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Everything posted by scrap487

  1. dont know, doesnt seem like there is enough gen 1s still out there for someone to develop a lift kit for... BUT I doubt it is all that hard to make your own lift. I dont know ANYTHING about gen1s
  2. nah... I didnt ruin it. but $200+ a tire is tough for a guy with a subaru...
  3. ok... I'm in the midst of cleaning up the engine bay, and its a bit intimidating, what tubing n stuff absolutely MUST remain for a good running car, I want to get everything else off, but there are also a lot of solid metal tubs and I have a hard time tracing them back to wherever they go. any help would be appreciated, even better would be someone to come over here and help me out and I'll buy you lunch. thanks
  4. yeah thats a very nice looking wagon.
  5. sweet... time to fit some super wide bogggers... get those puppies goin and there aint no turnin back
  6. cotter pins are a must, I learned the HARD way. they are essential and may save you from a potentially lethal wreck. I had a wheel coming off the highway going about 60-70mph, during rush hour. I was DAMN lucky.
  7. 3 days? anyway we could extend it to 8 days? my dad is getting back with that trailer from colorado next sunday and we can probably buzz down there immediately monday morning and have it gone.... I really could use that car I COULD rent a uhaul trailer and bring it up with my nissan if I get that running, but whether or not i get one good enough for the highway is a toss up, last time my dad got one he just about got in a wreck cause the alignment was off(toe out ) and didnt track very good at all on the highway. The other risk is I dont know if my nissan would make it cause I just swapped in an L20b. If you cant wait I'll call some people i know tomorrow and figure things out, at the VERY minimum I may have acess to a 1 ton dualy diesel v8, and I probably wouldnt need a trailer with that, just load the thing in the bed but the cost of fuel would be pretty high and it wouldnt be covered by my dads company like it would be if my dad were to drive down there.
  8. no, nothing beats an older toyota for ability, durability, and reliability>
  9. radiator ground wire???? maybe I dont know... but I dont think there is any need for a ground wire for a radiator... nothing electrical or anything. is it for an electric fan maybe? well there should be a ground wire that comes off the fan somewhere, and you can attach that to any part of the body/frame, like crimp one of those O connectors on it and put it under a bolt or something.
  10. lotta nw washington meets going on but not as much down here... wanna round up 3 or 4 other people some weekend to go find some trails near here. anyone interested?
  11. disty swap will come.. should I just replace it with a junkyard one? buy one form a parts store? use one from a differant vehicle? I replaced the coil... gotta admit the old one was gettin tired cause I got a bit stronger spark now. I'm taking all that emissions crap off the carburator and intake manifold tomorrow and then get things back together. the stuff thats vacuum controlled that has electrical connections, anyone know what i do with that? can I just cut the wires and rip em out and throw them away or what. other question is, once I demission this thing, how much tuning will it need for the carb? anyone got a good spare distributor?
  12. oh man... I'm jealous, I havent been out on a trail since the first week in january before I sold my jeep :-( I gotta get my subaru out there man, but thats soooo much wear on these tires... and so long a drive, next time you guys go out there, and camp out or take a couple days... GOTTA LET ME KNOW, and above all else, do it when my subaru is running and I have free time
  13. thanks... I wont, it still disturbs me parts of it were falling apart, but the fact that it was doing its job at the time of death leads me to believe there are multiple contributing factors. this also happened suddenly, it most likely wouldnt run long enough to get me to the end of the block.
  14. is it possible for pictures? the best way to figure out where its coming from is to clean the engine as best you can(spotless if possible ). some DIY carwashes have pressure washers you can use that spray a water and a degreaser. I use foamy engine brite in the aerosol cans most of the time but the easiest way is take it to a car wash, if you do that make SURE you cover up the air intake, and cover/seal the distributor(unless you wanna wait for it to dry out )
  15. no you need an adapter plate... something with my carb/vac system went wrong and was sporadically shutting the engine down so I was taking everything apart, I pulled the 32/36 dgev off my dads nissan(shhh dont tell him) to see if it would fit and nope. you can either make an adapter plate if you got tools, or you can buy one for $40-$50, you will be MUCH happier with a weber, especially if you have the 2bbl craptachi. as for the gasket you can get a roll of that paper or cork gasket stuff and cut one the right shape with a razor or something instead of buying the whole kit.
  16. yeah... I've had mine in the sand a couple times, only complaints is ever since then whenver I have to crawl underneath it to work on somethin I get sand in my face, lotsa places for it to stick to even when you think you got it all off. the tires I had on my subaru were obscenely large for stock drivetrain, and it did pretty good on the beach in 2wd, I havent had it on the softer stuff yet though, but I imagine with low air pressure and the right tires, jam it in 4lo and hammer down no chains to stretch/break/explode like it did in the transfercase in my jeep the FIRST time I've had it on the beach.
