Hi All
This is my first post on this site
Loads of great information. Well at present I am rebuilding my rx from the ground up. I am now at the wiring stage well sort of, as I have a full front cut from a legacy I am disregarding the Rx loom and replacing it with the legacy loom I have striped the loom and yes you need sharp knife and loads of elect tape. I have only just started and am loosing hair from scratching my head so many times. I am sure I will be posting more on this subject. I have also used a legacy steering collum so I can have all my functions at my fingertips instead of fumbling around my dash. I am also using a legacy instrument panel there are a few gaps but will cover them at a later date.
You can check out my progress at cardomain.com under Subaru Leone – my rx project.
Keep up the great posts and I can answer any? I will.