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Everything posted by mikeshoup

  1. Problem with this is he may not know what to look for... Search for 5-lug swap. It usually entails using parts from an XT6 to obtain the 5lug bolt pattern. Good luck! (btw, why are we always so quick to say use the search function? Can't we give some details about what to do, then tell them to search?)
  2. Phil and I pulled the heads off sunday. Here's the right head gasket:
  3. Jeff: http://www.economysuperstar.com/milesfox/subaru/service/timingbelt-index.htm That should help you. After reading everyone else's posts about timing belts... On the flywheel (when you look through the hole) there should be a spot with three lines. Line up the middle line with the pointer.
  4. The ECU from an 88 won't work in an 86. Besides from the 86 having a flapper maf instead of the hotwire, there's a few more differences. You're gonna need an ECU from an 86 Turbo
  5. I second the head gaskets. As for the problems with fuel, pull the ECU codes. There's instructions in the USRM (see the link at the top of the page)
  6. Sweet setup you got. I like your intercooler. I don't like the muffler either... seems ricey to me. I'm not a big fan of the color. Too bright for the car I think. To each their own though!
  7. All's I know is my car sure won't run with a blown head gasket very well. I guess it all depends on what part of the head gasket breaks.
  8. Question about catch cans, how do they get plumbed in? The ones I see have one inlet and outlet. So how would this work on the Subarus, where you have two tubes coming off the valve covers, and one coming from the PCV Valve? Would you have to merge all three, run them to the inlet, and then run the outlet to the intake tubing?
  9. I guess I should have read what you were talking about. I thought we were talking about something with keeping bandwidth costs for USMB low. (which, bandwidth shouldn't be the correct term for) The warning for 56k users is because a 56k modem only has a band wide enough for 56kilobits per second... so if you post a picture in a post instead of a link, it will take longer for the whole page to load. Very annoying when you're reading something, and the whole page jumps because a picture just loaded, moving everything around. Plus, its a waste of time when you just want to see one picture, and not every other one.
  10. Platinum is just a poorer conductor than copper. If you have a weak coil, it could cause weak sparks.
  11. Depends on the gasket I think. Some are just made flimsy and you can tell.
  12. Sure that's a cooling line? Sounds like the AAV line. Its the valve that allows air into the intake so you can idle. If you look at the intake plenum (that 4WD cover), there's no coolant lines or anything in, just air. I beleive the purpose of the AAV being so close to the thermostat housing is so that it can feel what temperature that car's at, so it knows when it needs to idle high or low.
  13. Sweet XT Turbo. Looks like you got DiabloGL's : http://xt6.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5544 I really like those colors. Almost just as much as the Red/Black two tone on mine.
  14. This depends on where the image is hosted. The USMB server knows no difference if the pictures is hosted on say photobucket, because your computer has to go out and download the photo from photobucket instead. Now if the picture is hosted in the gallery, or attached to the message. Then, yes, it uses bandwidth from USMB. Either way, linking to the picture is still better than posting the image directly imho, unless the image is small.
  15. Sounds most likely a loose connection to me. My XT6 did it right after I put on to battery terminal clamps. I didn't have the wire going to the starter in good enough, and so it would do the same thing.
  16. If the 91 Subaru is a Loyale, yes. if its a legacy, it wouldn't be worth the trouble to put it in.
  17. awdpirates seems geared more towards newer vehicles, and mostly contains Evos and WRXs. I just don't like the feel to it.
  18. Another tip: 88 XT6s don't exist in their database, order for a 89 XT6. 90 XT6s DO however exist, and the informed knows that Subaru didn't sell the XT6 in 90... they skipped a model year.
  19. Sounds like maybe expected too much, or the wrong things from a group? A website is a great idea, but forums are a bit too much for a group of even twenty people (if it were ever that high). From past experiences, what works best is a group maililng list. You know, one of those that when someone sends an e-mail to blah@blah, it goes out to everyone on the list. Something like that could easily be setup and it seems to keep more people active in it. Only downside, is with large groups, mailing lists can get very annoying. I think it could be done if group get-togethers were planned about once a month. We could hold meetings, talk about our cars, talk about cool subaru things, life, etc. I don't know, just thoughts to think over.
  20. The reaction that goes on to deploy an airbag is not a very dangerous explosive. What happens is a series of chemical reactions that end up inflating the airbag. It starts when the sensor detects deceleration, and then ignites a pellet of NaN3, which produces Na (sodium), and N2 (nitrogen gas). The pellet of NaN3 itself is hazardous, but the products of it igniting are not. Once the can is seperated from the airbag, if you some how accidentally set off the canister (unlikely), you would just end up releasing Nitrogen gas. As I said, its a series of reactions, and the NaN3 pellet is just the initial reaction. More info can be found http://www.chemistry.wustl.edu/~edudev/LabTutorials/Airbags/airbags.html Just trying to dispell any myths about dynamite grade explosives being in front of you.
  21. Lotsa Colorado Subaru owners out here. As far as I know, the only restrictions are done by county/city, and rarely, if ever enforced. And you can still pass your emissions test anywhere in colorado regardless of the safety of the vehicle. As long as the smog suckers are happy, you're good. Last time I went to the e-test place, the car in line in front of me had large holes of rust everywhere, and they passed him. Hey, who wants to form a Colorado Subaru club with me?
  22. I got it too if the school's VPN picks its pace up... http://mshoup.us/docs/spfi_conversion_manual.pdf There you goes!
  23. I would like to dispel beleifs about red being a cop attractor. I only got pulled over in my ugly tan colored Chevy Celebrity (didn't get a ticket). That thing was a brick. Never have been pulled over in my old Red Toyota coupe, nor have I yet in my Red XT Turbo. I was a crazy driver with my Toyota. I did things I deserved tickets for. I beleive red in no way makes your car a cop attractor.
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