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Everything posted by scrap487

  1. installing a weber is easier... just dont hope you ever have to mess around with the linkage, its worse than the hitachi.... I forgot what all comes off the hitachi cause i havent touched one since I got my weber, but if you do it on the car take great care not to drop anything down the intake, as that would be BAD. I believe the pump is pretty easy to get to, plunger sticks out of the top with a rubber boot around it, should come right out after taking the top of the carb off.
  2. yeah it should... one of my wheels has a worse dent from when I popped a tire on a big rock earlier this summer... not only holds air but it ballanced just fine
  3. well my dad bought this flatbed trailer a week ago, needed a new hitch, and he wanted me to build sides for it and fenders along with put lights n stuff on it. While I was at it I put a hitch reciever on the front bumper of my subaru cause I'm gonna need to be able to move the trailer around up on the farm when my dads truck isnt available. Still a bit left to do but I took some pictures today when I started cleaning up. I've been using the subaru to move it around where I need it and stuff. The trailer is also the perfect size for hauling around my lifted wagon, which gives me some more extreme ideas for modifications for that too....
  4. Most battery testers will work... w/ the car running it should be putting out 14+v but I have no idea about amps. I dont think something is quite right, check and clean all your grounds and stuff and belt tension. I can run my 200w stereo very loud with my highbeams on(I have the 4 beam setup) along w/ 3 55w halogen lights and 1 100w light and maintain a charge at idle. Although as soon as I shut the engine down my battery dies completely in about 3 minutes if I leave everything else on.
  5. hmm... I made a short appearance at the show on saturday afternoon/evening; unfortunately I couldnt stay any longer than that or get there any earlier because of the company I chose to bring with me(for future referance, dont bring girls that arent into nerdy subaru enthusiasts ). I didnt have a camera so I wasnt able to get any pics of myself at the show, but I have a before and after the show pic I'll post up. I know other people got pictures of me and my car while at the show cause I saw them taking them but I havent seen any on here yet, if you have any plz send them to me!
  6. oh man the mud pit was FUN... overheated bad though, piece of mud came through window and blocked temp gauge, and then I stopped and wondered why I had no power and wiped off my dash and my temp gauge was PEGGED :eek: I had been smelling something that smell like burning coolant so I thought I had blown a hg but after checking it out and letting it cool down it turned out to be fine... damn ea81s are tough little motors. anyone get any pictures of my car? I didnt have my camera and my gf with me stayed far away from the mud :-(. it was the stockish yellow sube w/ grey spoke wheels and the funky looking brush guard/bumper w/ 2 small 55w lights and 1 100w spotlight on it... no grill, missing 1 bezel, cheap subaru windshield banner. is the mud pit gonna be running again tomorrow?
  7. hmmm... start up a sube circus freak show... this is definately one of those things someone would have to see. Probably not possible to get some kind of video of this in action???
  8. nice.. I got a cb ready to go in but I dont have an antenna yet. As far as having a CB goes, if you're ever on logging roads its a must. My uncle is a log truck driver, and I can tell you from personal experiance log trucks dont slow down going around blind corners, they use CBs to communicate with other truckers so there are no collisions but if there is a little blazer sitting on the other side of the corner bombing around it going 40mph and a truck going 40mph the otherway... who has the bigger bumper? who is gonna go into the ditch? not the kenworth hauling 50tons. CBs are good to have. The long wire/whip antennas are pretty durable and hard to bust if you have a good mount. Uncle has a 14' antenna like that on his toy, and that thing has been to hell and back many many times and it got bent up but never broken or busted.
  9. got back tuesday evening... interesting trip. Cutting out most of the details and trouble I got myself in, I am truly amazed again when what my subaru is capable of. It is unbelievable how well a 22yr sube wagon will perform on rough/gravel roads, even at high speeds(tight curvey corners in excess of 30+mph). although it didnt do very good at all in soft sand with aired down tires, was dissappointing when I had it out on the beach. Was also in a few very sticky situations, one where I(completely accidently) ended up on a steep hiking trail I had no way to go but down, and another where I had to cross a reasonably sized mud pit w/ soft mud, sunk down into it almost to the rockers. A CV boot had ripped at somepoint and I got sand in there when I had it on the beach so that died fairly shortly after, and I did the front brakes at the same time cause one of the old pads had fallen out and completely disentigrated when it hit the ground. all in all it was roughly a 4000 mile trip, and I averaged almost 27mpg on the highway going 75-80. I'm pleased, its not the most comfortable car for long trips but hauling all our stuff with some rough conditions it did very well.
  10. man that is some freaky stuff... I dont understand a thing bout the electrical stuff you guys are talking but man... wow
  11. if its in as good shape as it looks, I'd say 1000 is reasonable... however I paid less than $400 for both my ea81 wagons, so I wouldnt put out $1000 for one unless EVERYTHING mechanical was in perfect shape. My 84 had been sitting for a while but it was in incredible shape when I got it after I cleaned it up. That thing looks cherry and it doesnt look like something I would want to part with lol... You'll probably hear alot of ppl say 400-800 for it but if its in as good a shape as the guy and pictures say its worth 1000.
