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Everything posted by suziq21

  1. Thanks all! My husband has told me to bite the bullet and just run it down to the shop and let them have all the fun of figuring the problem out Funny, this did start ~1000 miles after a new timing belt was installed... I'm dying to try to take the #4 out and get a pic of it. The wire seems to be a bit fused to the plug at the moment.. But again, thanks for the insight!
  2. Sure! One plug was melted with lots of carbon deposition where it goes into the cylinder, the other was almost as bad. Both cylinders had stopped firing. I know it was the #4 that was melted and I can't remember the second one. They had to "dig" (for lack of a better term) #4 out. The second time it was just #3. it wasn't even threaded in-it had come out of the threads without stipping the threads out. Its appearance was very similiar to the #4 in the 1st incident. the #2 looked a like it was on its way to looking like #3 but it was still firing. This time it is again #4 (not firing) and the plug wire isn't coming off too easily. I actually haven't been able to get it off yet. I've never had this problem with any of my other cars. Plugs stay put and wires come off when you need them to. The car has 169K and has been relatively good to me. I'm in school, so $$ is tight. so I was just looking to see how much I could do at home. I really can fix some things:) Thanks:)
  3. Hi all! I have (and still having) a very similiar problem to this. I have a 96' outback (2.2L) that blew out 2 plugs in Feb. The local repair shop replaced the ignition coil and plugs and wires as they said there was either a leak around the wires or coil and moisture got in or something else that I can't remember right now. Then, in July the same thing happened again! I replaced the plugs (NGK Plat) and wires (subaru's) and all was well. Until! this past week when I noticed yet another plug has been blown out! So, even with a new ignition coil, I am still having this issue. I've searched my Haynes manual for answers as well as online and have found very conflicting things. Anybody care to share some insight? Thanks!
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