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About st2eelpot

  • Birthday 06/13/1980

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    Meteorological Engineer

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  1. I'm getting around $16.5k for the 01. It has some extremly minor paint scratches, dents, and dings from all the rock climbing and mountain bike places I've dragged it, though the interior is nearly perfect. Keep in mind that at this current point it still needs a new lower half of an engine, has 65k (all warranties have run), the suspension is very lose/worn, and I've driven the piss out of it (though I have had mixed results from Dunlop tires, I love the Z rated ones that subiegal recommended). The car is clearly not worth that much $ in my opinion. Plus, I'm picking up the new car in a few hours (and I'm in east TN). I see you're in CO. I bought it in Longmont (sniff sniff, oh the memories.) Cheers, Dave
  2. Just got off the phone w/ the dealer. Will have a new O4 outback equipped identically to the one I'm losing tomorrow for around $10600 plus tax. Not bad. I guess that whole "I'm not driving another subie after this" speech played out pretty well, considering that is lower than what he originally quoted me. However, I will be selling this one w/in the first 36k I believe. Maybe I'll send this dealer a Christmas present..... oh wait, what am I thinking. Cheers, Dave
  3. I'm farmiliar with the traditional valve tap er piston slap noise subies make, and this is definetly not that. My engine actually never developed that noise. The dealer showed me the broken timing belt tensioner, once it had been replaced, and it was obvoiusly broken. The side of it had been chewed on by the timing belt, metal shavings were abound, and it was in obvoius need of repair. Once that had been repaired, one of the noises the engine had been making was gone (a dinstinctive 'clunk' the engine would make when removing my foot from the gas after hard acceleration). What remains is what I thought was the valve tap noise, but this is *not* the normal subie valve tap. It's loud enough that I can hear it inside the car, w/ the windows up, and the radio up loud, at speed (that's the scenario underwhich I first noticed it). It's extremly loud outside the car obviously. It doesn't happen as much when the car is cold, more when the car is warm. It does not happen while engine breaking or during normal to hard acceleration. The car seems to have the same amount (if not slightly more) power than usual. It seems to happen when there is a relatively small, consistent pull on the engine (i.e. 60mph in 5th gear on a flat highway). Plus, now that I have the car back from the dealer (to take out my radio, remove bike rack, etc.) It has gotten much worse (and I've driven it probably 50 miles total?). The engine was overfilled by approx 1 quart I think. I handed the dealer a 5qt container of oil, and from what I can tell they poured the entire thing in. It's actually making enough noise I'm getting concerned about driving it at all. Will probably end up w/ a new subie tomorrow or Wednesday, which doesn't concern me a huge amount since I'm actually making a tiny profit in all of this (including a 25% reduction in value of the new car when driven off the lot). Will sell this one either immediatly, or before the 36k warranty runs out. Cheers, Dave
  4. 65k, engine started making a funny noise (sounded like inconsistent valve tap). I took the car to the dealer and they found the timing belt tensioner was broken. Costed $400 to have it replaced. Then they discovered something else was wrong w/ the car. I discovered they had over-filled the engine oil, and I told them this (should've shown them in person when I arrived), though the dealer later changed their story about that. At any rate, they've diagnosed the problem as a bad engine bearing. However, that doesn't seem to make sense. Typically that makes noise, has a reduction in power, and is best diagnosed by opening up the engine. None of those scenarios existed. I think they over-filled the oil and killed the engine that way. Anyway, they contactd SOA, and SOA is willing to throw in parts if I pay for labor and I get basically a new engine. The other option is they credit me some $ and I trade the car in there. If you do the math, I'm actually getting more of a profit if I do the trade in for a new car, then sell it. So, next week I'll have a 2004 outback. This car has been a piece- clutch problems for over 30k, blown head gasket at 36k, broken plastic from the factory (leaked rain into trunk door internals), consistently wears tires incorrectly, and now the engine has died at 65k. I don't think I got a 'Monday' car. I think I got the 'Friday after drinking at lunch' car. Maybe the next will be better. Does anyone know of any problems the 02, 03, or 04 outbacks are experiencing? Cheers, Dave
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