  12. Double edged sword of sorts.... $75 is not bad for something MINT that you can't find on the east coast anymore.At least a door with all its parts,in and out.I'd have offered $30-40 and if need be,meet him around $60 But you're right,most yards are a huge rip off around here.
  13. Billy,Can you ship my stuff to me?That way there's the lovely feeling of completion. I can see where I need to either get down there or get a definite list of parts expected.Did you get the emails I sent that showed the items you offered that I commited to?I haven't heard back from you since you requested any old emails/orders. Like I said,getting a bunch of folks together in GA,this I gotta see.It's not a poke at anyone.It's just that history has proven the east coast to have lots of Subaru owners but few who will take the time to get together.Traveling to GA makes it even harder.
  14. Just what Iwas thinking,about a couple hundred elbows.Want to have a good tub of sand and shovels for starters,then add a tree stump or something if needed. I couldn't see the picture.Anyone else? Thanks for the Nissan info.I've got a few Subaru rear diffs handy at the moment. Try to send that pic to me please.Thanks
  15. Exactly! That way I can commit or run for the hills. Power of suggestion,now my brother wants one bad.
  16. Only idea right now is that I need to be in rural PA,or somewhere like that with no kids,with some equipment and a little money. Actually I'm considering making the a true junkyard wars project and scrounge for all or most of the material.I've got no extra coin right now.I do have metal cutting blades for circular and of course the Sawzall.Have a couple fair grinders.Can get welding done or experiment with the old GE I have. My intentions for now are to at least get the plow hooked up and sorted out before the last snow.If I use it once this year I'll be amazed and satisfied. Next year I want to be rockin 'n rollin at the first storm's dumping.
  17. Go Rob GO!!! Thanks again for the hood release cable!!!!!
  18. Sure Andrew,but I don't have time for all this.Thanks anyways. Skip's idea seems like the way to go.Why didn't you reply to my email and spare me this post oh mighty man of green bottle beer?:-p ....but one thing I don't like is the centered mounting.I think the weight should be evenly distributed by using the bumper mounts.I can see taking a turn and all the weight making the basket crank over a little.Maybe I'm overly concerned with that....don't know untill I see how sturdy it is.What's that basket rated at?I'd also like higher sides.....and would like it closer to the body.But it's still probably the best idea yet. Hi Konrad.Do you all plow that way in PoleLand?
  19. Plow Midget R & D So,the key here is that I'll be using a hatchback for a plow vehicle.The thought it that it could use some counterweight in the rear with that plow rig up front and Subarus being not exactly balanced machines.(front end already more heavy than the rear by a few hundred pounds. Thought for the rear bumper is to make it like a long(wide)metal basket bumper that can hold a container with sand and some shovels.I could mount trailer lights on the rear for more visiblity if needed.Basic frame would be based on the 2x4 iron box stock with steel mesh as the basket bottom and sides.Kind of like a longmetal flowerbox. I figure it's stick out about 18" from the rear body panel.Hang down about 4-6 inches below where the normal bumper would hang to.It's replace the existing bumper and mount up with the same method,maybe some bracing from underside too through the trunk. Thoughts? Open to criticism if it helps in the end. Naturally,this means it'll stop snowing for the year.....you know that,right?
  20. I have yet to see a rotor/drum combo..... I thought these DRUMS had a self adjuster like late 80's Subarus.I'm familiar with the star from other cars.Didn't know Subaru changed design. I'll get a good eye in there and 2 thin blade screwdrivers and I'm sure I'll get through it clean. Thanks for the help.
  21. Pine Barrens in NJ soon I hope.Good warm up for Carlisle. And there'll be a "End of the World" blow out party at my workshop sometime too.That'll be in Milford CT
  22. Guessing it was Tom McG. Should be yellow if that was him.
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