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Everything posted by torxxx

  1. ahhhh, gotcha.. thanks for lettin me know... I feel dumb now :boohoo:
  2. flow, I'm not worried about the IM.. I'm gonna take my test again here pretty quick and hopefully my car will still pass, then I want to rip the sh!t off after that.... What all do I need to do? or should I say what all can I take off?
  3. Front passenger is #1 cylinder Firing order is 1 3 2 4 Distribution rotation is counterclockwise
  4. yah I believe so.. want me to go check my disty?
  5. 8 degrees for a manual I believe I'll go check on my car
  6. Can I put diff lock on my 86 GL wagon? its not LSD... its a 3.9 ratio rear end... What exactly is the type of rear end? Both tires seem to spin the same when I'm on the gas hard
  7. I ran into the same problem with those damn blue/white bulbs.... I like the color in the snow or on a dry road, but wet roads seem to absorb all the light... Get a set of Ultra White Foul Weather Lights.. (34 bucks at schucks) the combo of those works awesome. Oh and about higher wattage bulbs.. I ran 100 Watt lamps in my 86 for a few months and I do a lot of night time driving and I had no problems with melting wires or melting the housing...
  8. I read something somewhere about someone that took off all the emission control stuff off an EA82.. I'm just wondering if anyone here has ever done it? and if so, what all has to be done... I might do that after I pass my next IM since they are good for 2 years...
  9. my bad man.. I musta been thinkin about my truck.. The adjustment screw is on the bottom like Subarube said... It is hidden not quite behind the bumper and that little piece of body panel that runs under the bottom edge of the grill. You should be able to access that with a 8 inch phillips and just pry up a little on the piece of body panel heres an diagram.. see if it helps [---] |-|-|-|-|-|-|-| [---] <---- Headlight --*--------------------*-- <------ Height Adj. screw (*) (----) body panel {--------------------------} <----- Bumper
  10. So then can I leave the stabilzer Bar wheres its at and just disconnect it? or is it going to get in the way? Results sound great.. I hate that GODDAMN Wheel Hop when you turn on to side streets.... No one answered my questions about Highway speed.. Thats the only thing that might keep me from disconnecting it. my car is a daily driver and I make hte occasional 400 mile trip to Valdez to go snowboarding some I'm wondering what effects its going to have on body roll at 70 mph or so....
  11. Yeah, I gotta do the same thing tommorow.. When you do it, the trick is to SLOWLY pour in antifreeze.. Make sure your heater fan is on full blast and you have it on hot air Vent...
  12. So I have a clunk coming from my steering gear.. Just wondering what I'm going to need to replace, and if anyone has any good shortcuts to pulling the steering gear..
  13. and when your saying Sway bar, your talking about the Stabilizer Bar correcT?
  14. Guys who've pulled the sway bar... you said the car has more body roll.. How fast did you guys run your cars after doing it? I like the idea of having the front work more indepently.. I do lots of loggin road rallying and I hate the bounce the bar makes
  15. sounds exactly like my car.. your choke could be messed up, and the Fast idle on EA82s go out. check both
  16. Loyale have big single lights or dual small lights on each side? There should be a screw on the top of the lamp and the side... screw the top in to move lights up
  17. ahh once again I forget that I have a car w/o AC.. hehe sorry boutt that...
  18. K.. Well I guess I shoulda said this earlier.. My car is a 86 GL wagon 5 speed DR MT. No AC, no belt driven fan, just single electric on on the passenger side of the radiator. I might just install a Red dot heater in my car.. prolly easier then fighting the engine for heat Sub Junkie, where'd you grow up in Alaska?
  19. get a few 500 ft long extention cords and an outlet expander.. lol.... as far as the oil pan heater goes, I've had really good luck using a battery blanket wrapped around my oil pan.. Drop your skid plate over the pan and the blanket fits snug around the oil pan, then throw a loop of bailing wire around it... Its 10x easier then trying to get all the oil and grime off the bottom to put one of those sh!tty glue on heaters.. The battery blanket warms the whole pan, instead of just the bottom like a glue on one
  20. STOP!!!!! Did the latch break or did the cable snap? I got an EA82 and when the cable snapped, all you have to do is reach up between the grill and raidator )from the bottom) and its about forearms reach up to the hood latch.. There is a release that the cable is hooked to.. If I remember correctly the release is on the left side of the latch and you push it towards the drivers side of the car.. Pop, hood opens
  21. I just got back from my mechanics and he told me to get a 205 degree General Motors Thermostat. They are the same size and they work for extreme cold spells like we have up here in Fairbanks... The only thing is when it warms up above 40 above, gotta swap out that thermo and put the 180 back in.. Nother question about the electric fan.. The thermostat controls when the fan kicks on correct? What do I have to do about running a bypass toggle switch off the FAn so I can turn off the auto turn on? (my english sucks) Ideally the switch would be for right now, where my short drives, I dont need the fan to turn on.. Any Idears anyone?
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