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Everything posted by burtonsnowman

  1. Okay...maybe my statement was an exaggeration. It burns one quart per 500 miles.
  2. Word. I might buy it if it were a 275-mile downhill run with the car in neutral (idling) and no accessories running.
  3. I hate to be the nay-sayer, but...nay. I don't buy it - nearly 40 MPG at an average speed of 85 MPH? Also, how can you prove that it was exactly 7 gallons? Or that your speedo (and therefore your odo) is correct? 40 is somewhat hard to believe. And high-octane fuel shouldn't have a performance-boosting effect on a naturally aspirated car.
  4. I don't know if I'd go that far...I think you are overlooking the cars that come out of Korea...
  5. Wow...thanks for that awesome advice, sir... So, I kept driving and I'm averaging (over the course of 7 fill-ups) somewhere in the 19.2 range. Monday (payday) I'm going to replace these parts. Hee hee, good one. A Subaru with 258k miles on it...YES IT USES OIL! ...Burns oil like a motha' trucka'...
  6. Beat me to it. that's what I was going to say. ...Or just leave the little panel off when you're in the car (put it back on when the car is left unattended).
  7. Being the obsessive-compulsive symmetrist loser that I am...that video really bothers me. THEY NEVER TURN/DRIFT/SPIN to the right! They made a bazzilion right turns, but not left! AAAAAAARGH! But I am jealous anyway. It was a sweet video. I want to try it...with someone else's car.
  8. That should work on your EA82... Let me remember back to when I had an EA82 wagon... I think that space on the other side...or maybe there are two compartments like that... I don't know. But there is at least one. (p.s. RdNkBrt...love the picture!)
  9. Uh... Ship it to me. I'll take a look at it, test it out, and get back to you later.
  10. Oh yeah... I'm an idiot...a big one... Wait, what if it's not? Any other ideas? (Not that I don't believe you...)
  11. 1992 Legacy. It's got plenty of gasoline, it turns over...but it don't fire up. It's got new plugs and a healthy battery. ???????????? Flywheel? Starter? eh? HELP!
  12. I've got a '93 Loyale with the auto. Top speed = doo doo. It's terrible for road trips, but it hasn't been unreliable at all. Car's got 130k on the original engine/tranny and it runs like a champ. It's gutless as all get-out, but whatever. It's a Subaru! I'm used to it! As far as 0-60 MPH goes, it's a hair faster than my EA81 hatch (4 spd. D/R). All in all, I don't mind it so much, except it's never gotten better than 25 MPG.
  13. Make sure the belt that drives your A/C is good...wait, EA82 land - I don't belong here. Gotta go! (Hey, my A/C blows ice cold in the 1982 wagon! Neener neener neeeeeeener! When I turn that sucker on AC MAX, it's like Vostok up in there! ...For those of you not familiar with Vostok, click here.)
  14. Good grief...cars like this exist? Pff...barn cars make me mad that my dad never kept his sweet rides...
  15. That's right where the seat-heater switches are in our (U.S.) cars...but the switch don't look like that... It looks like a "sprayer" picture. Weird.
  16. Oh crap. I just laughed so hard at "death wedge"...I don't know why that's funny, but it is. Oh, heartless...I heard about your perils...sorry, man. I see my little "incident" as adding more character to my car, not ugly-ing it up more! Thank goodness for parts cars! The new side marker light is installed and working wonderfully (too bad I can't say the same for my fender/bumper, which now have a *sweet* tree mark in them...)!
  17. Wonder where I can find a right-hand drive car? Hmm...time to start looking for a mail Subaru... "...Yes, hello? U.S. Postal Service? Uh huh...I'd like to..."
  18. You're crazy. But then again, so is everyone else here... Seems a tad expensive, but... I say give it a shot.
  19. No joke! I am a wee bit sore, but I suppose it's mild whiplash. No big deal. Last time something like this happened, I rolled the car (see my avatar?). But that was deer-related, not driver-is-a-retard-related...
  20. Okay, here's the story: I'm cruisin' along the most icy-slippery road in within 20 miles of my house, on my way to the ol' community college (yawn) when I decide to bust out some of my sweet Petter Solberg ninja-Subaru-rally moves. I'm passing people (like a complete idiot) at 50 MPH and cooking right along...so then I think I will lock 'em up a little (and regain control) just for fun. That was my mistake. Not cool, Tyler. Car starts to boogie sideways (still holding a solid 45 MPH). I regain a little control. Car slides a little the other way. I regain a little more control. Tires roll through a nasty pothole, then a big crack in the road. It's all over. Car then goes into a 45-degree-to-the-road uncontrolled slide into oblivion across traffic, through the ditch, striking a tree at a pretty decent speed. Right in the bumper. The tree stopped me instantly. Uh oh... So, I call up my friend (who drives a '93 Loyale) and have him pull me out - it was easy in an easy chair...no problem for the ol' Loyale rollin' on studs. From that point, I assessed the damages. They are as follows: - Fender munched - Side marker light GONE - Bumper thrashed - Grille = bye bye - One tire flat So, with the help of my old buddy Fix-A-Flat, I was off on my way to finish my 35-mile commute! I'll try to take some pictures to share with y'all my car's new "character".
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