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Everything posted by burtonsnowman

  1. Hee hee...guess who's already been up three times this season............if you guessed me, you'd be right!
  2. Well...I'll give you the easy to work on and fun to drive part...I don't know about good-looking (as far as the older ones go). Well, hey, robertwheeler, don't give up now! Stick with us a little longer, please! (Someone perform Subaru resuscitation on this man!)
  3. There has got to be some super-sticky stuff you can use... hmm... I say go back to the dealer. If you start drilling, isn't there a possibility of blowing the airbags?
  4. You need to make yourself a non-interference OBS! Rob that Legacy dry! (What part of Idaho are you in?)
  5. Mine's got over a quarter of a million miles on 'er and she runs like a top - rain or shine...in snow, sleet, hail, torrential downpours and the like...I drive her 104 miles every weekday and another 160 on the weekends. The thing won't die. It starts in the cold and the hot...It's an awesome engine. Sure it's gutless as all get-out and the carb pretty much sucks, but I wouldn't trade it for the world... Keep the EA81!
  6. That's what I was thinking...a supercharged EG33 pushing a hatch or Gen 1 BRAT or EA82 would be sweet! The possibilities are endless! (By the way...if you end up using an EG33 or 3.0 with forced induction, let me know how you did it - that's my next mission...)
  7. Heck yes! I was just thinking that same thing! Tons o' snow, tons o' drifting, tons o' fun! Yeeyuh! Hey, what part of WA are you in?
  8. That was my first thought...but, then again, that definitely should not cause shudder in the steering wheel. You should only feel that in the brake pedal...
  9. #1 = ('88 2WD Rusty-Trusty-Musty-Justy) Bought it for $20 when I was 15. Death rallied it on the property when my parents weren't home. It threw a rod. Sold it for $50 with a trashed engine. #2 = (1991 Loyale) Mom's daily driver. Awesome car. Mint condition. Rolled it the day after I got my driver's license (see avatar). My dad, against my orders, gave it away to a friend. The engine is now in an airplane. #3 = (1982 Hatch) Selling it to my buddy (dirt cheap) when he returns from Africa at the end of December. /\ #2 and #3 were/still are rust-free, baby... /\
  10. Sweet - it's blue. It's nice to see something other than the generic green on those things.
  11. Check out the North American Subaru Impreza Owner's Club (nasioc.com). There is a bunch of good info there on building Subaru engines. (WARNING: There are also a bunch of BS-ers there.)
  12. I'd have to agree with Manarius. Go with the pinks. That's what all the guys are doing... And I suppose you mean 400HP at the crank, right? Surely you don't mean at the wheels...You'll shred that car's drivetrain in seconds.
  13. What's this project going to end up like? What is your build plan...?
  14. Aaaah, I know that story all too well! Try driving a 240SX for all of a pacific Northwest winter - you become wary...and scared...maybe a better driver, too. Now it's only Subes for me! Glad you and the car are (semi-) all right!
  15. If you can get it for under $2k, it's a good deal - even with the work that needs to be done...NADA puts it at $4775 in average condition.
  16. I think I read somewhere that you see gains in handling (in RWD and AWD cars) at something like 140 MPH...I could be wrong, though. Other sources say anything over 100 MPH. As far as on a FWD car (Neon, etc.), no gain at all...as you get plenty of traction at high speeds. Hence... /\ Totally functional and necessary /\ Also... ...
  17. Okay, okay...I have to admit it - I do like your analogy. But seriously, one dude condemning them is not going to stop (or even slow down) the epidemic. There are just some that won't ever learn...
  18. I'm sorry, but that post was just silly...If people want to break the law...let them. The cops will get 'em eventually. Your goofy statements like this are not going to frighten them into submission or give them an instant reasonable, intelligent brain to work with. Come on, man... (sorry for the hijack...)
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