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Everything posted by burtonsnowman

  1. Is this an increase over Gen 1s or Gen 2s? Or the first batch of '05+ models? 1.1" is quite a bit...they measure from the pumpkin, right?
  2. The point about EVERY EJ25 not having HG problems is a very valid one. There are tons of 2.5s rolling around with TONS of miles - doing just fine. EXAMPLE: My friend has a '98 2.5GT with 198k - never had a problem of any sort. The dang thing barely even burns oil!
  3. "Bein' that this is a Phase I EJ25 - the most unreliable Subaru egine in the world, you gotta ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? ...Well, do ya...PUNK?"
  4. I think there are only two words to describe all the emotions I feel right now... HOLY CRAP. That RULES!
  5. Oh, dang... In the words of Bon Jovi... I think SOMEONE was just "shot through the heart..." That was cold, man...I don't know if that was called for...(but I do like your style!) But I do think this thread is beginning to spiral into boring, redundant, pointless argument status FAST... (But that's just coming from a 17-year-old who happens to know everything, too.)
  6. All right...easy there, cowboy... No one was trying to make a personal attack. He has a valid point. In the words of the Fab Four... "Let it be" And as for the manual shifting...there is a reason for those numbers and shifter positions being there. If we weren't supposed to use them, your shifter would have only four positions: PARK, REVERSE, NEUTRAL and DRIVE. Fortunately for us, car manufacturers like to let us have some fun...
  7. Okay...here's the deal...I am buying '99 SUS and would like to know if the performance parts (exhaust pieces mostly) for 2.5 GT models will fit. The engine is the same. The only difference is that the SUS has raises suspension, right?
  8. Yeah, I don't mind getting wet or cold - as long as the doors are functional and tough (looking sweet is also a bonus). I think I will look into tube doors. That would be sweet. Does anyone know what a good way to go about this would be? Any excellentdesign ideas/tips? A good shape? What tubing to use?
  9. I was thinking safari doors would be sweet. Do you think that as long as I made sure the doors were stiff enough and hit the same places on the body as the old ones, they would provide proper support and strength for the unibody? Also, does anyone know of others who have done this? Or anything along the lines of home-fabbed doors? I kind of want to know what other folks have run into and what to avoid...
  10. That really does suck, man. Good thing it can be fixed. At least the $20,000 you get for your injuries will pay for the damages.
  11. Right on, man. That is one sweet BRAT. (Well...we all know that any BRAT is sweet...)
  12. So here's the deal. My friend and I have a '92 Legacy and we want to replace the bashed up doors. We picked some up from the junkyard, but the more we think wbout it, the more we want to do something else... So... Has anyone fabricated new, custom doors for a Legacy, or know of a good way to do that? I was thinking tube doors, or some kind of half doors. Got any ideas?
  13. My windows will do about 90 MPH and take a leg off if it gets in their way. Power windows by ARMSTRONG, baby...
  14. Had the same problem on other cars... Usuallt ends up being the master. Dump some brake fluid into it. See if it leaks back out. If it does...not cool. Start your inspection with the master cylinder and work your way around the other parts. (But quite frequently this ends up being a master/slave cylinder problem.) Hope you get it worked out!
  15. Yeah, same thing happened to me. Ouch. Can you say 'flat spot'? My tires never went through more hell...55 mph lockup...bad...
  16. Uh, how about the obvious - JEFFAST? NORICEY HNDAKIL (Honda Kill) HNDAKLR XT6PIMP PIMPXT6 EXTESIX
  17. I wish I raced... I do, however, drive like a maniac on the windy, hilly dirt roads around here. It's pretty much the hardest rally course ever. Its got snow, puddles, mud, dirt, asphalt, gravel, trees, hills, you know, the usual...
  18. There's a "Fun Justy" out where I live...you guys seen those before? It looks like a regular Justy, except on the side, it's got the words " Fun Justy".
  19. They still put the (non-interference) EJ22 in '96 Outbacks with manual transmissions, didn't they? To me, that sounds pretty appealing...because I want an Outback, but I also want the EJ22... Does anyone have figures on what the estimated likelihood of HG problems is on the EJ25s?
  20. I just downloaded that song and am rocking to it quite frequently now.
  21. I just looked at this thread for the first time. I used to just ignore it... If you make the DVDs count me for at least one.
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