Thanks for the welcomes. I am going to search around the site now, and see if I can cypher this out....
It all went down like this....
guages went dead. car missing badly....fuse blown-replaced -blown
one of the holes where you put the plug wire had a chip out of it, replaced cap, and rotor, after auto parts store finally delivered correct rotor...
new alternator...
(meanwhile, in the back of the car, new gas tank, fuel pump & filter...)
still missing...
new cap & rotor....good for 10 miles or so...cracked from one side to the other...
new cap and rotor....repeat.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
I am told by a friend that I have no voltage regulator. Personally, I think I need one!.....Off to search site...
'tis a 5 speed btw hi/lo 4wd
winter is coming, I must get ready to be...
stuck at will!