  12. .... mostly regarding cooling, I will be down in some hot areas and the stock setup I know wont cut it for some of the terrain I will be traversing. 2 things I'm looking for: 1)Radiator, like a 2 row, aluminum or something? anyone have an idea what to look for for something that may adapt easily to a sube? 2)I have the stock electric fan, which I will keep, but I'm looking for a couple fans I can mount on the other side of the radiator. My friend has a couple flexlite electric fans on the front of his toyota radiator and I want to put together a similar setup. and lastly is there anything else I should consider for my cooling system? or anything else in general? oil coolers? tranny oil coolers? this will be a fairly lengthy road trip (minimum 3k miles) and I'm working on getting everything in top condition before going anywhere. btw this is an ea81 weberized 1984 gl wagon w/ powersteering(currently disabled) any spare parts I should consider bringing other than a spare axle, spare belts, some oil, water, and 2 spare tires?
  13. hmmm... why not just do the same thing one would do with some beer on a hot day... run it through a cooler full of ice :-D
  14. are you SERIOUS? I thought those were all seasonal closures. Used to be a lotta good stuff back there :-\
  15. they were about $7 at six states distributors... truck supply/driveline shop near my house. they arent nearly as bright as I would have hoped for but I didnt have enough money to get any quality LED ones. I'm thinking I'll just hook those up as running lamps and when I get some money get a couple more for the sides and inside the grill and then get some LED turnsignals. I dont like the chrome so much, looks cheesey to me so I'm probably gonna sand it off and paint them black or graphite. anyone wanna help me think of cool things to do to my wagon before I go roadtrippin down to cali?
  16. well I'm just gonna "borrow" my dads yakima basket he has on his truck, he never uses it and 3 ppl + all our gear + tools + insturments is a lot for a small subaru. I wouldnt suggest you velcro anything overhead, might be dangerous in some situations. Dont have seat covers, never came with them and the seats are in incredibly good shape, only 1 small tear in the drivers side vinyl next thing I need to do is better shocks and find a way to stiffen up the ride cause its gonna be LOADED.
  17. thanks, I dont feel safe anywhere away from home without the fire extinguiser, and thats not because I've had bad past experiances either. as for the tire and speakers those are all temporary, tire is going on the roof with a basket as well and I'm probably gonna get some door speakers or something.... I'm working on prepping this for a short roadtrip to north cali
  18. yeah you wouldnt make any money on that if you bought it to fix it up then sell it. maybe if you kept it for 20 years. looks like an '84 DL 4wd to me, and I dont see the rust, paint looks like it probably needs work if you want it to look nice. with it needing an axle and brakes I'd say 200-250 at most, and its probably gonna need tires too... dd/offroad project, otherwise I wouldnt buy it.
  19. new tires, tied some things up with my stereo, added blinkers and driving lights to the bumper, mounted a fire extingquisher etc... 'scuse the mess.
  20. yeah theres some sweet stuff out in tillamook... I havent been out there since january when I still had my Heep... most of the insane trails were closed back then. Let me know next time you head out there there is a ton of stuff I'd like to see if my stock sube could do. Its REALLY fun when its wet. BTW Don't get caught out there without an ATV permit, $140+ fine if you catch the sheriff on a bad day. You'd be surprised where they'd be taking their cruisers and trucks out there.
  21. lol too bad alot of them use laser now... :-p I might follow from portland depending on what rig I take, my stock 84 gl wagon can easily do 95+ so I might not stick around but if I take my lifted rig 55 all the way
  22. arghhh.. i've ran into trouble, I've been having trouble getting my rig together, i'm just now gonna be pulling the engine tonight... and I dont have a new one to put in yet... worst comes to worse I can scavange any good bearings off this other bad engine I have and try to make the best of what clutch I have left :-\ I've read alot about naches pass and I really want to go but bleh
  23. do NOT use rtv sealant, you need a paper gasket and make sure you put it on with a light coat of oil and it will seal properly. Also make sure you clean both mating surfaces down to bare shiny metal. If you use RTV, it may not last and you also run a very high risk of it getting into something and clogging some oil passages(VERY BAD). I dont use rtv for ANYTHING unless there is no other way, in my experiance all it has done is caused problems. coating the gasket with oil is important because when the engine warms up it will "bake" the gasket and cause it to expand and seat right... if its dry this may not happen.
  24. did you already disconnect the hub assembly? if not try doing that so you can get a bit of leverage with the control arm and twist it around some see if that will loosen things up. another thing I'd try along with spraying it really good with some kind of penetrating oil, is try to get it out enough you can fit a screwdriver or prybar underneath the head of the bolt. Make sure that if you hammer on the bolt you use something to protect the threads unless you plan on replacing the bolt. I'm not completely familiar with ea82/xt6 suspension, but maybe something else is binding it up like the antisway bar or radius rod??? Hope this helps
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