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  1. I have a 1996 Legacy Outback, 2.5L Today these little lights started to flash at the front and back of the car. They are not the hazards or the turn signals. Mabye runnning lights and the lowbeam break lights, I dont know. They are beside the turn signals. They flash for 60 seconds and then stop for about 7 seconds, then start again. Anyone have a clue what it might be? Thanks
  2. Well in two days the wather went from low 60's to 4......some snow too. Now when I shidt my outback out of park I hear a click behind the dash. It is only when I press the button in to shidt out of park. Could this be due to the colder weather? 1996 Legacy Outback, 115K
  3. Awesome, than you all. I ahve been watching how many miles I have gone per tank, but I've only had to fill up 3 times since I got it. I'm going to wait for the light this time. Thanks again.
  4. Interesting, I guess I am going to have to throw a gas can in the back and go a while on E and see where I get. Thanks
  5. Ok, my owners manual says that my tank is 15.9 gallons. But then the gauge gets to E and I fill it up it only fills 11.5 gallons. Is there still 4.4 gallons in there and it is just being safe telling me it's E. It has never gone all the eay past E, just right on it. Any ideas, this happen to anyone else? It's a 1996 legacy outback 115k miles
  6. I just did this, it was not fun. I ended up putting the socket in, then the extension, then the ratchet. Still took probibly 45 minutes. I also had to remove the battery.
  7. Well I just bought a 1996 Subaru Legacy Outback 2.5L. I was doing some maintenance/upgrades. Changed PCV valve, K&N air filter, fuel filter, injector cleaner, spark plugs and wires, and oil change. I have no knoledge of the type of oil previously used. I used Valvoline 5W-30 Full Synthetic SynPower. I have heard about cars that swith to a synthetic oil at high milage can have a problem with leaking. Has anyone ran into this problem? My car currently just hit 115,000 miles. Also the air intake went from the engine bay out into the fender, then goose necked down and back up into the engine bay there it ended. I basicly removed everything so that the intake ends right before the filter housing. It matches up with the first hole going into the fender. I then closed off the second hole going to from the engine bay to the fender. By doing this I increased the intake diameter as well as I should be cutting down on the ammount of warm air I intake. Has anyone else ever messed with? I have noticed a slight noise difference, but not much at all. I am also looking for similar type things, cheep and easy upgrades, to mabye increase a little hp and run the car as best as possible. Any other ideas that anyone has, I'd love to hear them.
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