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Everything posted by lumpc1

  1. OK, now I've been driving the thing for a couple months and here is what is happening, every other time I drive it, it go's nuts, it seems also to be heat related(when it's hot it go's nuts). I took it apart and cleaned the exess grease out of the end of the cable and the speedo head and it worked ok for a couple of drives. I think maybe the speedo head is honed and it winds up. Any body!
  2. Kid, you made a wrong turn in Vegas, C.A. and baha are the other way. You better get a map.
  3. This makes no sense, but bare with me. Last winter I heard the cable screaming, forgot about it, yesterday it started bouncing which reminded me so I took it out and greased it and felt the slop first, about half turn. When I put it back in it was reading fast, this is a lifted brat with big tires and it always read slower that accual speed, by fast, I mean buried it on the freeway. The only thing I can figure is the slop in the cable and the grease freed it up. The odometer is reading the same as it did before so I'm trying a new cable, about 14 bucks at the local dealer, 10 from 1st street subaru then 7.50 shipping. Anyone had anything like this before?
  4. Northguy, no hostility intended, Shawn thanx, but the one I looked at yesterday is shrunk a serious 3". Some of that adhesive my work on the ones that are just starting to seperate. Thanx guys!
  5. It is a brat as stated in the first post, would it matter if it were a particular brat? Obviously you don't know what I'm talking about.
  6. It's the seals around the glass, no hardware involed. they shrink at the corner attached to the outside seal and pull loose.
  7. Has anyone found anyone that rebonds the seals on t-tops mine are constantly separating on the corners, Zap gave me two extras with the truck and they are junk too!
  8. I can only say it must be the short wheelbase, cause every car I own has LSD and have for several years. In 1977 I bought a new Jeep truck J-10 it had LSD rear and in the ice over overpases it would want to come around, fix, lock the front hubs.
  9. Ok Zapar that's all I wanted to know, I guess the difference is the lsd. I wasn't accleleating hard but you know with that hot rod engine mabe that's the difference also. Thanks.
  10. The other day it snowed here, so just for the halibit, I locked it into 4wd, I came to an icy corner and the rear end seemed to be pushing me sideways this was the shakedown of the 5 speed converstion, so does that indicate the RE is not the same ratio as the transaxle I installed? I never even broke traction before in a subaru.
  11. I finally got my 5 speed in & running, it turned cold and I have to drive about 2 or 3 miles before I can shift into 2nd, so I changed to 75-90 gear oil don't know yet but shifting is still pretty slow & hard Ingagement. The gearing is perfect and I have an hormonic vibration about 80mph:D :-) anybody know whats up with any of this?
  12. Jerry, why you going with this EA82 flywheel thing when it ain't right? why would you gourp a bunch of clutch parts when all you need is the EA82 friction disc?
  13. So, you mean the two piece drivelines, I guess? :cool:
  14. Yep. check with Jerry, he'll tell you what you need to do it right! but if you're going to do it for $0 it's not going to be right, if you just off road the vehicle and don't care about vibration that's a whole different story, otherwise you need a E82 clutch disc is all on the engine tranny mate up with the E82 throwout fork and bearing, the cross member is completely different Jerry will sell you a modified kit to do that and keep your stock shift setup, I used the E82 shifter and modified my interior with that stuff. I also used both cross members and cut them and mated them, it is a clean job, I also took the backet with the return spring and cut it and bolted the tab to the engine were it was not good to ride on the pressure plate if you want it to last, the electric plug for the lights was cut off a 4 speed and spliced cleanly to plug into the stock E81, This is on a 1985 brat. There is two distinict avenues of thought on the board about this, just like at any race track or any car stuff. But that's what I think.:-)
  15. Glad to hear that Tom, Zap, the brat is still at the shop for the five speed swap, told him over a month ago I wanted it cause it was sitting outside and it was way past time to get it done, then it went inside and it's always on the back plate, pisses me off to homicidle tendencies
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