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Everything posted by mikeshoup

  1. ej20g into XT Turbo That's something I totally would love to do to mine.
  2. Hope you're not using the 100/80 on stock wiring... You could very easily melt your wiring. Ask KBD, he ran some high powered bulbs in his XT6 and melted a button pod.
  3. With like a week straight of 90 degree weather, I'm getting concerned about my car's temperature. First, info about the car: its an 86 XT Turbo with an SPFI block running stock boost. I live in Golden, which about 6500 feet above sea level. Phil (KBD) said ever since Roni owned it, the car seem to run about 210-220 degrees. This seems to be above what everyone else's EA82T runs at (http://ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=58997). Phil said not to run the car above 230. Well, I noticed the car runs fine in the city. Stays right where Phil said it did, 210-220. On the highway is a different story. It climbs up to 230 quickly, and will climb above 235 unless I slow down. Now, I make frequent trips to and from Denver and staying off the highway is not a viable option. Any suggestions to cool things down a bit? - Obviously, an intercooler. That's my next project as soon as I figure out what to do with plumbing it. - What about my radiator? How can I tell if its a two row or not? Obviously, if its a single row, a two row would help. - Could this be caused by a stuck thermostat? Seems to me if the thermostat was stuck, things would get MUCH warmer. - Think an oil cooler would help? Never installed one of those. What's involved? What kinda suggestions do you guys have?
  4. The only other car maker that has rims with the same bolt pattern is Peugeot. 80s Subaru uses 4x140 bolt pattern. As for truck wheels, people do what's called a 6 lug swap. They come from a Chevy and maybe others if I remember right. If you search for the 6 lug swap, you'll figure it out.
  5. MPFI heads are the same as Turbo heads. The intake is dual port. SPFI and Carb heads are the same, intake is single port. To convert an SPFI car to MPFI, you'd need to swap heads, intake, ECU, wiring harness, possibly disty, possibly MAF, and anything else that isn't the same. Too much trouble if you ask me
  6. Decided it was time to install my cone air filter I've had sitting on my shelf since I wrecked my Toyota and took it from it. Its a 3" Diameter K&N filter. I discovered that an older Toyota Celica / Previa adapter fits PERFECT. Bolt holes line up, and the square opening in the adapter is the same dimensions as the flapper style MAF's opening. If you're have a flapper style MAF, get an adpater for an older Celica/Previa. Then it was time to wedge that cone filter in. I ended flipping the MAF upside down, and wedging the filter between the fender and the MAF. It fits snuggly. I don't think I have much more power, but the throttle response is better. Plus, it sounds great.
  7. The front (and rear) has an open differential. In ideal situations, both sides get the same amount of power. However, if one side starts slipping, all your power will start to go that wheel. So, if you lost a CV shaft on one side, regardless which side, you lose all power.
  8. Please refrain from calling people morons, flaming, etc. Only makes you look arrogant.
  9. Checked your O2 sensor? Sounds like yours is a bit off. Check the codes from your ECU and see what the ECS light is complaining about: http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=49918 That should point you in the right direction. Good luck!
  10. Pretty much any EA82 should have the same pulley. Ones I know that would be different are the XTs, as they have two 4-ribbed belts.
  11. WHY ARE YOU YELLING? (Caps makes people think you're yelling, it doesn't make them read your posts...) Anyways, yes, you can put a 2.5 engine in your EA81. Search this retrofitting forum for EJ swaps. Most people are doing them with an EJ22 (2.2 liter) instead of the EJ25, but it should be pretty much the same. Only problem would be if you're using an EJ25 with DOHC, I doubt it would fit. Yes, you can mate it up to your current transmission with an adapter plate, and redrilling your EA81 flywheel. I don't know how well a stock EA81 transmission would hold up to the power of the EJ25. Only one way to find out I guess.
  12. There definitely is a proportioning valve. My 1988 XT FSM shows one for both XT6s and XT 4cyls. My Haynes manual also shows it, but neglects to say which models it is on. Of course with anything, results will vary. Some people may feel after converting to rear disks that the proportioning valve is needed, others will say its not.
  13. If you search for EA82 conversion, you should find a bit of info on this topic. Basically, the EA82 will bolt up, but its wider, so you may have to pound some things. If you really wanna have power without going Turbo, get an EA82 MPFI from an XT.
  14. Also may need to change axles or change something on them. Turbo and non Turobs have different spline counts on the trannys.
  15. My Turbo has the water temp sender mounted in place of the original sender for the dash, right on the t-stat housing. Makes sense to me.
  16. Part that takes the longest time to do is wiring. I like to do the wiring on my desk. Grab a wiring harness for the stereo and for the car, grab my soldering iron, some heat shrink tubing, and go at it. Only bad part is these stupid common ground speaker systems.
  17. Sounds like they got the dimmer wire wrong or something. Maybe they hooked up the switch 12v to the dimmer wire. Heck if I know. That's why I install stereos myself. Free installation isn't worth a headache if things don't go right.
  18. I gots one, hoping to have a second. We could do this family-wise, then that's three: My 86 XT Turbo, running Brother's 89 GL 3dr, running Mom's 99 Legacy Wagon, running 3 for 3
  19. If you can get the parts, its not hard. Sounds like you'll have trouble getting the parts. Any EA82 with SPFI (maybe, late model Loyale/Leones?) (Throttle Body Injection) will have an intake mani that will bolt right up to your heads. Someone even created a nifty manual for conversion: http://mshoup.us/docs/spfi_conversion_manual.pdf I dunno who, but it wasn't me.
  20. Well, if we do all meet at DrKrazy's place, I can be there. I'm a Golden'ite too.
  21. Hm. Those are the same that came with my XT. I wonder what brand those are?
  22. Sounds like something called the governor gear. The 3ATs appear to be notorious for this. More info: http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/USRM2/Transmission/Governor/ATgovenorclean.htm
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