  17. ok went back and check for spark... when it shuts off/dies whatever, its still getting spark, so a bad distributor isnt causing the problem... its the carbuerator... so I have a weber 32/36 dgev, but i dont have an adapter plate :-\
  18. ok upon further inspection, I finally get the bright idea to check under the disty cap I havent yet cause i dont know anything about distributors and its imtimidating. anyways well, theres a couple ball bearings floating around, and I think that may be my problem... not looking forward to 160$ for a new distributor....
  19. that is BEEFY how to make it work on a subaru.... anyways I'm gonna have a couple oppurtunities to do a little research on this fairly soon. if we can find an inexpensive solution for axles that will allow us to use longer control arms or greater angles... I cant even imagine what it would do for the soob modification community...
  20. i was going to research this but I just dont have the money or the time to be pulling axles apart of differant cars right now. what would be ideal are some telescoping axle shafts. I know theres some places that can get them for toyotas, but other than that I dont know. as for the mountain, I was up on tuesday and it was snowing and it was just like a GOOD winter day, wasnt like spring skiing at all.
  21. yeah... I know, sorry I was kinda um, out of it last night... but anyways, new fuel pump, new filter inline right before the fuel pump, I bypassed the one by the tank just to eliminate it. I have a nissan carbuerator off my 720, swapped in an l20 and took out the z24, trust me, we had PLENTY of problems with that hitachi too. It did run pretty good though after we took it to a shop to redo the carb. I'm going to get to work today and check for a spark. I'm just hoping its the coil cause I really dont want to mess with this today but i have to cause I'm taking people up to the mountain tomorrow.
  22. well, so I left this morning to head up to the mountain to go skiing, well, about 3 miles outside of govt camp, on the last major curve before it and a fairly steep slope, my subaru DIED. had been running fine at 5k rpm in 2nd(got big tires on... ) for about a mile and then I hit that bigger slope and I was like huh... i'm not getting pushed back in my seat anymore. turns out it seams like I have a few problems. at first I thought it might be vapor lock... let it cool down, wouldnt start. so I go take off the air cleaner, and whattdya know, theres no gas to be seen through the float bowl window. I checked the fuel pump, it wasnt getting power and the fuses n everything were fine, so with my lack of tools I ripped apart the wiring for my lights and hooked the fuel pump up to that, fuel pump works(this was after about 2-3 hours of trying to rig up a bottle and some gass and what not). ok, so I got the car to start, SWEET, I move about 3 feet and it dies. so um, I think what now, fuel filter? I find i only have ONE fuel filter, and its by the gas tank, so I bypass that completely, start it up, rev it some, and then it dies. at this point I got help on the way with some parts so I thought I'd burn some time and take a small break and go for a small hike. I come back, install a brand new fuel pump, it puts out a LOT more fuel, so I step on it and head down the hill like I think it should be, after coasting for a minute or two or three I step on the gas, and NO GO, look at the tach and its dead. at this point, I park the car(zig zag) and ride with my dad down to sandy to pick up a coil and some other stuff and debate if its even worth going back to fix it or should we just go pick up a friend of a friends trailer. well we went to go get the trailer, and brought it back and finally got it home tonight around 2am. worst part is its raining, I hope it dries up cause i gotta make it back up to the mountain on saturday. anyways I guess I could just give you a list of symptoms but I felt like throwing in the story(readers digest version...) for free: will start up hard starting will run for a few minutes sometimes I can rev it and hold it at 4+k rpms and it wont die(engine cold) will idle for a long time before it dies othertimes I rev it high and it will shutdown fairly quickly(engine warm) I can idle along for a while in 1st, not quite so long when engine is warm when it dies, it doesnt really sputter, it just DIES, sometimes it will kick just a little bit but it doesnt sound so much like its starving for fuel.. right now the fuel pump is wired straight to the battery with a switch and a fuse possible carb problem too? carb never was quite right when I got it, I rebuilt it, was better but still hasnt ever really ran spectacularly good. 160k miles
  23. you cant use longer control arms unless you have custom axles made, even half an inch will cause massive problems. the only way to push the bottom of the wheels out is to flatten out the control arms by lowering the engine crossmember, that way the angle on the axles is reduced and they arent hyperextended. I was going to get some pictures today, but it broke down going up 26 up to mt hood this morning, was GOING to go skiing, finally just got back around 2am after hauling a trailer up there with my dad to bring it back home didnt have anything to do with the lift, i was a few miles out of govt camp, going up I think the steepest grade of the hill in 2nd at 5k rpms... and then it cut out... replaced the fuel pump, filters, coil(after spending about 5 hours trying to work out some ghetto fab crap), still not sure if its ignition or fuel, its sporadic, and now my starter is about dead and I think some gears on the flywheel may be broken
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