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Everything posted by mwells

  1. The car has 98K on it. Where is the knock sensor connector located? Is it near the air box? I'm not a mechanic, so excuse my egnorance. Also, I will be changing the fuel filter, the service manual says to disconnect the connector to the fuel pump...then start the engine til it dies...and then disconnect the lines from the old fuel filter. Where is the connector for the fuel pump located? With this knock sensor code(PO328) is it dangerous to drive the car? Thanks for all the help.
  2. I have a 2000 Outback Wagon that has a PO328 Code with CEL light on. The car runs fine. I've been getting a PO420 code for some time, but the PO328 just happened Saturday. I had a local "oil change" outlet change the air-filter for me and they failed to install it correctly. They hadn't aligned the tabs at the bottom where the air-filter mounts and it was "sucking air in" on acseleartion. I corrected this and that's when I got the PO328 code. Is this a knock sensor code..? I plan on changing the front O2 sensor this week along with the fuel filter and PCV valve.
  3. I have a 2000 OBW that needs the front 02sensor replaced, where is this located? Thanks for the help.
  4. While driving this car at lunch...I'm going up hill..I accelarate to pass a car and I notice I don't have the power I used to have. I get some "belching" from the engine..some "missing"..before I can get enough speed tp pass. I also see that the CEL has came on and is "flashing". Is this serious? I ordered new oem wires, plugs and an o2sensor. What else do I need to look at? Does Advanced Auto still pull the codes from this car for free? Thanks...
  5. I'm getting ready to replace the plugs and wires on my 2000 OBW. Is there a "step-by-step" guide somewhere I can download for this? Anyone else done this? What do I need to be aware of when installing these? Would the service manual help me any here? Thanks for the help.
  6. No...as far as I know this hasn't been done. Would this cause this problem? What kind of plugs and wires should I get? Thanks
  7. I have a 2000 OBW with 91000 miles. I just had the head gaskets replaced plus some other things it needed (belts, etc) at this mileage. This was about 2000 miles ago. I am now getting a slight "miss" or fuel problem or transmission slip when the car is running between 30 and 45 mph. It only happens when the car has shifted to 3rd and I have to accelarate just slightly I feel a "miss" or something. After I press the gas and it shifts to another gear I don't feel this. The car operates fine when pulling out or at "highway speeds"(50+). Could this be the transmission or is it a fuel filter or something? Thanks for the help.
  8. Just wanted to let everyone know...took my Outback to dealer yesterday..yes, it was head gasket..leaking oil AND coolant. Although slowly...I wasn't seeing any loss of coolant and oil loss wasn't even reading on dip stick. AND I'm having all those things done we metioned earlier w/ no labor cost..just cost for parts, because they have to pull engine anyway. Hopefully this vehicle will last another 90-100,000..I really love this car. Just had brakes and Goodyear Assurance Tripletread tires installed about a month ago...(love those tires too.) Thanks again to everyone who posted on this thread.....love this board!!
  9. Assuming that SOA takes care of the head gaskets, and I think they will, what should I expect to pay(parts, labor, etc) for replacing the following items while the dealer has the engine pulled: 1. Oil Separator 2. Rear seal 3. All Front Seals 4. Timing Belts 5. Tensioner 6. Water Pump How many days in the shop would the above scenario involve? I'm just trying to get an idea on the magnitude of this job, and trying to have all the things done that need be done while it's already torn down. Thanks again for all the help.
  10. I have an appointment with the dealer to address the head gasket problem with my Outback. When they do the gasket job, at 89,000 miles, what other things should I have them look at? As long as they have to pull the engine anyway, what other preventative maintanence things could/should they do? Thanks alot for all the help from this board.....
  11. The fellow I spoke with at the dealership this morning told me "9 times out of 10 that's usually the problem"(head gasket). I don't seem to be loosing any coolant..and the oil leak isn't enough to leave a "spot" on the ground, but it sure looks like a mess underneath. It's seems(to me) to be pooling right under the oil pan, best I remember, and blowing back onto the "y" exhaust and then smoking. When you're setting still at idle you sometimes get, especially with the heat on, a smell of burnt something. With the heat off I smell nothing. I used to take the car to a "quickie change" place til I found out they hadn't been taking the spalsh guard off to change the oil. Pretty much destroyed the guard from all the splashed oil. I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope they do the repair and it'll take care of the problem. I really love the car, I had an 87' GL Wagon before this and put almost 200,000 on it. Thanks again.......
  12. Well...I took the Outback to a mechanic that was recommended to me.. and he says its "the cylinder head gasket on the drivers side". I called the dealer where I purchsed the vehicle and they told it SHOULD be covered under a recall. I had some Subaru "stop-leak" additive added by the dealer about 1.5 to 2 years ago from a recall letter I received concerning the head gasket, so this should cover me...right? I thought the vehicle should be leaking coolant..not oil if the head gasket was the problem. Anyway, taking it to dealer Thursday for repair. They say it's a 3 day job. Will this car be safe to drive 2 hours/120 miles to the dealer. The car is leaking a small amount of oil and blowing back onto the exhaust at the "y" underneath the engine. Thanks for all the help.
  13. well...that sucks. These are catering more to dial-ups rather than high speed connections.
  14. I'm trying to download the entire service manual for my 2000 Outback and they will only allow me 22 downloads per hour...! I have a T1 and could download the whole thing pretty quick. Is there ANOTHER way to do this? Thanks
  15. I'm looking for a good independant Subaru mechanic in the eastern Kentucky area. I live in Paintsville about 2 hours south east of Lexington and about and hour south of Ashland. Anyone with info I would appreciate it.... Thanks
  16. Thanks for the help on this. Where is the pcv valve and hose located? The same mechanic that overfilled my oil also installed a new K&N air filter at the same time. Is the hose/pcv valve near this filter? Could there be a loose hose asscosiated with the pcv valve that was mistakenly pulled loose?
  17. What is the PCV hose..what does it do..and is this an easy thing to repair? What costs can I expect for a job like this? Also, how can I determine IF it is the pcv hose that's causing the leak. Thanks.....
  18. Well..there are no leaks on the ground...but it is oil. Not sure exactly where it's coming from...I had a fellow put it on a rack for me. If your in front of the vehicle..standing under the car..about midway of the oil pan..it's leaking from up above down onto the frame of the black plastic that also holds the splash guard that you remove to change the oil filter. (Sorry I'm not a mechanic.) I cannot see anything from up above. Engine looks clean otherwise. The gentleman that changed the oil did "overfill" it, had at least 3/4 of a quart too much. When I bought the car it had around 30,000 miles on it and was well taken care of. I was using 10W40 in it and recently changed to 10W30 as recomended by Subaru. Would overfilling or changing the grade of oil have caused this? We changed the oil and put back around 4.25 quarts. Where could the leak be coming from? Thanks again.
  19. When "warming up" the car this morning, went back into house, came back to leave and smelled a strong odor, like oil or something..not sure what. I only smell this when ideling. I will check for coolant, boots, etc and repost. COULD it be transmission fluid?
  20. The last few days I've been smelling a burnt smell inside the cabin of my 2000 Outback wagon. The vehicle has 88,000 miles on it, runs great, trans shifts fine, etc. What do I need to look for? Changed oil around 1000 miles ago..added some trans fluid around 750 miles ago. Thanks for the help.
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